Krasnoyarsk, Cadet Corps: reviews and admission

Many boys from childhood dream of being military. And in order for the dream to come true, it is necessary from a young age to develop physically and spiritually, to be honest, to be able to bear responsibility for your words and actions. All of this, boys from the Krasnoyarsk Territory are taught in the cadet corps.

What does it mean to be a cadet?

Encyclopedias and dictionaries in response to the query "cadet" give out that this is a student of a secondary military educational institution. In general, the word is translated from French as "younger". So it is: a cadet is a boy, a "junior military man." And they have everything, like adults. There is even a charter that states, for example, that one must not give in to difficulties, lie and offend the younger ones, that one must be fair and courageous, always ready to help and be able to defend one’s opinion, and most importantly, to preserve one’s honor.

Like real soldiers, the guys live in the barracks, and all day they build on a schedule - lifting, exercising, breakfast, lessons ... In addition to the usual school-wide disciplines, the cadets attach great importance to physical training. They are taught to walk in order, march, and train for endurance. All this will be useful to the boys in the future. Each educational institution of such a plan has its own specialization. Some have a bias towards the natural sciences, while some have more aesthetics or even religion.

cadet corps Krasnoyarsk
Being a cadet is difficult, but interesting. The guys have quite a rich cultural life, so that they not only study and play sports. And although they live in full board, that is, within the walls of the boarding school, they are allowed to leave home on weekends to see relatives.

However, for the failure to comply with orders, disobedience to the statutory laws, for the independently made decision to leave the territory of the corps, the young military are strictly punished - just like adults. After all, being a cadet, apart from everything else, also means honoring discipline.

The history of cadet corps in Russia

It is hard to imagine, but the very first such school in our country appeared already in the eighteenth century - not just anywhere, but, of course, in St. Petersburg. It was called the “Cadet Corps” and its appearance was obliged to Field Marshal Burkhard Christoph Minich (the Russian name is Khristofor Antonovich). When Catherine the Second ascended the throne, the number of cadet corps in St. Petersburg increased, and under Alexander the First they began to spread to other cities - schools were opened in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Omsk, and so on.

Later, educational institutions of this type arose specifically for the children of Cossacks. They were called Cossack. Maritime, infantry, and Suvorov schools appeared ... The last cadet corps organized in Tsarist times (under Nicholas II) was Irkutsk - in 1913. When the October Revolution broke out, almost all such institutions were closed. Some emigrated abroad. Military schools began to function again in Russia only after the Great Patriotic War.

Cadet Corps in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In Krasnoyarsk and its environs, there are eleven military schools, including specialized gymnasiums for girls. Almost three thousand boys and five thousand girls from 10 to 18 years old from all over the country live and study in these institutions.

cadet corps Krasnoyarsk what to do
In addition to the corps in the capital of the region, these include institutions in Kansk (maritime), Minusinsk, Norilsk, Lesosibirsk, the village of Kedrov, Sharypovo, two Mariinsky girls' schools (in Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk), as well as two centers for further education.

Cadet Corps: how was it?

The school, which opened in 1998, is the largest in the region. Alexander Ivanovich Lebed, the then governor of the Krasnoyarsk region and the military himself, provided very great support to the new cadet corps.

He did a lot for this institution, so it is not surprising that four years later, when General Lebed's life tragically ended in a plane crash (April 2002), the Krasnoyarsk Cadet Corps received a name in his honor. And almost immediately after the opening, in December 1998, the Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei diocese "presented" the cadets with a holy patron - Alexander Nevsky. His day, the sixth of December, is now an official holiday for the pupils.

cadet corps in Krasnoyarsk
Since 2002, the cadet corps of Krasnoyarsk has its own banner, which symbolizes the special honor and valor of boys-pupils. This is the pride of all cadets. Already in 2004, the school received two awards - the first and therefore memorable. The cadet corps in Krasnoyarsk is located on the territory of the former School of Radio Electronics, on Malinovsky Street. Incidentally, the female Mariinka is also located there.


