What is linguistic expertise?

One type of forensic research is a linguistic examination.

Linguistic research is the evaluation of text expressed in oral or written material form (audio and video recordings, newspaper articles, statements, announcements, advertising flyers, notes, letters, etc.). Linguistic examination requires the observance of one important condition - the text must be clear and concise. Otherwise, a preliminary technical examination is carried out, which restores the lost fragments of the text, eliminates the interference of audio and video recordings and presents the decrypted text to the expert linguists, which must be certified by the competent authorities.

linguistic expertise
The linguistic examination of the text has the following objectives:

  • give a basic and connotative concept to the studied linguistic units;
  • clarify and interpret the etymology and meaning of words, idioms, phrases;
  • interpret certain provisions of the text (often a controversial contract) to establish the variability of understanding in the context of modern linguistic culture;
  • examine the text for emotional coloring, increased expression of expressions; Describe the semantics, grammatical characteristics and stylistics of the text;
  • identify the similarity or complete coincidence of advertising slogans, brands, trademarks, etc.

Legal linguistics is used in the following cases:

  1. linguistic examination of the text
    In criminal law - in the investigation of crimes provided for in articles in which verbal acts are considered criminal: slander, insult, incitement of hatred and hatred, humiliation of dignity on racial, religious, nationalistic, etc. featured. This also includes false advertising, illegal use of the brand, violation of copyright, related, patent rights, distribution of pornography (explicit and hidden). Drug propaganda in advertising, leaflets, print media can apply both to the criminal and administrative spheres of law, depending on qualifications.
  2. In civil law - in legal proceedings for the protection of business reputation, honor and dignity, plus the protection of copyright, patent, inventive rights, etc.
  3. In arbitration, on claims for invalidating (or invalidating) the decisions of the Chamber for Patent Disputes, Media Disputes on the Promotion of Extremism, the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, etc.

Linguistic examination allows you to clearly answer the question of what meaning was laid down in the phrase or passage of the text. Differences and misunderstandings most often arise due to the polysemy (polysemy) of the Russian language.

legal linguistics
Established grammatical relationships, identified syntactic relationships and semantic contextual relationships help to prove the meaning of what was said.

Linguistic research and linguistic examination are all forms of text evaluation carried out by the same techniques and methods. With one difference: an examination can only be appointed by a judicial authority, and even a private person can order a linguistic study from an expert bureau .

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