Home exercise equipment for legs: a review of models and reviews

If we are talking about the female body, then the legs are a very attractive part of it. Women always have a desire to make their legs as slender and beautiful. But it is worth saying that any man would like to be the owner of healthy legs. There is one universal option for both requests - this is training.

In the frenzied rhythm of modern life, there is not always time for a gym. Therefore, the issue of homework is very relevant. Consider today which leg simulators are there that you can keep right in your apartment. There are two large subtypes of such products. Exercise machines for legs can be cardio-directional and power. Let's start with the first type and see what the modern world of home sports equipment offers us.

Ellipse trainer

This is a home complex. On such a simulator, you can work out not only the legs, but also all the major muscle groups. Today there is a wide selection of this kind of simulators for every taste and budget. The main disadvantage of this sports equipment is its solid size and price.

It's all up to you. If your budget allows and the dimensions of your apartment are solid, then why not?

elliptical trainer

Exercise bike

Also a comprehensive device that has proven itself. There are many models from the simplest to the professional. Prices are appropriate. Of the minuses, everything is the same as the "ellipse", that is, the size and not the lowest price.

Again, similar aspects when buying. Consider the size of your home and the financial possibilities of the family budget.

exercise bike for home


Another comprehensive simulator on which you can work out both the legs and the body. The device is rather big, very good at working on its body. Such a simulator is not very easy to find, and the prices for the models are quite high. If necessary, this sports equipment will not be easy to sell in the secondary market, due to its exclusivity.

rowing machine


On such a simulator, you can lose extra pounds, as well as work on your legs. It involves the main muscle groups of the legs. There is a very large selection of treadmills both in type (mechanical, magnetic, electric) and in price.



This is a good representative from the section of leg simulators for home. By themselves, such devices are very compact. There is no problem keeping such sports equipment even in the smallest apartment.

Work on the stepper is to some extent an imitation of climbing stairs up. Stepper works on the muscles of the hips, buttocks and lower leg. That is, this simulator is not complex, but isolated. Like all others, which we will consider below.

There are models of steppers, additionally equipped with expanders, you can also work your hands on such simulators, but this is a very rare type of use. Reviews about them are not too flattering, because the hands are inefficiently trained while working on such equipment. It’s easier and more correct to first work out separately the legs on the stepper, and then do some exercises for the arm muscles.

foot stepper

Pedal block

This is a certain reduced and simplified analogue of an exercise bike. This option is compact, it is very simple to store in the apartment. Training is very effective and works perfectly all the muscles of the legs. The cost of such simulators is noticeably lower than their full-size counterparts. The foot pedal simulator is quite popular among buyers. He has good reviews.

pedal block

The exercise machine for legs "Butterfly"

β€œButterfly” is a type of expander; a spring is located in the center of the simulator. On two sides of the spring are some levers, they are curved in semicircles. The levers are covered with a special material that protects the treadmill from sliding during operation and from rubbing the user's skin.

The principle of operation is simple. The elastic spring, which is located in the center of the simulator, physically makes it difficult for the levers to approach each other. This is leg training. The muscles of the inner thighs are mainly worked out.

Customer reviews of the Butterfly simulator characterize it as effective. But these same reviews suggest that training with the Butterfly needs good self-organization. There are many interesting and varied exercises for this simulator.

Slide Master or Leg Magic Trainers

Such a leg simulator has very good commercial performance. Equipment of this type is well advertised and sold. If you believe the manufacturers, then with this sports equipment manages to use all the muscles of the lower body. The legs, abs, back are worked out perfectly, and the most important load falls on the buttocks. At the same time, during training there is no load on the joints.

The design of the device is very simple. The vertical steel frame has two movable horizontal platforms for the training feet . The involved muscles receive a load solely due to the weight of the user, at the time of mixing and raising legs.

To some extent, this is also a leg stretcher. The minus of the product, judging by the reviews, is that to work on it you need at least some basic sports level, it is especially hard for such a simulator for people with a lot of weight. Sometimes you should first get rid of extra pounds, and then deal with this equipment.

Power trainers for legs

This is a different kind of load. Work on such equipment refers to the basic exercises when exercising in fitness rooms with "iron", which involves the largest leg muscles. It is advisable to work out movements during initial visits to the gym.

Is it possible to put such equipment at home? Only if your home has a sufficiently large area, is there a dedicated room for sports and the location of volumetric simulators.

How to choose the right product

In order to determine the type of simulator, you need to clearly decide for yourself what exactly you want to get from your classes.

Some devices will help you adjust your figure, but will be almost useless in matters of weight loss.

You should also understand what kind of leg muscles you want to work out to a greater extent. The point is that each leg simulator acts differently on a variety of muscle groups.

Estimate in advance the dimensions of your apartment and the amount of free space in it. Sometimes this moment is extremely important and is key. You should like your new simulator, otherwise very soon it will become a clothes hanger, and not your faithful friend in working on your body.

Try to choose not the cheapest exercise equipment for leg muscles, because they are sometimes extremely inconvenient to use. Better to take something average in price. Avoid unverified manufacturers, so as not to look for a craftsman who can repair this type of equipment. After all, I do not want to pay for the goods, and then get injured or pay extra money for repairs.

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