All people take various tests, often without even thinking about how important they are. For example, one of the most common specific forms of laboratory research in recent years has been a blood test for RW (Wasserman reaction). This type of examination is a serological study of material (blood), which is taken directly from a vein. A RW blood test is being taken to detect syphilis. At the same time, this disease can be diagnosed at the very first stages. Using this analysis, you can also determine the correctness and effectiveness of treatment for this disease. It is also necessary for the timely prevention of congenital syphilis.
All patients who have received treatment in hospitals undergo a blood test for RW. The law also provides for the mandatory regular passing of this research by doctors, all medical workers, cosmetologists, as well as workers who have contact with food. Other categories of people can take a blood test to test the RW of their own free will.
In order for the results of the study to be reliable, it is recommended to donate blood on an empty stomach. Refuse food is within 6-10 hours before analysis. This is especially true for alcohol and fatty foods. Blood is taken from a vein while lying or sitting.
The result can be found out a couple of days after the blood test was taken. RW can be either positive or negative. Moreover, if the result is positive, then it is marked with crosses, the number of which can be from one to four. If there is one cross in the form, then this means that the reaction is doubtful; two crosses means a weakly positive reaction; three crosses - a positive reaction; four crosses - sharply positive reaction.
A negative result is a sure sign that the disease is absent. If there is one or two crosses in the answer form, do not immediately get scared and panic. It is necessary to retake the blood test for RW again. Sometimes the result is false positive. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy, as well as with certain allergic reactions, blood diseases, infectious and oncological diseases, blood test parameters can be similar to a positive RW reaction.
In rare cases, a positive result may simply be the mistake of a person working in a laboratory. However, if a second analysis confirms the first result, you should immediately consult a doctor with the results of the studies. After all, syphilis, as well as many other diseases, is much easier to cure at the very first stage of the development of the disease.
In general, in order to avoid any problems with the treatment of syphilis, it is best to prevent it. As you know, infection with this disease occurs sexually. Accordingly, the best preventive measures for syphilis is to be selective and constant in sexual relations. If you are unsure of your sexual partner, you should use contraceptives, for example, condoms. If you have sexual intercourse, causing suspicion, you can go and get a blood test for RW for complete confidence in your health.
Particular care and attention should be taken by pregnant women. They must donate blood for RW throughout their pregnancy. If syphilis is detected in a pregnant woman in the body, it must be urgently treated. If this is not done, then the woman herself and her baby may suffer. Moreover, in the case of inaction, degenerative changes will occur that can even result in death. Therefore, be careful. Take care of your health and take care of yourself.