How to tighten pectoral muscles at home or in the gym

Beautiful, athletic chest is the main advantage of both men and women. It will be especially useful for the fair sex to learn how to tighten the pectoral muscles. Few people have this body part naturally elastic and neat, to achieve and maintain beauty, especially over time, you need to exercise regularly. We’ll talk about how to tighten the pectoral muscles with the help of special exercises at home or in the gym.

Male and female muscles are practically no different physiologically, the only difference is in the training system. A strong half of humanity relies on strength and selects and uses barbells and dumbbells to strengthen the chest and give it an impressive size. Girls choose light loads, more like aerobic ones, with a large number of repetitions, because they only need to make the most beautiful part of their body more elastic, adding a little volume to it. There are a lot of ways to train, but we are interested in how to tighten the pectoral muscles, so we will consider the appropriate methods.

1. Push-ups. They train several muscle groups at the same time, strengthening and toning the whole organism as a whole. You need to push up a couple of times a week - this is the optimal number of classes. Otherwise, the muscles can get used to the load and remain at the same level or, worse, due to insufficient rest, they will begin to break down and may decrease in volume. This is the easiest way to tighten your chest muscles. It’s quite convenient to study at home, because you can independently determine the time of training.

2. The bench press will be a good exercise for those who want to know how to tighten the pectoral muscles while visiting the gym. The advantage of training in a specialized room is the presence of a trainer there, who will help determine the program and the necessary weight. Do not worry about the fact that the chest will become pumped, the main thing is to choose the right weight and weight.

3. Another way to tighten the pectoral muscles is to press the dumbbells in the supine position and their breeding. Men need more dumbbells, girls need less. Performing exercises with less weight, but more frequent repetitions, you quickly pull up and make your chest elastic. You need to do it smoothly, without sharp jerks and jerks, otherwise the risk of muscle damage is great. A feeling of a slight burning sensation in the chest will be a signal that the weight is picked up and the exercise is performed correctly. If you decide to swing at home, you will need to purchase a bench on which you can lie on your back to perform this exercise. In addition, it is useful for many other sports activities.

We examined the three mandatory, basic exercises, how to tighten the pectoral muscles. After a couple of months of regular training, you will see an excellent result.

But how to tighten the muscles of the hands, so that they are elastic and beautiful? Pretty simple exercises will help. Shoulders, triceps and biceps with forearms need separate studies. To work out your shoulders, lift the dumbbells across the sides and directly in front of you. The back should be absolutely straight. Also, this area is well trained in lifting the dumbbells up from the shoulder or bench press from behind the head up. Triceps are pumped by extension of the arms from behind the head or French bench press. The biceps are worked out using the EZ bar on the bench. After biceps, you immediately need to pump your forearms - by bending both hands with dumbbells or a barbell. Shakes his forearms and a normal expander well.

Practicing regularly and with high quality, without swinging and not sparing yourself, you will literally see the result soon. Usually after a month of training you can notice this.

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