Feeling is what? What feelings does a person have?

We constantly feel something. Every second of its existence. Joy, fear, bitterness, thirst, admiration ... So different, but all this is our feelings.

How do feelings begin?

feeling it

Living in the world, communicating with him and its inhabitants, a man cannot but express his attitude to what is happening around. This is the basis of the interaction of the individual with the world around him - phenomena, objects, people - in the ability to feel and disclose their feelings, based on emotions.


When a person very violently, vividly, loudly expresses his attitude to something, the opinion of someone, we say that he is emotional. Indeed, one cannot understand the question of feelings without talking about their basis - emotions.

The better they are developed in a person, the deeper his relationship with other people will be, the brighter the world of his inner experiences will become. They can be developed and even trained, because emotion is a state (psychophysiological), which is an indicator, assessment, response to actions from the outside. That is, it is a kind of reflex.

higher feelings it

If necessary, emotions can be customized. For example, in response to a jolt in the morning crush on the bus, you may feel anger, slight irritation or complete indifference - the difference is impressive.

Emotional phenomena

There are several levels of emotional experiences (phenomena) of a person:

  1. Emotional tone. This is a very fuzzy sensation, at the level of animal instincts, a reaction to physical effects (temperature, pain, taste, smell). They have no specifics, they simply color our perception of the objective world.
  2. Emotion. This is an already established set of sensations, which is a reaction, a personโ€™s attitude to a specific situation, real or possible. A set of conditions that is characterized by certain sensations are the main emotions. They already have their own names: guilt, contempt, interest, joy, etc.
  3. Mood. "Value" is also quite constant, but not related to a particular subject. The temperament of a person can be expressed through mood. Its main characteristics are plus and minus, positive and negative.
  4. Feeling. This is a very persistent set of emotions that express a personโ€™s attitude to the current situation. The highest point that emotions reach in the development process is feelings.
    the power of feelings is

Types of feelings

They are divided into two types: stenic (positive) and asthenic (negative). The first type of feelings prepares the human body for a large expenditure of energy, it is associated with excitement, activity, vigor.

The second one is the result of refusal to act in a state of stress or an emotionally stressed environment. There is a decline in activity, depression, apathy.

Types of feelings

Man's feelings are an indicator of his needs, both social and spiritual. Despite the complexity of their definition, feelings were even divided into types.

  1. Moral or higher feelings. This is one of the main characteristics of a person. They express the attitude of the individual to the world, people, events. By the level of development of moral feelings among the population, one can judge not only about one person (a sense of camaraderie, empathy, sympathy), but also about the social and moral situation in the state (sense of duty, patriotism).
  2. Intellectual feelings. This is a consequence of human actions aimed at obtaining, mastering new knowledge. The basis for their development is the human need for knowledge, his attitude to his own thought process. These are feelings of surprise, interest.
  3. Aesthetic feelings. They are based on the position of personal boundaries, the difference between the beautiful and the ugly. Of great importance in the development of these emotional complexes is the state of society, its norms and preferences. A sense of beauty is also an expression of an aesthetic attitude towards the world, as well as a sense of humor, tragic, sublime or irony.

sense of beauty is
The degree or level of development of the sphere of feelings in an individual person is the so-called emotional intelligence of a person. It includes the ability to recognize and determine the emotions of others, the need shares its feelings and accept them from other people, empathize.

No matter how high or low the level of emotional intelligence in a person is, all perception begins with the senses.

Sensory organs

Where does the feeling begin? We have already understood this - from the emotional tone that a person forms on the basis of data on the environment and its position in it. A person collects this information through various organs of his body (sensory organs).

A person has five of them:

  • to see an object, one needs eyes;
  • to hear his sound - ears;
  • to smell his nose;
  • to experience its taste - language;
  • skin to understand what it feels like.

Thus, it turns out that the sense organs are organs of the human body that, through receptors, collect data from the outside world and send them to the human brain, thereby allowing us to form an opinion about it.

Remote senses include eyes, ears, and nose - they are able to perceive signals at a distance.

Sometimes these organs are able to compensate each other. For example, it is known that in visually impaired people, hearing and touch are often very well developed.

The central nervous system analyzes the information received through receptors and identifies it. So a person receives sensations, which subsequently add up to emotions and feelings.

sense organs it

Types of perception

It turns out that in humans, the sense organs are developed unevenly.

For example, the eyes can send information to the nervous system more intensively, faster than the ears and nose. That is, visual sensations will be fundamental in the perception of the world. Such people are called visuals. They are about 35% of the total population of the planet. Visuals see the world in pictures, perfectly remember the external details. If you will use visual images in communication with such a person, visualize the information, he will more likely understand you more deeply. Phrases like: "Look how delicious!" - This is the norm for the visual. Feeling is an image in his eyes.

25% of the world's inhabitants perceive auditory sensations stronger and faster - these are audials. Sound is very important to them. It is not so important what you say, but the timbre of the voice, the pace of speech will cause a much stronger feeling. This is the basic principle of perception of information. When communicating with the audience, monitor the emotionality of your speech.

All the rest are kinesthetics. Their world is more a tactile sensation. Therefore, it is important for them to be close to the interlocutor, to touch him or to himself, or to something else. In this age of distance technology, kinesthetics have the hardest time adjusting. Want him to hear you? Let yourself be touched, at least hold on to the sleeve.

Power of feelings

human feelings are

A person is able to experience feelings of different strengths (in terms of emotional intensity) in relation to one object.

For example, eating. How strong will a person experience dining at home? Away? In a restaurant? After a long diet? Outdoors? The amplitude of sensory experiences will be quite large in all the proposed options. This happens because the power of feelings is the amount of energy that a person receives from emotions or expends on them. That is, the more emotions we receive or express in a complex (in relation to one object, action), the stronger the feeling will be. Thus, expressions like "strongly love" and "slightly love" have every right to exist.

Each person is able to develop high emotional intelligence in himself , to experience strong and vivid feelings throughout his life and in any situation.

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