We reveal the meaning. "Two-edged sword": what is this phraseology

Many actions can lead to both good and bad consequences. Not everything is explicit. In this regard, wise ancestors coined the expression "double-edged sword", the meaning of which will be discussed in more detail in this article. Also here you will find the history of the origin of this statement.

"Two-edged sword": the meaning of phraseology

In order to give an exact definition of this expression, we turn to authoritative dictionaries. The sensible Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov given the following meaning. "A double-edged sword" - "that which can end both good and bad." The author in his dictionary puts a stylistic mark “razg.”.

value double-edged sword

In the collection of phraseological units edited by Stepanova M. I., the definition is given to the expression: "that which can entail both favorable and negative consequences allows a good and bad outcome." The author makes such stylistic notes as “simple., Express.”.

Thus, based on the obtained definitions, we can conclude that the expression we are considering means the possibility of both a negative and a positive outcome in connection with something, some actions.

The origin of the expression

This phraseologism is a folk dictum. This means that we cannot find a specific author of this expression.

How did such phraseologism form? The preposition "o", which is present in it, was used in the meaning of the preposition "c". That is, we can assume that this expression is equal to the expression "double-edged sword".

This saying has appeared by chance. With the word "stick" formed many phraseological units. After all, what is this subject? The stick has, as a rule, two ends similar to each other. They are diametrically opposite. One end or the other can fall. Figuratively, the ancestors had in mind that you never know what will happen, there are always two variants of events: positive and negative.

double-edged sword meaning of phraseology

Also, the etymology of expression is associated with the fact that when someone was beaten with a stick, the one who was under attack could grab a stick and strike the offender with the other end. It turned out that the result was exactly the opposite of expectations.

Regardless of etymology, that which can end both good and bad reveals meaning. The “double-edged sword” has exactly this interpretation.


Where does this expression occur? Everywhere! It refers to the colloquial style, is an expressive expression. With it, any text can be made more expressive and vibrant. That is why most often this phraseological unit is found in the media: print media, on radio and television. It is put in the headlines and in the text itself. And all because the idea of ​​the possibility of a different outcome succinctly conveys its meaning. The “double-edged sword” is found in journalistic works on politics and other serious areas.

double-edged sword meaning

There are many examples in the literature of writers using this phraseological unit.

Publicists, public figures, and just people who resort to stable phrases in their speech, often use this rotation.

In the dialogs of the heroes of various films, you can also hear this expression.

Often there is the use of this phraseology in publications about lies. After all, a lie can both help someone and open up at the wrong time, thereby only exacerbating the situation.


In this article, we learned that the meaning of a “double-edged sword” (phraseological unit) has the following. This phraseologism characterizes the possibility of both a good and a bad outcome. This expression was formed due to the fact that the stick has two ends. Our ancestors turned this simple characteristic into a figurative statement that is still not outdated. It is relevant to this day.

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