What is a civil society institute?

The term "civil society" was first coined by J. Locke. Subsequently, many thinkers expanded and narrowed this concept, singled out one or another of its signs, talked about the development of civil society institutions .

civil society institute is

Today, there are many definitions of civil society. According to one of them, it represents the sphere of self-manifestation of free people, non-profit organizations and associations formed on a voluntary basis, protected from arbitrary regulation and direct intervention of various external factors, including business and government. Civil society institutions are considered a classic filter of society’s requirements for the political system.

Key principles of J. Locke

The English philosopher formulated several principles on which civilized social relations are based:

  • The personal interests of the individual are higher than public and state.
  • Freedom is the highest value, and its basis is private property.
  • In civil society, protective structures are formed between the state and the individual.
  • Freedom involves non-interference in a person’s personal life.
  • Individuals, creating a civil society, conclude a social contract.

Based on these principles, we can conclude that the institution of civil society is a complex of associations of people, protected from government intervention.

power civil society institutions

Meanwhile, the state is called upon to regulate relations arising in society. If society ensures the realization of human rights (for freedom, life, etc.), the state, in turn, provides civil rights (the opportunity to participate in governance). In both cases, there is a personal right to self-realization.

Public Institutions in Civil Society

The features of civil society are the diversity of interests of individuals, the specifics of their satisfaction through different institutions, as well as the range of freedoms and rights of each individual.

In theory, it is customary to distinguish 3 groups of civil society institutions. These are associations in which a person:

  • He receives funds to meet the needs for housing, food, clothing, etc. A person receives such funds in the form of a salary at the enterprise, income from entrepreneurial activity, and so on.
  • Satisfies the need for communication, procreation, physical, spiritual development. To do this, there are a church, scientific / educational institutions, family, creative associations, sports unions, etc.
  • Satisfies the need for participation in managing the affairs of society. These interests are realized through participation in political movements and parties.

The maturity of civil society institutions is the ability of individuals, different associations to defend private interests, satisfy them at their discretion, without prejudice to the rights of other citizens.

State Institute Civil Society

Modern society

At present, civil society institutions are relatively independent from the state groups of equal and free individuals. The internal and external relations of these associations are built in conditions of democratic statehood and the market.

Unlike state institutions, in civil society horizontal, not vertical, links are formed. Between legally equal and free partners there are relations of solidarity and competition.

In the economic sphere, non-governmental organizations act as structural elements of civil society. These include, in particular, joint-stock companies, cooperatives, companies, partnerships, corporations, associations and other business associations of people created on a voluntary basis and on their personal initiative.

Socio-political aspect

It is formed in the course of the activities of civil society institutions:

  • a family acting as a determining social unit in which personal and public interests intersect;
  • social, socio-political, political movements and parties, reflecting the diversity of interests of different groups of citizens;
  • self-government bodies at the place of work and residence of individuals;
  • non-state media.

The socio-political aspect is also formed due to the functioning of the mechanism for identifying and expressing public opinion, resolving a variety of social conflicts.

development of civil society institutions

In this area of ​​public life, the practice of institutional reflection of the interests that arise in society is being created. They are expressed in a civilized, non-violent form, within the framework of laws.

Spiritual sphere

In this area, freedom of speech and thought is manifested. Civil society representatives have the opportunity to express their opinions publicly. It is also important that scientific and creative associations are independent of state bodies and show independence and initiative.

Priority of freedoms and human rights

The functioning of civil society institutions is aimed at improving the quality of life of each individual. Wherein:

  • The natural human rights to free activity, life, happiness are recognized.
  • The rule of law is established, subordinating its existence to the law.
  • Equality of citizens is recognized within the framework of common norms, in one economic and socio-political space.

interaction with civil society institutions

State functions

Citizens are in close contact with the rule of law. Its main tasks are:

  • Development of a general strategy for the development of society.
  • Definition and justification of priorities, pace, proportions of the formation of socio-economic spheres of life.
  • Stimulating useful for society activities of citizens, protecting their rights, dignity, property.
  • Democratization of the spheres of life of society.
  • Ensuring border protection and maintaining public order.

Features of state interaction with civil society institutions

Discussions about the relationship between the government and the people have been conducted in the scientific community for a long time. Between state and social institutions, either partnership or rival relations can be established. In the first case, there is agreement, mutual support, in the second - opposition, and in some cases hostility. It is worth noting that such multidirectional relations are also being formed within society itself between its institutions.

According to many sociologists, civil society can be described as an element of different political wills, the management of which from a single center is impossible. Representatives of society often pursue directly opposite, mutually exclusive interests.

public institutions in civil society

State institutions, in turn, are called upon to act as an “interested mediator” or arbiter in opposing various socio-political movements. They express and implement the national will of society. At the same time (ideally), state institutions should focus on the interests of most members of the public.

Such a contradictory, complex dialectic of the diverse free wills that shape civil society and one state will reflects the effectiveness of democracy. With the weakening of civil society, an authoritarian state regime inevitably forms. With the weakening of state power, in turn, quasi-democracy develops, which leads to socio-political chaos.

Russian realities

During numerous reforms in the country, quite significant shifts have taken place towards the formation of civil society institutions. The necessary infrastructure was created for them by privatization, the assertion of free thinking, and political pluralism.

Meanwhile, the quality of the foundation of public institutions is assessed by many experts as low. According to a number of domestic sociologists, the political associations that exist today cannot effectively realize the role of mediator between the people and the authorities. In addition, the level of public responsibility of business representatives remains not high.

activities of civil society institutions

As a result, researchers talk about the existence of significant problems on the path to the formation of civil society in the Russian Federation. These difficulties are subjective and objective in nature. First of all, in Russian society there is no tradition of civic life itself. Secondly, people's ideas about the mechanisms and nature of the formation of civil society are very simplified. Thirdly, the role of the state in the process of its construction is underestimated.

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