Exercise for the back on the horizontal bar. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar - which muscles work

Most people, due to the nature of their occupation, lead a sedentary lifestyle. This primarily affects the health of the spine. By incorporating back exercises on the horizontal bar into physiotherapy exercises, you can significantly improve your general condition and get rid of problems with posture. Let's consider some of them in the article.

The use of a horizontal bar for the back

Treatment of all types of diseases of the spine includes a set of special exercises, including on the horizontal bar. They allow you to strengthen your back muscles, improve blood circulation, and straighten your posture.

Among other things, the benefits of a sports equipment are as follows:

  1. Regular exercises allow you to remove the load from the intervertebral discs.
  2. Pain in the back and lower back is reduced.
  3. In people with a sedentary lifestyle, muscle tone increases as a result of training.
  4. Increases back flexibility.
  5. Blood circulation and nutrition of body tissues improves.
  6. Continuous exercise leads to straightening the back and increasing growth.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar: which muscles work

When performing these exercises, almost all the muscles of the back are involved. If you look at a person while pulling up, you can see how their main groups are straining.

training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

In addition to the benefits of training for the spinal column, the torso, back and arms acquire a beautiful relief. The following muscles work during the exercise:

  • trapezoidal;
  • large diamond-shaped;
  • wide;
  • round muscles;
  • back delta;
  • back straighteners.

What diseases can be treated on the crossbar?

First of all, strengthening the back on the horizontal bar is useful as a prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and to strengthen the muscle corset. Exercises on the bar prevent postural curvature, hernia and the development of osteochondrosis.

upside down on horizontal bar

In cases where the pathological process is already running, this physical exercise is beneficial and reduces the symptoms of conditions such as:

  1. Osteochondrosis. An extract on the horizontal bar significantly unloads the spine.
  2. Kyphosis. Pull-ups are recommended for the treatment of the disease, while some exercises are strictly prohibited. Before you begin classes, you need to consult your doctor.
  3. Lordosis. It is possible to reduce the manifestations of spinal curvature by simply hanging on the horizontal bar or by pulling the knees to the body.
  4. Ischemia of the intervertebral disc. With this pathology, it is recommended to hang and swing on the crossbar.
  5. Cervical osteochondrosis.

When you can not do on the horizontal bar?

The presence of any pathological processes in the spine is an occasion to consult with your doctor about the advisability of using physiotherapy exercises on the horizontal bar, since some exercises are contraindicated in the presence of a particular disease.

You can not include classes on the crossbar in the therapeutic complex of a patient with intervertebral hernia. People suffering from osteochondrosis, it is mandatory to coordinate the exercises with the doctor, so as not to worsen the course of the disease.

Training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is not recommended if you have:

  • scoliosis
  • pain during physical education;
  • lateral curvature;
  • during an exacerbation of diseases.

Basic rules for training on the horizontal bar

Even during preventive classes on the crossbar and in the absence of serious pathologies, it is important to follow the basic rules. They are especially relevant for people suffering from diseases of the spine, since any incorrect action can affect the general well-being.

pull-ups on the horizontal bar: which muscles work

Exercises for the back on the horizontal bar are performed in compliance with the following instructions:

  1. For pain in the spine and pathological processes at any stage, a mandatory specialist consultation is necessary.
  2. Before the active part of the classes you need to stretch.
  3. You can not jump off the crossbar after the exercise, as well as bounce before it starts.
  4. During pull-ups it is forbidden to jerk and swing.
  5. The back should always be straight.
  6. Overweight people should better replace the horizontal bar exercises with other, less traumatic.
  7. In the presence of any disease of the spine, weight-bearing exercises should be avoided, especially on the lower extremities.
  8. If pain occurs during physical education, the lesson should be discontinued.

General tips

For those who wondered how to pump their backs on the horizontal bar, the following recommendations will be useful:

  1. Classes are allowed only during the period of remission.
  2. The warm-up should last from 5 to 10 minutes without spending physical effort, it only prepares the muscles for further load.
  3. The duration of classes on the crossbar depends on the course of the disease and the general well-being of the patient. On average, experts recommend spending no more than 20 minutes on the complex.
  4. Each exercise should be performed smoothly. First of all, physical education includes elements aimed at improving the condition of the spine. Gradually, you can include exercises for the figure and posture in the training.
  5. Being overweight is a contraindication for practicing on the bar, moreover, it gives a huge load to the spine, which can do much harm. For back problems, you need to carefully monitor the extra pounds.

What exercises are good for the back?

To form a beautiful posture and prevent scoliosis, it is recommended to pull up on the horizontal bar. Performing this exercise, it is important to breathe slowly and deeply, each action should be calm and confident. Exercises for the back on the horizontal bar in the form of pull-ups strengthen the main group of spinal muscles. The elbows should be spaced and parallel to each other, the thumb is the opposite of all the others, the grip is strong.

