Crucian is omnivorous; it is caught on various baits. However, this does not mean that fishing will be easy. This is a very finicky fish, whose tastes can change sometimes hourly.
In the morning, she with great appetite pecked at the worm, and in the afternoon she perfectly took bloodworms. Therefore, it is impossible to predict in advance which
bait for crucian carp will be relevant at the moment. That is why experienced anglers take with them several options at once, both animal and plant heads, to increase the likelihood of good fishing.
In spring, the best bait for crucian carp is bloodworms, maggots or worms. With warming water, especially after spawning, the fish like, as a rule, plant tips. This can be dough, pearl barley, various cereals, peas, bread, etc.
In most reservoirs in the middle lane of our country, corn, or rather, its canned grains, has become very popular recently. It turned out that this cereal, never in nature independently falling into a body of water, is extremely attractive as a bait. Moreover, the corn sits perfectly on the hook, while not available for small fish. In addition, it can be caught in spring and late fall.
This fish has a great sense of smell, so usually such a bait for crucian carp is flavored with a flavor, which can be used vanillin, anise, dill. Interestingly, these inhabitants of the ponds are attracted by the smell of garlic, so experienced fishermen recommend wiping their fingers on a cleaned slice before each bait is hooked.
Of all the nozzles of animal origin, only maggots and bloodworms are the key to rich prey. Experienced anglers recommend piercing them in width, then their natural movements will more actively attract prey. The hook in this case is left open. Going fishing, you need to make sure that the bait for crucian remains as long as possible suitable for use. Therefore, maggot is best kept in a jar wrapped in a wet rag.
A favorite bait for goldfish is a bloodworm. In some cases, this fish prefers to peck at a “sandwich” made from its larvae and maggot.
At the same time, as the fishermen note, the nibble becomes more confident. In some European countries, maggot is grown industrially, especially as a bait for crucian carp and other fish.
In hot weather, on some ponds, crucian carp is successfully caught on a fly and on a small grasshopper. Most often, these are watering places where livestock comes. Fish gets used to gadflies and flies floating on the surface, so these insects, as a bait for crucian carp, are sometimes very “native” in certain water bodies.
It’s good to attach fish to the place of fishing, feeding it well in advance. For this, steep millet porridge, steamed pearl barley, ready-made mix diluted with water sold in stores are suitable.
Top dressing is thrown in small portions and with the attenuation of the bite.
During fishing, it is necessary to constantly change the bait for catching crucian so that the fish does not become addictive, which means that the hunt for pecking the same nozzle does not disappear.