Facial after 50 years. Effective facial skin care after 50 years

It has long been no secret that with age, the skin undergoes significant changes. These phenomena are especially noticeable against the background of menopausal processes. Therefore, facial care after 50 years is mandatory. At this age, a woman should take care of herself with special care in order to preserve youth and beauty longer.

facial after 50 years

What happens to the skin?

Climax does not have the best effect on the skin, since during this period the level of estrogen in the blood decreases. The skin becomes much thinner due to a decrease in the layer of fat and noticeably drier. Also, changes in the structure of collagen occur, due to which all recovery processes are significantly slowed down.

In addition to dryness, a woman may notice that her appearance is spoiled by black circles under her eyes, drooping eyelids, numerous wrinkles and increased facial hair growth . As a rule, the oval of the face becomes flabby and saggy. If a woman remains still young in her soul, such changes can greatly frighten her. In desperation, she might even think about plastic. But not everything is so deplorable. Proper facial care after 50 years will help minimize such phenomena.

skin care

What to do?

Having reached a certain age, a woman should remember the basic rules and strictly observe them:

  • Do not avoid physical activity.
  • Eat properly.
  • Protect the skin from adverse external factors.
  • It is very important to drink plenty of clean fluids.
  • Forget about bad habits.
  • To support the body, you can choose a complex of biological additives.

Suitable cosmetics

Women should remember that it is necessary to use only those products that are suitable for them by age and appropriate to their skin type. All information can be studied on the packaging, the manufacturer must provide all the data.

For skin care to be complete, every woman should have a gel for washing and milk. In no case should you use soap, as it will cause great harm to the skin. Cells are already weakened with age, so you should not drain them even more. The skin will begin to peel off and become faded and dull.

Using mild means, you can not worry about the fact that the skin will not be sufficiently nourished and moisturized. Choosing the right cream is not easy, but extremely important. It is preferable to purchase a tool for dry skin. It will retain moisture and protect against drying out.

Instant lifting

Carrying out facial care after 50 years, it is worth being wary of new-fangled trends. This is especially true for instant lifting: many products include hormonal components that provoke facial hair growth. Creams with hyaluronic acid, algae and extracts of plants or serum are recognized as safe.

face care at home

In the morning and in the evening

A woman should remember the main rule: you need to look after your face in the morning and in the evening. Along with cosmetics, you can use infusions of herbs and wipe the skin with ice - this is very useful.

When caring for facial skin, reviews and advice from cosmetologists must be taken into account. They will help you choose the right tools. After waking up, you need to apply a cream that moisturizes, and in the evening - nutritious. Masks should be applied at least twice a week to a cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes. To relax the muscles, cosmetologists recommend holding steam baths or covering your face with a damp, warm towel. Women who followed all these recommendations assure that the skin has become much cleaner, more toned and fresher.

facial skin care reviews

Massage Activities

Professional face care gives excellent results, but lymphatic drainage massage can be done on your own. To do this, the face should be thoroughly cleaned and apply a nourishing cream, which includes vitamin E and plant extracts.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure, you need to massage your head. Fingers must be folded with a β€œclaw” and drive in small circular motions counterclockwise. Hair should be collected in a bun and pulled up.

The palms are applied to the forehead so that the fingertips are in the center. Massage is necessary towards the edges. The procedure is repeated three times slowly.

Fingers should be applied to the temples and press. In this position, they should be held for several seconds. The exercise is repeated several times.

Palms are laid on the face so that the eyes are between the ring and middle fingers. The face must be grabbed, squeezed a little and fix your hands. Then you can relax and repeat the procedure. Next, the fingers move to the cheeks and make tapping movements. At the end of the massage, you need to firmly press your palms to your face and release. This will help relax the muscles.

professional facial

The secrets of our grandmothers

Skin care should become a familiar daily ritual, so women will be interested to learn the secrets that have been passed down from generation to generation and verified by experience.

The safest and most useful products have always been considered to be based on only natural ingredients. If you apply them regularly, the effect will not take long.


They are prepared based on the characteristics and needs of the skin. Broths are best prepared in the evening, using fees that can be purchased at the pharmacy. They should be infused for about fifteen minutes, and after cooling, they can be poured into prepared containers and refrigerated. To achieve maximum effect, you can freeze the broth and wipe the face with ice cubes.


To always have a fresh face, home care should be regular. Lotions based on natural ingredients give a good result. They can be prepared from fresh cucumbers, aloe leaves or sea buckthorn. They are prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 and insisted for about ten days. After the lotion is filtered, you need to wipe their face with a cotton sponge.


Facial care after 50 years must include various masks. They are simply indispensable for aging skin. You can use vegetables, fruits or dairy products. They need to be kneaded with a fork or blender and applied to the skin.

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