List of films about robots: description, rating, reviews and reviews

Mankind is disturbed by the thought of artificial intelligence, the possibility of replacing a person, artificially prolonging life and defeating old age. These thoughts and desires are reflected in such a genre as films about robots. The list of the best is updated annually, as this topic is very favorable for research. At first, robots were just helpers in everyday life, convenient gadgets and hardware, but then the scriptwriters learned to see in them the soul, mind and even desires. Maybe in the end the robot can replace a person?

movies about robot woman list

To make life easier

Humanity has always sought to rid itself of work and shift responsibilities to others. Moreover, it is desirable that these shoulders be meek and executive. Time passes, the world changes, and the ambitions of scientists are only growing. Today you will not surprise anyone with robotics in almost all the niches of human life. Robots become human-like, as developers strive for a clear interface and give their creations a human image. A robot can have a certain character and differ little from a person in a crowd. But there was a time when the robot was considered a fantasy, an incomprehensible fantasy, which was first voiced by Czech science fiction writer Karel Čapek. He described the basic principles of the robot, ahead of all nineteenth-century scientists and engineers. It was Chapek who gave the name to his creation, which was entrenched in these mechanisms. Years passed, and scientists concentrated on giving the mechanical body the intellect of a person, creating the perfect cyborg capable of independently carrying out work. These fantasies made it possible to make films about robots and cyborgs.

movies about robots and cyborgs list

Highlights List

Man has never changed his mind about what is the pinnacle of evolution. Despite his weaknesses, illnesses, and character traits, he considers himself the dominant unit and therefore thinks robots are his servants. Some films put robots precisely in the position of assistants, but the films about killer robots remain the most interesting. The list, of course, opens a series of pictures about the Terminator. The unique Arnold Schwarzenegger embodied a unique image that does not become obsolete over the years. In the first picture, he played the role of a villain, but, despite this, attracted part of the audience to his side. The mission of the "bad terminator" was simple to the primitive - to kill the mother of the leader of the uprising of people in order to exclude the very possibility of his birth. Only a weak man who was also sent from the future to protect a woman could interfere with the robot. As a result, it turns out that the appearance of this person creates a temporary paradox, it is he who becomes the father of the leader of mankind. The terminator at the end crashes, and good wins. Honestly, this is even a little annoying, because "cheering" for "Iron Arnie" is much nicer than setting yourself up against him.

movies about robots 80s list

To be continued

"Terminator" captured the audience and quite naturally demanded a continuation. The second film was even better than the first, since there Schwarzenegger stands on the good side, interfering with the plans of the most modern cyborg. His mission is complex, but, as practice shows, is doable. The third film - about a woman-robot - is not accidentally replenishing the list, because this is a real debut. Kristianna Loken played the cold "Iron Lady", in many ways superior to the old terminator. She was sent from the future in order to destroy all supporters of the resistance. The main danger remains the same - the uprising of cars, the departure of people underground.

After the third film, there was a lot of gossip that the story was finished and it was pointless to shoot further, but in 2015, Terminator: Genesis proved the fallacy of this assumption. The good old Arnie in the company of Emilia Clarke again wins a decisive victory over the enemies, although the terminators are attacking them more and more, and John Connor is no longer on the side of the people. Reviews about the film were more positive, although some viewers noted that the film had become more "home", the very strain that made "Terminator" an action movie was gone.

movies about killer robots list

From the 80s

If we take films about robots of the 80s for consideration, the list will certainly be replenished with a cult action movie about an invulnerable cyborg - this is Robocop. In the story, he was one of the best policemen who was brutally mutilated in one operation. Experimenting doctors created an invulnerable cyborg out of it, capable of single-handedly defeating a gang of criminals. Under the robust armor of Robocop's human heart, he continues to torment dreams and memories of the past, where he dies at the hands of criminals. Robocop wants justice and revenge, because before he had a family. The controversial topic caused a lot of negative reviews. Part of the audience was inclined to believe that serving the law after death is the duty of a citizen, but another part found this experience inhuman and protested against further filming.

movies list about robots 90s

Step through the generation

The list of films about robots of the 90s also includes pictures about Robocop. In 1990, Robocop-2 was released, where the cyborg will have to eliminate the secret drug lab and the new robot, which was created specifically for the murder of Robocop. And in 1993, the third part of the film was released, where Robocop avenges the death of his partner and restores order in Detroit.

Fashionable theme

In 2007, Michael Bay directed the Transformers movie about the battles of the Autobots and Decepticons for possessing a source of strength. During the battles it turns out that an ordinary earthling can show where the subject of universal search is located. The film was successful, after 2 years its continuation came out - "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen". A new villain breaks into the peaceful life of the heroes of the first film, who is encroaching on the sun! The third part of the epic came out 2 years later. In the story, the robots want to enslave the earth, having entered into an alliance with the Autobots. In 2014, the fourth part was released. Almost all Autobots and Decepticons are destroyed by humans. But inventor Cade bought a truck at a flea market and found that it was Optimus Prime himself. The find wants to take over the government and the most powerful transformer who wants to replenish his collection of dangerous robots. The films turned out spectacular and box office, which, according to the viewers, was greatly facilitated by special effects and supermodels in the foreground.

movies about robots list of the best

The new generation of films

The list of films about robots worthily replenishes “Welcome to Paradise”, which embodies the plot of a dream - the future, where there is a special resort for the rich and the whole servant consists entirely of androids. Clients of the resort can realize all their fantasies, including violence and murder. Every day, androids are erased, but over time, one of them begins to suspect what is happening and wants to escape.

In 2013, the film "Pacific Rim" was released. Here, the huge alien monsters Kaitzu emerged from the depths of the sea and sharply crippled mankind. To fight with them, they created giant robots, whose pilots control.

movie list about robots

The best of the best

The list of films about robots would not be complete without the picture "I am a robot." This film made a splash among fans of the genre. According to the plot, one can observe how advanced technologies become the main world-forming element. Films about cyborgs are very emotional, as they reveal the meaning of the existence of intelligent machines that can really crowd people out due to their intelligence and ingenuity. In the list of films about robots, you must definitely include "Artificial Intelligence" by Stephen Spielberg. The film is about the relationship between a person and a robot, about the feelings of a particular cyborg boy who loves his human mother more than anything else and really wants to become her only and beloved. Alas, his parents have a son, he means more to them than adoptive.

The boy David made friends with the teddy bear robot, who guards him. David wants to find the Blue Fairy from the Pinocchio tale and ask her to turn him into a real boy. Many years pass, robots evolve. They unfreeze David and Teddy and recreate the house and mother for Teddy, but only for one day. This is an incredibly sad and bright story, which rightfully replenishes the list of films about robots.

Concluding the topic, I must say that the theme of robots and cyborgs is raised when creating full-length cartoons. The most memorable and cute was the cartoon "Wall-e." If you list movies about robots, the list of the best will surely be replenished with this project about a robot cleaner, the only person left on earth and having adopted a number of human emotions. Wall-i even has a pet cockroach - and her favorite movie with songs. But once he has love, for which he agrees to fight in the best traditions of the hero.

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