Memo: actions in case of fire, fire in the house and outside

Fires are one of the most common emergencies that can take the life of a person or several people. A reminder of actions in case of fire can help to be saved in time when an uncontrolled fire appears nearby.

If the fire is at home

Despite the fact that fire causes people much more fear than smoke, in fact, the latter is much more dangerous. It can not only interfere with breathing, but also contain harmful impurities that harm and interfere with salvation. Therefore, the first action in the memo when a fire occurs is indicated leaving as far as possible from the place of possible smoke. To protect the respiratory system, attach a rag or piece of clothing moistened with water to it.

fire extinguishing

If you successfully left the site of fire, warn people around about the fire. The more people around you know that you need to be saved, the less tragic the incident can be. In no case do not return for things: no material values ​​are worth it to risk their lives for them.

One of the most famous, but from this no less relevant tips on actions in case of fire in the memo is not to use the elevator. In such a situation, a small cabin, filled with smoke, will turn into a death trap. But even if the elevator will work, it is not a fact that its doors will not open in the middle of the fire.

If a fire is outside the house

The first action is to leave the dangerous place immediately. Try to get to the street exit closest to you.

firefighter puts out a fire

Help those who cannot leave on their own. It can be children, the elderly, injured. After you leave the building, do not immediately try to leave by car. The accumulation of personal vehicles near the place of ignition can complicate the passage of fire engines and complicate the work of rescuers.

Of course, no matter where and when the fire occurred, you should first call 101 or 112 to call for help.

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