The double eyelid is a term unusual for the ear of a European and so exciting for any possessor of Asian appearance. We are talking about the structural features of the muscles and skin around the eye. A double eyelid is called a fold, while many representatives of the Mongoloid race do not have it. Often in this case, the skin hangs over the eyelash growth line, because of which the eyes look swollen and cried. Why do eyelids have such a structure and is it possible to correct this cosmetic defect?
Double eyelid: photo and description
A narrow section of the eyes is one of the signs of the Mongoloid race. Many Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Tatars, Kyrgyz, Eskimos and representatives of other northern and eastern nationalities do not have folds for centuries. Often, instead of the traditional European wrinkles on the moving part of the eyelid, owners of Asian appearance have an epicanthus. This is the skin fold most visible in the inner corner of the eye. This feature of the structure of the century is innate. It is worth noting that today not all representatives of the Mongoloid race have a fold. Scientists have not yet succeeded in finding out and proving why the Europeans have a double eyelid, and the Asians have a “single” eyelid. There is a widespread theory that this is a natural means of protection from the cold, winds and sands, which appeared in the process of evolution.
Cosmetic defect or oriental beauty?
Many representatives (and especially the fair sex) of the Mongoloid race experience complexes due to the structure of their own eyelids. It seems to girls and women that the skin hanging over the eyelashes visually narrows the eyes even more and drops the cilia down. There is some truth to these beliefs, but still, the Asian type of person is special. Many Europeans consider the natural faces of women of the Mongoloid race to be cute and expressive. At the same time, the owners of the “Monovec” themselves strive in any way to solve this problem.
Non-surgical correction
In the cosmetic stores of Japan and Korea, one of the most popular products is eye glue.
What it is? This tool, which is applied a few millimeters above the eyelash growth line. Using a special tool, the composition is spread on the skin and forms the desired fold. The effect lasts until the first wash. A worthy alternative to glue is stickers that fix the skin of the eyelids. These are adhesive-backed strips to help fix wrinkles. Stickers are visible on the skin; to mask them, it is recommended to apply shadow on the entire moving eyelid.
Plastic surgery
A radical way to do a double eyelid is plastic surgery. Today aesthetic medicine clinics offer three plastic options: incisional, partially incisional and non-incisive. The choice of operation for a particular patient depends on its physiological characteristics. The incision method involves performing a surgical intervention with an incision in which a fold is formed and fat deposits are removed. Partially incisive version of the operation involves fixing the skin using special threads installed through small incisions. With this intervention, excess fat is also excised. The most sparing operation of the double eyelid non-incisive type. With this intervention, a fold is formed by installing threads through point micro-incisions. Any
blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery ) is, first of all, a surgical operation. When deciding to carry it out for aesthetic purposes, the patient must understand that there are risks and contraindications. If the purpose of the intervention is to create a double eyelid, it makes sense to entrust the treatment to a plastic surgeon who specializes in working with patients with an Asian appearance.