What is the best concealer? Reviews and advice of cosmetologists on the choice of foundation

Foundation was invented 90 years ago by makeup artist Max Factor. Initially, they were intended for the filming of Hollywood films, but this innovation quickly gained popularity and migrated from the arsenal of movie stars to beauticians of ordinary women. Still, after correctly using this product, you can transform your face and hide skin imperfections. Many girls are wondering "which foundation is better." Reviews of those who use one or another remedy can often turn out to be biased, since everyone's skin is completely different. Not necessarily a cream, which most girls are absolutely delighted with, will cause you the same emotions.

How to choose a foundation?

First of all, when choosing a tonal remedy, you should start from the type of skin. Means for dry and oily fundamentally differ from each other, helping to cope with existing unwanted skin features. Anti-aging tonal products give a lifting effect, creams for oily skin matte, for dry - moisturize and so on. In addition, you should understand what effect you want to achieve. So, for example, if the skin is not bad, there are no obvious imperfections on it, then there is no need to overload it with thick means that create a dense coating. In this case, a lightweight weightless cream will be enough, which only finally evens out the complexion. If on the skin there are traces of post-acne or other undesirable manifestations, it makes sense to take more dense tonal products and use a concealer.

If you have oily skin

Many girls suffer from excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat and undesirable shine on the face. While searching for a life-saving remedy, some blindly follow the opinion of other women (friends, mothers, work colleagues) as to which product to be awarded the title of “best concealer.” Reviews (for oily skin, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics) are not always a fair criterion for selection. Especially when it comes to problem skin. In order to get rid of oily sheen, there really are many good remedies. And all of them should have the following basic characteristics. First of all, these foundation creams do not contain oils, but, on the contrary, include ingredients that absorb the fat secreted by the skin. These products are more dense and resistant than those intended for dry skin.

And yet, how to choose the best matting foundation? Reviews suggest that owners of oily skin can try the so-called tonal mousses, they really dry out a little. You can choose a cream so well that even in the summer heat it will not flow and will prevent excessive secretion of fat by the glands. In any case, girls should have matting napkins in their arsenal. With their help, you can easily remove the oily sheen from your face without damaging your makeup. Matting creams should not be used if you have a different skin type. In this case, the funds will not only dry out and will be very noticeable on the face, but also peeling will be emphasized.

which foundation is better reviews

As a rule, excessive secretion of sebum (subcutaneous fat) provokes the appearance of acne and inflammation. Today, many manufacturers take this problematic feature into account and enrich foundation creams with appropriate additives in order not to provoke or even prevent the appearance of acne. Today, these products contain vitamins, antioxidants and other useful ingredients. Properly selected foundation will help not only to be transformed for a while, but will also contribute to improving the condition of the skin.

Dry face. What foundation to choose?

In the case of skin that suffers from dehydration, the choice of foundation will be due to the presence of moisturizing components and the absence of alcohol in the composition. As a rule, such funds have a rather liquid consistency. Girls with dry skin sort through many products, choosing for themselves the most suitable and best foundation. Reviews, product rating of a particular brand among other cosmetics - all this can help in choosing a good product, but personal feelings will always be the main criterion. Only by trial and error can you choose the right foundation for your skin type. Perfectly cope with the task and at the same time, many inexpensive creams well hide imperfections. Extremely light and delicate alignment will give the skin professional water-based face and body products.

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It should be borne in mind that not all foundation creams are designed to completely hide imperfections. For these purposes, concealers selected in the color of the cream are used. Light and watery creams take care of dry face skin that needs intensive hydration, but they are unlikely to camouflage flaws. It is great if the foundation gives a comfortable feeling throughout the day, but it’s worth noting that thermal water can be used to eliminate tightness, fatigue and other unpleasant manifestations. Spraying her face throughout the day, you will not only not spoil the makeup, but also fix it, and the skin will say “thank you”.

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Combination skin

For mixed skin, it’s best to have several tones. As a rule, the girls in this case have dryness in the forehead and cheeks, and fat is present on the nasolabial triangle. For owners of this type of skin, it is quite problematic to choose the best foundation. Feedback on a particular tool, as a rule, will be biased. In this case, it is advisable to use the tone only on those areas that require correction, or to work on the skin with different creams.

Anti Age for Mature Women

Foundation for aging skin should smooth wrinkles, give a lifting effect and in no case emphasize the existing imperfections. Choosing the best foundation, a friend’s review can help, but other aspects should be considered. Anti-aging tonal creams must contain sunscreens, because everyone knows how harmful ultraviolet radiation is to our skin. The more powerful this filter is, the better. But still, first of all, choosing such a tool, you should give preference to weightless formulations that tighten the skin. Even if the manufacturer claims the miraculous lifting properties of the cream and the most powerful SPF factor, the tone can go down with a heavy “mask”, visually making the woman’s face even older.

