Face lifting at home

The laws of gravity have not yet been canceled. Therefore, sooner or later, every woman begins to notice that the skin of her face becomes less attractive, fades, loses tone and elasticity. Of course, the lady has a desire to hide all these shortcomings.

What to do?

Of course, you can turn to a salon for help, but if you cannot afford it, you should try to do face lifting at home. This is a procedure aimed at rejuvenating the skin, smoothing wrinkles, tightening facial contours, reducing pigmentation and getting rid of small scars, acne. The non-surgical lifting technique at home helps to improve the appearance of the skin without time and money. Another important advantage of this method is that there is no risk of possible complications, as when visiting a surgical room.

Where to begin?

First of all, ladies who decide to have a facelift at home should decide on the procedures that they will do. In any case, in order to carry out this process at home, you need to have special tools for superficial and deep face lifting.

Means: what are and how are they different?

Superficial - it is aimed at combating very fine wrinkles and tightening contours. Tools for this type of lifting, as a rule, act quickly. A noticeable result is already visible after a couple of procedures. However, if these actions are stopped, the facial skin will quickly lose its elasticity, so they need to be carried out constantly. Tools for this type of lifting are available in the form of creams, masks, serums.

In addition to the ingredients that help smooth wrinkles, these products also contain those that tighten the skin. The composition of cosmetic preparations necessarily includes: seaweed and collagen, all kinds of complexes - the authors' own developments.

Funds aimed at deep lifting the face at home, act deeper, help to improve the production of collagen and glucosaminoglycans. But they do not give quick results. These include: various masks, self-massage and face lifting gymnastics. With the help of masks, blood circulation is improved, metabolism is established and the skin begins to β€œbreathe”.

Self massage

This procedure will help to preserve the elasticity and firmness of the muscles of the face, contributes to the entry into the skin of a larger number of beneficial substances. Such a massage is a great way to get rid of swelling on the face.

This process is based on light stroking movements that improve blood supply to tissues and outflow of lymph, as well as strengthen the muscles of the face. With your fingertips, for 3 minutes, stroke your forehead from the bottom up, and then towards the temples, stroke your cheeks. It is best to do about 20 procedures of such massage at a time, while they need to be done at least 3 times a week. Before this, it is necessary to clean the skin of the hands and face.

Also, face lifting at home sometimes includes a special, contrasting self-massage, directed against the double chin. It is performed with a towel and water. Four folded cloths need to be wetted in salted cold water. Then grasp its ends and gently pat them on the chin at least 10 times. Then moisten the towel already in warm water and repeat the procedure.


Using lifting gymnastics for the face, his muscles are trained, and the contours acquire sharper contours. Blood circulation improves, cells are supplied with nutrients and oxygen. This is important for youth and beauty of the skin, because the muscles of the face become stronger, more elastic, and the skin color improves.

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