Grade 10, military training: standards and program

Grade 10 ... Military training is just around the corner. Many students are in amazing anticipation of what awaits them at the most genuine military training camps! For boys, this is the first experience of a real man, the defender of his homeland, for girls - an interesting pastime that allows you to feel the stamina of character. Although in many schools girls are not at all attracted to such activities, but it's a pity.

Grade 10 military training

Military training is ...

Before analyzing this topic "piece by piece", it is important to decide on terms and concepts. So, military training is a daily practical exercises that are associated with drill, civil, physical training.

In fact, the term “military” was assigned by teachers and parents. In no normative act can you find mention of the military training of schoolchildren. In this situation, the definition of “training fees” is used.

Military gatherings of students in grades 10 are carried out, as a rule, at the bases of military units. And where there are none, military institutes, patriotic and youth organizations with a defense-sports bias are involved. In practical lessons, students should consolidate not only theoretical knowledge, but also acquire skills related to military service.

military fees grade 10 standards

About the girls

Grade 10 came ... Military training assumes the presence of all students of this age. As practice shows, both girls and boys are involved in training sessions, but the former are not required to take part in them.

It is worth noting that earlier in the schools there was an elective called NVP (initial military training), but with the advent of the 90s it was canceled. The subject OBZH has replaced (the abbreviation does not need to be decrypted).

Organization of fees

Military training after grade 10 is organized by the teacher OBZH. Yes, NVP was canceled, but the section devoted to this kind of training is still present in all textbooks from grades 9 to 11.

In 1998, the Ministry of Education included the section "Fundamentals of Military Service" in the training program. On this topic, issues related to the Armed forces of the Russian Federation, military traditions, military symbols and so on are being studied.

military training grade 10 program

The purpose of the classes

Military training camps (grade 10) pursue clearly defined goals, namely:

  • Gaining solid theoretical knowledge in the field of defense.
  • Obtaining skills in civil defense in the following cases: when declaring a state of emergency and martial law, infecting nature, penetration of toxic substances, or providing first aid.
  • Preparation for military service.

The above goals and pursue military training (grade 10). The program for their implementation is reflected in the Government Decree, which is mandatory for all schools.

military training after

About classes

Military training at the school (grade 10) is carried out on the basis of Government Decision No. 1441 of 12/31/1999, as well as the Instructions attached thereto. The above normative acts fully regulate all issues related to student fees. Moreover, the NLA states the need for practical training with women. The law speaks of separate training, as well as in-depth study of the basics of medical care.

Fees - this is one of the most important events for students who have never encountered this kind of activity. That is why many people have a completely logical question: “What are they doing at the military training camp?” Grade 10 never remains indifferent to this issue, so almost always it sounds on the classroom clock.

On the first day, children are told about the life and placement of employees, they are shown the main rooms, the sleeping arrangement, the process of serving, the work of the outfits, and much more. In the process of living, students are directly acquainted with the organization of the guard, the protection of the military banner, the work of internal services, departments and so on.

Direct practical training begins with the study of the elements of drill training. Moreover, during the lesson, it is important to pay attention not only to the clearly set step, but also to knowledge of concepts, definitions, and also learning the teams.

Throughout the exercises, all the guys get acquainted with the elements of fire training. No one says that weapons can be entrusted to tenth graders - dear parents, don’t worry! However, the study of safety measures, types of ammunition, prohibitions and commands is also necessary for guys, as for girls - the ability to cook.

And tactical training include military training. Grade 10 is actively studying maps, topographic signs, azimuths and much more. As practice shows, it’s insanely interesting for the guys to navigate the terrain on their own, using only a map and a compass. Determining the correct scale, comparing the map with the terrain, studying the basic concepts of terrain orientation, tactics, determining the cardinal directions without a compass - interesting adventures await the children when reading this section!

And of course, how can you do without physical fitness? Every morning, boys and girls go on a charge, get used to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, over the course of a five-day week, each student is refined with standards for physical fitness. All indicators are taken into account by standards. Grade 10, military training passing, as a rule, passes athletics: running long and short distances, long and high jumps, complex strength training, cross-country courses and so on.

As additional theoretical lessons, the children are taught the basics of first aid, as well as the chemical and biological protection of the population. Training camps are aimed not only at training boys and girls, but also at vocational guidance in the military field.

military training camp grade 10

Themes and Watches

Any training requires a well-defined plan. Military fees are not an exception (grade 10). The standards of pre-war training for students are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The watch and theme plan are as follows:

  • Classes in military training - 1 hour.
  • Accommodation, security basics, life of military personnel - 3 hours.
  • Familiarization with the duties of persons of daily attire, assistance in the service, practical participation in the performance of the service - 4 hours.
  • Acquaintance with the basics of the guard service, studying the duties of the guard, checking the performance of service with an accompanying official - 4 hours.
  • Drill training - 4 hours (study of the basic elements and concepts: “system”, “line”, “column” and so on).
  • Fire training - 11 hours.
  • Tactical, biological and chemical training - 6 hours.
  • Classes in medicine - 2 hours.
  • Physical training and passing standards - 5 hours.

In total, the total number of hours of practical training is 40. For a full five-day week, a pretty good indicator is to thoroughly study the fundamentals of military training and defense.

military training after grade 10

Financing fees

Funds for training fees are allocated from the federal budget, provided that the educational institution belongs to the state.

As for municipal and private schools, funds are allocated either from the regional budget or are financed by the municipality. In addition, private educational institutions may well take advantage of other financial assistance. Despite the bright ideas about the mandatory allocation of funds, in practice the situation is completely different. Often, funds for conducting fees are not allocated from the state budget, but are transferred from the development funds of administrative districts. As a rule, the relevant institutions are reluctant to part with “blood-collected” rubles, which causes problems in the organization.

military fees at school grade 10


Students need to pass the following standards at the camp:

1. Incomplete disassembly of the AK - 19 seconds (satisfactory).

2. Incomplete disassembly of the PM - 10 seconds.

3. Assembly of AK and PM - 25 and 10 seconds, respectively.

4. Putting on a gas mask - 7 sec.

5. Putting on a protective ammunition - 4 min. 4 sec

Teachers of disciplines

There are special posts at the time of the training camp. So, the primary person is the head of training camps. The list of his deputies is approved without fail, namely, on educational work, logistics, the chief of staff and a medical worker. It is important to consider that military personnel are appointed to the above positions, and subject teachers are chosen to help. For example, teachers of life and physical education are always at their jobs.

Additional faces

In addition to the personnel of the military unit, as well as school teachers, the law allows the involvement of employees not related to the service. So, the most frequent guest at training camps is a medical professional. Moreover, he is involved not only to provide medical care in case of injury, but also to conduct theoretical studies.

Still, you can’t get carried away and transfer most of the powers to invited persons. The leading role belongs to the military, who are responsible for the proper training of variable composition.

Grade 10 has arrived ... Military training is now not as scary as it seems! Judging by the feedback from the students, five days pass quickly, many want to continue working with officers!

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