Thick arms above the elbow: what to do, a set of exercises, reviews

Each representative of the fair sex, looking at the reflection in the mirror, begins to notice the flaws of her figure. Most often the problem areas are the legs and the abdomen. But often girls do not like the forearm area. Raising your arms and moving them to the side, you can see the extra volumes in the axillary region. Moreover, excess volume accompany sagging and sagging skin. This defect can overtake even girls with a relatively normal weight and body constitution, but with thick arms above the elbow. What to do if hand fat is a concern? What are the methods and ways to deal with excess volumes on hand?

Where does the fat appear on the hands

blonde in red

The problem of thick arms gives many girls and women many reasons for complexes. They prefer to wear things with long sleeves, and on vacation they try to appear in the swimsuit as little as possible. To find out why the arms above the elbow became thick and what to do with it is actually not so difficult. It is enough to approach the solution of the problem in a balanced manner and use appropriate methods. It is worth finding out the causes of thick arms above the elbow. Here are the main ones:

  • Overweight.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Improper nutrition is often the reason for the appearance of excess volumes on the body. Fat surpluses are deposited on various parts of the body. This also applies to hands.
  • Change in hormonal levels.
  • The use of certain drugs, pregnancy - all this leads to hormonal jumps. Against this background, fat deposits are possible in the most unexpected places, including on the forearms.

Body constitution

As you know, there are various types of figures in women. This is an inverted triangle, an hourglass, a rectangle. Most often, women with the type of figure inverted triangle suffer with the fullness of their hands.

In women with a weak tone or, conversely, with highly developed muscles, the hands may look thick. In the first case, the hands above the elbow are flabby, if you raise them, the problem area sags. In the second case, adipose tissue is, as it were, above the muscles, which makes the arms appear thick.

Age changes

It is proved that in women, fat on the hands is burned much more slowly than in men. Accordingly, it will be much more difficult to remove fat on the hands with age, since a change in the hormonal background leads to a weakening of muscle tone. The skin becomes not elastic, hands lose attractiveness.

If a woman's diet is dominated by high-calorie unbalanced foods, then an excess of calories leads to overweight, obesity. All this is deposited in various parts of the body, not excluding the hands.

how to lose weight in your hands

Ways to solve the problem

Having decided to get rid of hated fat, many women begin to go to extremes. Some sit on long and exhausting diets, while others spend hours in the gym, exhausting themselves completely. Such measures are too harsh, even if the body first responds to diets and training, then in the future the body can return to its previous shape. Another problem may be the disproportionality of the body when the upper part looks larger than the lower. What if the arms above the elbow look thick and their shape leaves much to be desired? There are many methods for solving the problem, the main thing is not to be lazy, and the result will not be long in coming.

in a white dress

Proper nutrition is the key to a beautiful body. The first method in the fight against excess volumes in the hands is the adjustment of nutrition. It is not necessary to completely limit yourself in everything, it is enough to observe the basics:

  • exclude sweets in all its forms from the diet;
  • avoid the use of spicy, smoked, fatty;
  • include more fruits and vegetables on the menu;
  • diversify the diet with cereals;
  • drink about 2 liters of water per day;
  • frequent and fractional nutrition;
  • fish, meat, egg curd - this is the main source of protein;
  • refuse alcoholic beverages.

Nutritionists say that vitamin C is an excellent fat-burning substance. A large amount of it is found in citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, rosehips. Daily intake of vitamin C will help speed up fat burning.

Hand exercises

girl with dumbbells

If you have thick arms above the elbow, what should I do? The exercises that will eliminate the problem, we list in the article. To make your hands slim, there is a whole range of exercises. It is enough to connect proper nutrition to the training, and the hands will again be taut.

Many women do not know where to start a set of exercises when arms above the elbow are thick. What to do in such a situation? What exercises to start first? You need to start exercises from thick hands with a warm-up. It allows the muscles to warm up and relieve unnecessary sprains and injuries. After warming up, you can connect a jump rope or light walking in place. Then you can start strength training. To achieve the best effect, exercises are best done with dumbbells or replaced with water bottles.

Exercise technique

Take an upright position, put your feet shoulder width apart. Holding dumbbells in hands, part to the sides, then lower. In the upper position, hold for a couple of seconds. Such dilutions do from 10 to 15 in several approaches. If you have thick arms above your elbow, what else can you do?

Lifting shoulders. In this exercise you should raise and lower your shoulders while holding dumbbells in your hands. Hands along the body. Only shoulders work. Such lifts need to be done about 20-30 times.

Bench press. For this exercise, dumbbells should be pushed up on arms. Moreover, they are parallel to each other. At the highest point of lifting, hold for a couple of seconds, then lower your hands. Such repetitions do 10-15 in several approaches.

Push ups. These push-ups are not quite classic, because they simplify the task for beginners. They must be performed from the knees. In this case, the position of the legs in a crossed state will be a convenient position.

Push ups are the other way around. In this exercise, with your back to a chair or bed, lean with your hands, and bend your legs at the knees and do push-ups of 10-15 reps in several sets. These exercises will reduce thick arms above the elbow. What else can I do, what exercises?

Strap. One of the most common and favorite exercises of many athletes. The plank actuates many of the muscles of the body. Therefore, this exercise will be useful not only for hands. For its implementation, it is necessary to take a position as in push-ups, and rely not on the palm, but on the elbows.

This complex is enough to solve the problem of thick arms above the elbow, to make them fit. The main thing is to perform exercises regularly and measuredly.


hand massage

There is another effective method that copes with the problem when a woman has thick arms above her elbow. What to do in this case? You should seek help from a massage therapist. Usually, specialists use anti-cellulite massage, which perfectly improves muscle tone, enhances blood circulation, and gives skin elasticity. Also, various oils, scrubs are connected to the procedures. They contain nutrients that act on adipose tissue. The skin on the hands after their regular use becomes more toned and elastic. You can also perform body wraps in conjunction with massage. They remove excess fluid from the body, improve blood circulation. You can perform these cosmetic procedures both in salons and at home.

Hands look asymmetrical

hand exercises

There are times when women are faced with the problem that one arm is thicker than the other above the elbow. Such asymmetry can cause discomfort and cause complexes.

There may be several reasons:

  1. Diseases Most often, asymmetry of the hands is associated with osteochondrosis. It can also be curvature of the spine, diseases of the thoracic region, vascular ailments, genetic disorders. If any symptoms are detected with asymmetric hands, you should first consult a doctor and he will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  2. Uneven load on the hands. Basically, this problem is faced by women, often spending time in the gym or engaged in bodybuilding. The reason here is the improper distribution of the load on the arm muscles. In this case, experts recommend performing exercises with dumbbells for both biceps and triceps. With a uniform load, the muscles of the weakened arm will equalize in strength and volume with the other.

Women's reviews

You still do not know what to do with thick arms above the elbow? Reviews of the above methods of losing weight a large number of women leaves positive. An active lifestyle, proper nutrition, the use of cosmetic procedures - all this allows you to achieve the desired results. Therefore, to cope with such a feature as thick arms above the elbow, time, perseverance and strength will help a woman.

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