How to grow nails in 1 day at home?

It is impossible to imagine a modern beauty without a manicure in the proper form, harmoniously complementing the sophistication of a female image. Well-groomed hands with healthy radiant nails are a kind of indicator of neatness, accuracy and self-care. But at what cost is this result achieved? After all, you have to constantly work on eliminating fragility, strengthening the nail plate, and stimulating growth. It is the latter that is considered a difficult task, requiring considerable effort and the use of special tools. And so I want the manicure to become longer and more beautiful in the shortest possible time. But how to grow nails in 1 day? There are ways to help with the answer, it is about them that will be discussed later.

True Beauty - Natural

In order not to worry every day about the frame of their own fingers, many women resort to such tricks as nail extensions. But there are proponents of naturalness who do not recognize artificial forms. And it’s nothing that there is more trouble with natural nails, because they need to be regularly monitored and corrected as they grow. But real men appreciate everything natural - this is undeniable. Of course, it was lucky for those ladies who have no problems with this from birth, while others have to do their utmost to try to improve at least what is.

Therefore, we reserve our patience and gradually establish how to grow nails in 1 day at home. To begin with, it will not be superfluous to establish factors that accelerate and slow down this process. The first include:

  • competent use of manicure;
  • sufficient intake of vitamins;
  • improved blood circulation in the fingers;
  • hormonal changes.

To the second:

  • lean diet for nutrients;
  • mechanical damage to nails (bad habits);
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • indefinite use of manicure tools;
  • neglect of hygiene;
  • temperature changes.

how to grow nails in 1 day

Given these features, you can consider different options for how to grow nails in 1 day, and choose the most suitable specifically for yourself.

Option One: Massage

This method will require exposure and will prove its effectiveness only after a certain time. You do not even need the help of a specialist. Every evening, on the eve of the usual procedures before going to bed, massage your fingers. So you accelerate blood circulation, and hence the influx of nutrients to the nails, which will contribute to their growth. The main condition is systematic. Soon this tradition will not be a burden to you, but a joy.

how to grow nails in 1 day by 2 cm at home

Option Two: Paraffin Therapy

In order not to suffer from the problem of how to grow nails in 1 day, you can resort to another effective method, which is as effective as massage in effectiveness. This is paraffin therapy. It has simply magical properties: it enriches with useful elements, and stimulates blood circulation, and saturates with oxygen. The only caveat is that for the procedure you will need to tinker with the melting of wax or cosmetic paraffin. But for a truly motivated woman, this is an overcome obstacle.

how to grow nails in 1 day at home

Option Three: Baths

To the fair sex, racking their brains over how to grow nails in 1 day at home, the method with preparing special baths is perfect. Moisture in itself is very beneficial for the hands, but if you add a few useful ingredients such as lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt to the liquid, you will help yourself eliminate some defects on the nail plate. There is a view of fragility, brittleness, slow growth. It is only necessary to allocate a few minutes a day for manipulations with dipping fingers in a miraculous solution. Just keep in mind that in the end you should not wash your hands under running water, wash off the nutrients, and then all efforts will be in vain. Better use a napkin and apply a moisturizer.

how to grow nails in 1 day by 1 cm

Another plus of this option is that you can resort to it with your daughter, who will feel like a real little princess, taking care of a decent manicure. You don’t have to worry about how to grow nails in 1 day for children. Most importantly, this method is absolutely safe for health.

Option Four: Vitamins

How to grow nails in one day at home? Resort to vitamins. This is a wonderful tool that does not require large financial costs. We are talking about liquid vitamin E, which can easily be found on pharmacy shelves. Wash your hands thoroughly, or rather steam them in very warm water and start rubbing the substance into your nails. In principle, ordinary iodine is also good, just use a brush. Let yellowness not scare you: if you spend a vitamin session before the weekend, by the beginning of the working week there will be no trace of an ugly shade. Here's how to grow your nails in 1 day!

how to grow nails in 1 day for children

Option Five: Cream

This method is quite controversial, as opinions on its effectiveness differ. If you ask girls on the forum how to grow nails in one day by 1 cm at home, some will advise you to conjure yourself over a special cream that helps to accelerate growth. The mixture is simple in your preparation: take an ordinary baby cream, pour half a teaspoon of red pepper into it, mix and add twenty drops of ordinary water. Heat in a water bath, cool and apply the resulting mixture on the nails. A good result will also show a cream made from melted cocoa, almond and olive oils, as well as vitamins E and A.

Option Six: Disguise

If all of the above options do not suit you, and you are looking for a more radical approach to how to grow nails in 1 day by 1 cm at home, then you should resort to disguise. It provides two points to choose from: the use of invoices or the extension of acrylic or gel analogues. In the first case, buy special glue and a set of nails made of plastic or nylon, and then with dry hands, begin to impose blanks with glue drops applied to them. When everything dries and fixes, cover with the necessary varnish - and the manicure is ready.

how to grow nails in 1 day by 1 cm at home

The second point is more expensive and time-consuming. You will have to purchase a set for building, which includes templates made of plastic and a special gel. It will be necessary to tinker with polishing the surface of the nails, then fix the forms and proceed to gel coating. The latter must be repeated several times, and dried in the breaks under the lamp. At the end of the procedure, get rid of the patterns and use the nail file to give the nails the desired shape. This technique will be interesting to those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to grow nails in 1 day by 2 cm at home.

Seventh Option: Hygiene

It will be superfluous to talk about the beauty and health of nails, if basic hygiene rules are not followed . A set of manicure tools should belong to one person, this is an individual, personal thing. Disinfectant treatment is equally important, which will help prevent infection. If these rules are followed by you, you can start to care for your nails with a light heart, so that they always remain a subject of pride and a brilliant detail of your image.

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