Brood is a sloppy man

Numerous obsolete words are used less and less every year. Some have long been forgotten, some are still found in modern speech, but gradually give way to other expressions. These include the word "rashristanny", used occasionally.


So what is the meaning of the word "flawed"? If we turn to explanatory dictionaries, then you can find several meanings.

According to the first, a shabby man was called a dirtman or a slut who had an untidy appearance.

The second - indicates the absence of a cross on the neck of a Christian.

According to the third meaning, the loosened one is the bare bosom to such an extent that the pectoral cross becomes visible. In modern language, this can be called a woman wearing too deep a neckline, or a man who loves to unbutton his shirt almost to the navel.

A girl in a dress

Origin of the word

Back to the dictionaries. This time we need the so-called "Dictionary of folk dialects". It says that “chipped” came from the root “whip”, meaning “scrape”. The version is quite interesting, but to believe it or not, everyone decides independently.

However, there are other hypotheses about the origin of the word. Raskhrynda is a sloppy, untidy man, in dirty clothes and disheveled feelings.

It is interesting

Once upon a time in Russia there were people who deeply believed in God. They knew that the Lord saw everything, they were afraid to offend Him, including their own untidy appearance. One who is created in the image and likeness should not be dismissive of his clothes and appearance.

Young man

Rashristanny is a person who, when looking at it, becomes ashamed of him. The appearance of the slut is disgusting, it is strictly forbidden to walk like that before God, for it should be a shame before the Creator.

The expression "thou, cast off, bring yourself into the divine form" came from those distant times. Under the divine form, as readers have already understood, was meant cleanliness and neatness in clothing, thoughts and behavior.


Times and customs change, the culture of speech and the words used in it. Something fades into the background, and over time they forget about it, but other words and expressions are used regularly, not outdated.

Readers got acquainted with the word “bristled,” learned several versions of its meaning and origin, looked into the distant past, when the most terrible thing for people was to have an appearance for which they were ashamed of God.

The modern meaning of the word is given in the corresponding subsection.

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