Hang on the bar upside down with hands pressed to the body is indicated for cervical osteochondrosis. The hood allows the spine to straighten and the discs to take their places. Swinging during this exercise improves blood circulation.

Lifting with a coup on the horizontal bar, hanging on arms with twisting, raising legs, simulating walking improves the condition in the presence of some pathological conditions of the spine. You just need to remember that all movements are performed carefully, without jerking.

With osteochondrosis, you canโ€™t swing on the horizontal bar, therefore, hanging on the bar, it is recommended to cross legs in the ankles. For pain in the lower back, performing a vis, you need to bend your knees and slowly pull it to your stomach.

Next, consider the best back exercises on the horizontal bar.


This training is best suited for people with poor physical fitness. The main advantage of the element is in controlling the stretching of muscles and vertebrae by transferring gravity to the legs. The horizontal bar should be equal to the growth of the trainee.

latissimus dorsi: exercises on the horizontal bar

The execution technique is as follows:

  1. We grab the crossbar with our hands, keep our heads straight, shoulders straightened.
  2. Legs are slightly crossed and torn off the floor, bending backwards. We hang on the horizontal bar for 10-20 seconds.
  3. If it is difficult for the hands to hold the weight, the legs straighten as far as possible, not lowering to the floor, thus adjusting the load.
  4. If pain or fatigue occurs, the legs are lowered to the floor, the bar is released.

Exercise is performed in several approaches.

Classic vis

It is also called complete. This is a complicated version of the previous item. Perform it in a stage of stable remission. Before you begin, it is recommended to do a warm-up and prepare the muscles. You can lie down on a large gymnastic ball with your arms wrapped around it, or fold in the fetal position.

strengthening the back on the horizontal bar

We hang on the horizontal bar correctly:

  1. The crossbar should be at such a height that, after grabbing it with your hands, your legs stand confidently on the floor.
  2. The position is relaxed, the back is straightened. In the presence of curvature of the vertebrae can not bend.
  3. The head looks straight, arms shoulder-width apart.
  4. The legs are torn off the floor, bent at the knees at a right angle.
  5. Muscles should be relaxed as much as possible, breathing is even, only in this case the load is removed from the intervertebral discs, and they occupy the correct position. After hanging for 10-20 seconds, the legs are straightened and lowered to the floor.

The number of approaches depends on the condition of the patient. In this case, it is impossible to force events, it is required to increase the load gradually.

Body pull

Not all patients are recommended to pull up on the crossbar. If there is a doctorโ€™s permission for this, then preparatory exercises on the floor are first performed. They allow you to build muscle strength in the arms and shoulder corset.

hanging on the horizontal bar
  1. The right knee rests on the bench in the left hand of the dumbbell (its weight is selected individually for each patient). The projectile rises to the chest, the number of repetitions depends on the physical fitness of the person. Then the exercise is done with the other hand.
  2. Pulling with support. One leg is on the floor, the other is on a support, for example, on a stool or bench. The body is pulled up on the hands, if the strength is not enough for this, you can help by focusing the legs.

Classic pull up

After gaining muscle strength, you can proceed to the next stage - pulling up on the hands. A prepared muscle corset is able to fix the spine in the right position and minimizes the risk of injury. This is especially noticeable with well developed latissimus dorsi muscles.

how to pump your back on the horizontal bar

Exercise on the horizontal bar is as follows:

  1. Cling to the crossbar with one of the most convenient grip, for example, arms shoulder width apart. The back is straightened, the head is looking forward, the breathing is even.
  2. Slowly, without jerking, they raise the body, trying not to bend. The back muscles are as tense as possible, the hands are actively working.
  3. When pulling up, the chin should be kept a little higher or at the same level with the crossbar. The body does not swing and moves only vertically. Crossing of the legs is allowed, while they should be straight.
  4. After doing several repetitions, the arms are straightened and lowered on the socks, and then on the heels.

Strengthening the back muscles

We offer some more useful exercises for the back on the horizontal bar:

  1. The capture of the crossbar is carried out in such a way that the hands are close to each other, the legs bend at the knees. Slowly perform one pull-up approach (12 times). Then the hands are swapped and the exercise is repeated.
  2. Pulling up on bent arms. During the exercise, performing repetitions, the elbows can be extended by half.
  3. Pulling up on a low crossbeam. Grip with the palms away from you, the back is bent back as much as possible, the head is tilted. Raise the legs in a bent or upright position, smoothly, with a large amplitude, the body is pulled several times to the crossbar. Exercise requires good physical fitness.

In medical practice there are many cases when, with perseverance and diligence, performing physiotherapy exercises on the horizontal bar, partially immobilized patients or those confined to a wheelchair were cured.

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