Woodworking enterprises and their place in the country's economy

Woodworking enterprises

Our country is in one of the leading places in world timber reserves. The reason for this is the combination of qualitative and quantitative diversity of raw materials throughout its territory. That is why woodworking enterprises, which produced a huge variety of products, acquired great importance in the Russian economy. It is difficult to list the assortment of goods manufactured at the factories of this industry - sleepers, furniture with lumber, containers with matches, skis, kitchen equipment, as well as musical instruments, etc. In short, everything that can be obtained and processed from wood is produced by woodworkers enterprises in its many divisions.

A bit of history

Large woodworking enterprises

In Russia, woodworking has been around for quite some time. The roots of this type of activity are drawn from subsistence farming, when people created mostly handicrafts. Gradually, this craft began to take shape in production. And already at the beginning of the eighteenth century, woodworking enterprises began to gain momentum. Small furniture factories, sawmills, match factories, etc. were opened in the eastern regions. Large woodworking enterprises were mainly located in Siberia, where taiga grew, which provided the main raw materials. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, there was a significant increase in production in this industry, but its material and technical base was still not sufficiently developed. Therefore, for the most part, the production of lumber prevailed, and complex wood products were still created manually by handicraftsmen.

In the USSR, woodworking enterprises working with this environmentally friendly raw material were created throughout the territory. The most powerful plants were located in the Far East, in Karelia, in the Sverdlovsk region. The scientific approach began to be widely applied: several research institutes were created that were engaged in the study of the properties of raw materials, drying technologies, as well as storage conditions.

Woodworking enterprises of Russia

In post-perestroika times, when business began to grow rapidly, this industry received a new impetus for development. The share of private production, especially those producing furniture, implements, containers, increased. About a third of all timber mined for some time was intended for export. However, for several years now, the Russian government, having reduced the export of unprocessed timber, began to stimulate the deep processing of raw materials within the state.

Industry today

Woodworking enterprises in our country related to the forest industry carry out the processing of raw materials by mechanical or chemical means. They are represented by sawmills - factories that produce lumber, as well as technological chips, sleepers or billets. The second type of their activity is the production of prefabricated wooden houses or standard detailed sets of parts for their construction. Many factories are engaged in the production of wood fiber, better known as fiberboard, or chipboard - chipboard, as well as building parts and joinery.

Woodworking enterprises of Russia

The primary raw materials for the production of almost twenty thousand items are round assortments - sawlogs, sleeper, balance, etc. It is processed at sawmills and timber sawmills, using for the manufacture of plates, plywood and matches.

Many Russian woodworking enterprises are located near logging points of float. The largest of them are in the Urals and North-West, as well as in the Siberian and Far Eastern districts.

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