Natural cream "Phyto Depilator": reviews

Body hair is not a decoration of a woman, so ladies try to get rid of them in any way. There are many types of unwanted hair removal. The most gentle method is considered to be skin treatment with Phyto Depilator cream. Reviews say that thanks to this tool, after five minutes, you can forget about excess vegetation on the body for a week.

About the Phyto Depilator Product Line

The company Fitokosmetik LLC produces a whole line of products "Fito Depilator". Reviews say that creams do not cause irritation and soothe the skin well. This means:

  • With yarrow, hypericum and tea tree oil. The cream is intended for all skin types. It is endowed with antibacterial, emollient, tonic properties, has an astringent, soothing and nourishing effect. Regenerates the dermis, moisturizes and improves the protective functions of the skin, restores damaged areas.
  • With aloe vera and lavender oil. Contains a moisturizing complex. Product indicated for sensitive skin. Moisturizes, softens, soothes. It makes the dermis unusually smooth and silky.
  • With plantain, sage and sea buckthorn oil. Recommended for bikini and armpit areas. It has a moisturizing, nourishing and antiseptic effect. Gives a feeling of comfort.
  • With a string, chamomile, calendula and olive oil. It has a special moisturizing complex. Suitable for extremely sensitive skin. Contains vitamins A and E, which nourish and moisturize the dermis. It has regenerative and emollient properties.

The products are packaged in a 100 ml tube and show box. With their regular use, hair growth slows down. In the package, in addition to the cream, a shovel is inserted to remove the product from the surface of the skin and instructions for use.

The action of the components of the cream

phyto depilator reviews

As for the Depilator Fito creams, reviews of some women claim that the product does not always carefully remove hairs, and some areas have to be trimmed. Tools perform two tasks. The first and main is hair removal, the second is skin care and the prevention of discomfort after applying the product.

The cream is an excellent substitute for painful procedures such as waxing or hair removal with a razor. With the regular use of these products, the constituent components penetrate and slow down hair growth. With each procedure, they become thinner and weaken. There is a gradual disposal of unwanted vegetation on the body.

The disadvantage of the product for depilation is the presence in the composition of chemicals (for example, potassium thioglycolate), which are damaging to the hair. To enhance the process using potassium hydroxide. In order for the chemical components not to adversely affect the skin, the manufacturer enriched the composition with natural substances. They have a moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating and antibacterial effect.

Indications for use of funds from LLC Fitokosmetik

phyto depilator reviews

It is possible to order phyto depilator online. Reviews, however, claim that on the Internet this cream can be bought many times more expensive than in a regular cosmetics store. The product helps to solve such problems as:

  • removal of excess vegetation on the body;
  • prevention of unwanted hair growth;
  • irritation of the skin after shaving;
  • growth of hairs in the dermis;
  • elimination of unaesthetic facial hair;
  • getting rid of hard and dark hair that appears in the bikini area after depilation with a razor.

Each time, the number of hair removal procedures decreases, as does the growth of unwanted vegetation on the body. This is one of the most gentle depilation methods.

Depilation preparation

natural phyto depilator for any skin type reviews

One of the most effective means for removing unwanted hair is the product "Fito Depilator". Reviews of many women warn that the cream carefully removes all unnecessary vegetation on the body, but you need to use it strictly according to the instructions. Before the procedure, the skin should be carefully prepared.

So that the remedy works best, the day before depilation should exfoliate dead skin cells with a scrub. After the procedure, the dermis must be lubricated with a moisturizer. Depilatory cream is applied only to well-washed and dried epidermis.

And of course, to prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to conduct a skin sensitivity test. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the back of the hand, wait fifteen minutes, and if no negative reaction has occurred, then the cream is used as directed.

Mode of application

reviews about phyto depilator

Some women say that the Fitodepilator cream has low effectiveness. Reviews here mark its uselessness and the fact that it practically does not remove hairs. Despite the conventional wisdom about the product, the cream should always be applied in a strictly defined sequence:

  • Steam the skin and exfoliate the dead cells with a scrub.
  • Wash thoroughly and wipe dry with a towel.
  • Apply the depilating agent evenly on dry skin with a spatula, which is attached to the cream.
  • Inspect the entire area where unwanted hairs grow, and if there are uncovered areas, then the product application procedure should be repeated here.
  • Leave the depilator for 5-15 minutes.
  • Remove the cream with a special spatula and rinse it off with water.
  • Treat the skin with an antiseptic and apply a moisturizer.

When processing the bikini zone, in order to avoid irritation and burns, you need to try so that the Fito Depilator cream does not get on the mucous membrane of the genitals.

If the procedure is performed on the face, make sure that the product does not get into the eyes. It should be noted that such products not only remove hair, but also accelerate the process of withering of cells, dry the skin and reduce the immunity of the dermis.

The maximum residence time of the cream on the skin is 30 minutes. If in the first 5 minutes the hairs do not begin to move away from the dermis, then the product should be maintained for another 10 minutes. Re-use the drug only after 2 days. All products of the Fito Depilator line contain nourishing and moisturizing components, so they are not so aggressive, unlike similar creams from other companies.

