An essay on the topic “Why did Dubrovsky Jr have to become a robber?” - One of the most common in the course of studying the work of Pushkin. His ingenious novel is studied by schoolchildren in the sixth grade. This is the age when the guys will be able to understand and analyze the main problems of such a work. We will try and we will answer this question.
The feud of the fathers
Each of the students had to write a school essay on a theme dedicated to Dubrovsky. Despite the issues addressed in it, each of the works will necessarily include an episode that marked the beginning of this novel.
And it all began very decorously and noble. Two friends, Cyril Troekurov (a wealthy and arrogant landowner) and Andrei Dubrovsky (an honest warrior and just a good person), had a rather pleasant and intimate communication. They were completely different in character and way of life, but this did not bother them. Until a certain time. Once disagreements on one issue overnight spread them apart and made them enemies.
Having once again arrived at the estate at Troekurov, Andrei Gavrilovich and his guests went to a kennel. The dogs of Kirill Petrovich lived better than some of the servants in his house. This was said aloud by one of the slaves of Troekurov, adding that some landowners would envy such a dog’s fate. Andrei Gavrilovich accepted this insult at his own expense and left without staying for dinner.
If you have to write an essay on the topic “Why Dubrovsky was offended by Troekurov?”, It will be necessary to include an analysis of this scene in it.
No matter how Cyril Petrovich tried to return a friend, he could not do this. Troekurov sent servants to him, they asked in a good and bad way, but he did not give up. And then, enraged by the rebellion of a friend, Cyril Petrovich came up with a plan.
Cruel revenge
Not having achieved his goal, Troekurov went on a vile act. He decides to take away the Dubrovsky estate so that he understands his unfair treatment of his friend.
By hook or by crook, he does his dirty deed. An essay on the topic “Why did Dubrovsky become a robber?” contains an analysis of the episode when, as a result of the trial, the family of the father and son is deprived of Kistenevka. Troekurov did his best. He hired a secretary Shabashkin, who bribes everyone in a row, forges documents on the right of ownership, and at the same time he is very fond of Kirill Petrovich.
Both came to the court with a calm soul. Dubrovsky was sure of his innocence and therefore did not worry, and Troekurov knew that today he would avenge his friend's disobedience. When they began to read out the verdict, everything changed in the face. Kistenevka was taken away from Andrei Gavrilovich for having fake documents! The outrage of Dubrovsky Sr. knew no bounds. At first, shocked by this, he was silent, then he began to shout something unimaginable. He, driven away, was taken away from the courthouse. Troekurov rejoiced. But later, when he recalled the reaction of a friend, he felt uneasy.
The appearance of Vladimir
Some teachers are asked to write an essay on the topic "Why does Vladimir appear only in the third chapter?" We can easily answer this question: he studied in the cadet corps from an early age and rarely communicated with his father. Now, when the priest falls ill from a court decision, Dubrovsky Jr. is rushing home. He was called there by a nanny who lived on their estate and looked after Andrei Gavrilovich. The son is shocked by the state of his father. He found out that the fault was Kirill Petrovich. Vladimir hated the enemy of his father.
One day Troekurov arrives in Kistenevka. He wants to talk with a former friend, explain his nasty act. He did not even have time to approach the house when Dubrovsky Sr. noticed him through the window. He becomes ill, he could not pronounce the words, as he lost consciousness. Kirill Petrovich crosses the threshold of the house and sees Vladimir. He did not expect this at all.
Had to grow up
Andrei Gavrilovich never recovered. He dies in the arms of his son. Dubrovsky Jr., accustomed to an easy life at the expense of his father, is left with all the problems in private. Having buried his parent, Vladimir takes everything into his own hands. But do not forget that very soon he will be without a residence. An essay on the topic “Why did Dubrovsky become a robber?” includes this reason in the list of the first. But until the court decision came into force, he is the rightful owner of Kistenevka. All serfs who served on his estate, stand up for their master and Troekurov as a new owner do not want to recognize.
Left alone in his room, Vladimir rereads the letters of his mother and father, indulges in memories of his childhood. When bailiffs come to describe the estate, one of the serfs sets fire to the house. All performers burn it alive. Now Vladimir has nowhere to live. There is only one way left - to become a robber in order to ensure his existence. He recruits a team of faithful servants, and together they rob the estates of wealthy people. This should be included in the essay on the topic "Why did Vladimir become a robber?"
It is worth noting that a good bandit did not work out of Dubrovsky. He is too noble and ambitious, so he never takes the last from people. It is not easy for him, but he will still be able to survive and maintain his dignity.
Now you can easily write an essay-discussion on the topic that the teacher on the Dubrovsky work will offer.