How to find the best foundation? Reviews from 2014 left by women over 40 call us to try anti-aging creams containing natural extracts and the smallest reflective particles. Due to them, the effect is achieved that the face seems to glow from the inside, it visually rejuvenates. If you want to choose a cream with just such an effect, keep in mind that it should create a very delicate shine, since an intense shimmer will only draw attention to wrinkles and folds. The same applies to flickering powders and eyeshadow with glitter and mother of pearl. Keep this in mind when choosing makeup and applying makeup.

best foundation cream reviews

Indeed, it is not so easy to choose the perfect makeup for yourself, it is especially difficult to find the best foundation. Reviews recommend that mature women also pay attention to Asian anti-aging BB creams, for example, from the company Missha. These products are distinguished by very light shades, intense caring properties and a powerful sun protection factor.

Camouflage products - how to choose?

Unfortunately, it happens that there are very obvious and pronounced imperfections on the skin. What to do if regular foundation creams do not cope with this problem? The difficulty in this case lies in the fact that the tool must be dense enough to qualitatively cover the shortcomings. At the same time, I do not want the cream to overload the face, clog pores, provoke premature aging or be very noticeable on the face. In the case when there are few expressed imperfections on the skin, it makes sense to choose a good corrector. These tools are very economical and perfectly camouflage flaws. But it happens that a large area of ​​the face requires daily masking. This task is already more difficult.

Indeed, many people suffering from severe skin flaws are still looking for the best concealer concealer. Reviews recommend us to pay attention to an innovative remedy from Vichy. This product is really unusual. Many girls who need skin camouflage claim that for them it is the best concealer. Reviews from the stars only confirm this. Surely everyone remembers the advertisement in which a shocking young man named Rick Genest (better known as “Zombie Battle”) appeared to the viewer without his famous tattoos that cover his whole body and face. In the video, the guy’s numerous tattoos were hidden by the foundation. If this tool is able to cope even with very dark tattoo pigments, then it will not be difficult to hide other imperfections.

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How to use such creams?

Everyone knows that tonalniks are applied only to clean skin and always after you use a moisturizer. As an "intermediate" stage between day and foundation creams, you can take a special base. As a rule, these are silicone products that create a light film on the face, so that the cream does not absorb, lasts much longer and evens out the skin texture. The base is good if you are going to an event. For daily use, these funds are heavy, moreover, many of them (even the highest quality) can be comedogenic. If you want to use such a tool, be sure to give the base 5-10 minutes to “lie down” on the skin before proceeding with the application of tone.

The foundation can be applied with a sponge (dry or wet), with a special brush, or simply with the fingertips. If you need to pluck your eyebrows, do this before applying the tone.

Application Tricks

For the best effect, it’s worthwhile to have several shades in the arsenal. It can be, for example, a very light and very dark tone. Light in its pure form can be used under the eyes and to correct the shape of the face. Choose a dark tone so that it is a little lighter than your summer tan. Thus, if you want, you can use a dark shade in the summer on almost the entire face. The rest of the year, light and dark are mixed to get the perfect skin tone. In this case, the area around the eyes should always be slightly brighter than the face. Remember that the choice of such funds is strictly individual. For you, this may be the ideal, best foundation, but another girl’s review of this product may be negative. Try, pick, experiment.

The tone is applied from the nose to the cheeks. Make sure that the cream is applied properly and does not create a mask effect. In order to avoid embarrassment, carefully blend the tone in the area of ​​the ears, neck and jaw. It is these areas that give others that there is a foundation on the face.

best foundation cream review

Remember that a dense coating looks appropriate in the evening, under artificial lighting. When going in the morning on business, avoid overloaded makeup, preferring easy means, and if necessary, corrector. Oily skin can be slightly powdered. Have you found the best foundation for yourself? Reviews, photos and other details left by you on the tool you like will help other girls decide on a purchase.

Are there any contraindications?

Unfortunately, not everyone can always use tonal means. You can have the best foundation, a friend’s review and personal feelings are also on top. But, nevertheless, there are some contraindications to applying a tone to the skin:

  1. Atopic dermatitis.
  2. Eczema.
  3. Herpes in the active stage or other infection on the skin.
  4. Allergy in the period of exacerbation.
  5. Individual intolerance to a certain component of the foundation.

Which foundation is better? Reviews, beautician tips

First of all, you need to understand that skin imperfections should be treated, and tonal products are only a temporary salvation. At the same time, the product itself must be of high quality and hypoallergenic, and you must follow all the rules for using this cosmetic product. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse your face at night, do not forget to give skin care - good creams, masks, peels and so on. Well-groomed skin looks great on its own, and the applied light tonal fluid makes it perfect.

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When purchasing a cream, make sure that the expiration date is in order, and the consistency is uniform. If you want to take a waterproof product, know, this is far from the best foundation. The reviews of the girls suggest that such cosmetic products clog up the pores very much. In case of problematic skin, it is not out of place to consult a dermatologist so that it is the doctor who prescribes the treatment and the appropriate foundation.


Please note: foundation creams are designed to even out and transform the skin. Any attempts to change the complexion using a tone will be striking and look ridiculous. When choosing a tool for yourself, use the tips in the article. Do not forget to re-read the section on how to determine the best concealer (reviews of a beautician), as well as the chapters with a description of products for different skin types. And do not ignore contraindications.

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