Why is a natural “Phyto Depilator” good?

phyto depilator natural reviews negative

Reviews of many ladies claim that the means of this series are inexpensive, and act effectively. Studies have shown that as a result of regular use, the number of body hair removal procedures has been reduced by 80%, and in the bikini area - by 70%. The armpits of those who used the tool began to depilate half as much. A stable result is achieved after two months of use.

After using the product, the hairs are destroyed 100%, and their length is not affected by the result. The skin in 60% of cases is smoother and silky, and the hairs are thinned by a third. The growth of unnecessary vegetation is reduced by 70%.

Cream "Fito Depilator" allows you to easily and painlessly remove all unnecessary vegetation. Universal and suitable for any type of skin. Convenient to use. It can be applied to any part of the body. Provides flawless effect quickly and for a long time. It painlessly and without skin irritation removes all excess hair. Its composition is enriched with natural substances. Does not cause subcutaneous hair growth and tightness of the skin. The price of the funds does not reach one hundred rubles, which is an additional bonus.


Reviews about the “Fito Depilator” claim that the cream is a worthy alternative to expensive hair removal products. Do not use it if the skin is sensitive and predisposed to allergic reactions to substances in the composition of the product. Do not use the cream if the dermis has open and closed wounds, burns, scratches, as well as various kinds of malignant and benign formations. Contraindication to the use of the drug is varicose vein disease, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy.

Disadvantages of the remedy and warnings

It has both positive and negative sides of the phyto depilatory depilatory cream. Reviews note that despite the fact that the product does not leave stumps and ingrown hairs behind, its effect has a short effect. Hair removal procedure must be done at least once a week. Although with regular use, this interval gradually increases. In addition, the product smells unpleasant and destroys not only the structure of the hair, but also the nails and skin, if it comes into contact with them. Therefore, for safety, it is advised to wear gloves on your hands during the procedure, and after depilation, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream. The product may discolor unevenly tan, causing pigmentation.

General recommendations

They say that the Phyto Depilator cream is economically consumed, reviews. When using it, certain rules should be observed:

  • It is necessary to give the skin a break from the effects of chemical ingredients, and therefore the means for depilation should be used with an interval of at least two days.
  • It is worth refraining from visiting the tanning bed two days before and after the procedure, otherwise strong pigmentation may appear.
  • Before and after depilation, do not use deodorants and other cosmetics that strongly affect the skin. For example, tanning or lightening hair.
  • To prevent hair from growing into the skin, it is necessary to massage it daily with a soft scrub, but only begin five days after the depilation.
  • You should pamper your skin, nourish and moisturize with all sorts of creams, lotions, balms and other cosmetics.

Application area

An unusual silkiness of the skin is noted after using the cream "Fito Natural Depilator" reviews. A series of these tools allows depilation on the entire body, including the most sensitive areas. It:

  • Legs. Here, the cream is used most often.
  • Face. A particularly delicate agent with aloe vera and lavender oil should be used for sensitive skin.
  • Bikini. The most delicate and delicate area. Several tools created specifically for depilation of this zone will be suitable at once. They are saturated with nutrients, so they do not dry the skin and do not cause irritation.
  • Armpits. In the armpit zone, you can use both products intended for the bikini area, as well as other creams from this series.

All products are used not only in the above areas, but also in other parts of the body, such as the back, buttocks, shoulders. Suitable for both women and men.

Where to buy and the price of cream

phyto depilator reviews in a pharmacy

Talk a lot about the effectiveness of the cream "Fito Depilator" reviews. In a pharmacy and a store - you can find it everywhere. The most important thing is not to fall into the trap on the Internet, which under the products of Fito Depilation or Fito Grow disguises the usual means for depilation from the company Fitokosmetik LLC.

The cost of the cream in supermarkets, shops and pharmacies is 35-90 rubles. On fraud sites, they ask for 990 rubles for packaging.

User reviews

what is good natural phyto depilator reviews

"Fito depilator" natural for any type of skin reviews has a variety of. All of them are divided into three main groups - these are positive, negative and neutral.

People who were satisfied with the result say that at the purchase stage they were attracted by the natural composition and price. They claim that they kept the product on the body for only 5-10 minutes, after which there was no trace of unnecessary vegetation. The cream did not cause irritation, dryness or discomfort. He left behind a smooth delicate skin and a pleasant impression of the procedure. The first hairs began to appear five days after depilation. It is noted that with regular use, hair growth actually slowed, and these ladies began to do depilation less often.

Neutral reviews say that this product gently affects the skin and removes unnecessary hairs, but not completely. Some of them still remain, and they have to be removed in other ways. The cream is easy to apply, does not have an unpleasant pungent odor, does not leave ingrown hairs after itself. These people claim that they are satisfied with the result, but not 100%.

They claim that after the procedure the cream "Phyto Depilator Natural" leaves irritation, the reviews are negative. People say that you can make a mistake and buy this tool on the Internet at a fabulous price. They cannot fully believe that they were seduced by advertising and bought it for that kind of money. Some people wonder how Russian-made cream could so rise in price. Moreover, these consumers argue that the action of the tool is not the most effective. He can’t remove the hard long and black hairs, but he can only remove soft and short hairs. This remedy did not suit these people, and they found for themselves a different solution to the problem.

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