Reviews of the cadet corps of Krasnoyarsk claim that this institution is one of the best educational institutions of this type in our country. Annual ratings are proof of this: either it is among the hundreds of the best schools in terms of education, then it is among the best schools of advanced level, then it is on the list of the most significant institutions for sports training ...

This is not the whole list of achievements of the cadet corps of Krasnoyarsk. Over the past few years, he has been leading in the regional stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad.

cadet corps Krasnoyarsk what to do
Currently, the teaching staff of the school has three honored teachers of the region, seven honorary workers of the Russian Federation. All educators are highly qualified people, some of whom, by the way, are former military commanders. Thanks to such teachers, the vast majority of corps graduates continue their studies at higher educational institutions - both military and civilian.

Features of the institution

Not everyone will graduate from an ordinary secondary school with a medal, but the graduates of the cadet corps of Krasnoyarsk are lucky in this regard - each of them will certainly receive a silver or gold sign upon exiting the institution for special achievements. Particularly talented and capable children also receive the “Cadet Glory” badge.

The trace of Alexander Ivanovich Lebed is everywhere felt in the cadet corps. He has not been alive for fifteen years, however, until now, the school’s General Club, which he once created, an association of various generals of the Krasnoyarsk region, has been actively helping the school in many matters. They even instituted a special award for excellence.

cadet corps in Krasnoyarsk

To make the Krasnoyarsk boys comfortable together, they are assigned to age companies upon admission. Those, in turn, just like in the army, are divided into platoons - one platoon and makes up one class. The cadets study in the first half of the day - from 8:50 to 14:40, the second half is given to them for attending additional classes and self-education. In many institutions of this type, the cadet is awakened at six thirty in the morning or even at six.

The Krasnoyarsk corps is distinguished by loyalty - pupils are allowed to sleep until seven, and on weekends - up to eight hours (of course, if they do not leave home). However, they hang up, like everywhere else, at ten. Like any other cadet corps, Krasnoyarsk has its own insignia. In addition to the banner already mentioned, this is a coat of arms, which depicts the profile of Alexander Nevsky, as well as symbols of Krasnoyarsk and the region and the school’s anthem.

How to enter the cadet corps of Krasnoyarsk?

If in tsarist times even the first class existed in the cadet corps, now the boy will not be accepted into this institution until at least ten years old, that is, until the end of primary school. Thus, cadets are trained in the corps from the fifth to eleventh grade. Anyone can come with documents to the school, however, it is important to remember the following conditions:

  1. The desire of the child. It is a child, not mom and dad. After all, the boy will have to study and live in the building, and he must understand what awaits him, to be ready for this, to dream about it. Otherwise, the child will simply feel bad.
  2. Good athletic form, lack of diseases, pathologies. For example, a boy with heart disease is not allowed to enter military schools. The presence of the first or second health groups is desirable. Excess weight will also be a hindrance.
  3. Excellent school performance plus additional high results in sports, music, dancing, painting - in general, any area of ​​employment.

cadet corps Krasnoyarsk admission
Subject to these conditions, the young applicant will be asked to take exams on a competitive basis: oral interviews, Russian, mathematics and English. You need to score at least twenty points in three tests in order to consider yourself successfully passed them.

You also need to know and understand that orphans, guardianship children, children without parental care, children of dead military personnel and soldiers in the combat zone enjoy preferential rights (that is, an advantage) upon admission (as in universities). Round honors also have privileges - they need to pass only one exam out of three, provided that the child receives nine points for him. As a result, he will be automatically credited to the case. Otherwise, you will have to act on a common basis.

Required documents

Documents received by the children will have to collect a lot. They are divided into two packages - primary and secondary. The first includes: a copy of the birth certificate, a report card for the past year in a secondary school, copies of all the letters the child has for both school and additional successes, an extract from the medical card, a certificate of family composition.

Beneficiaries must also provide a document confirming their right to classify themselves in this category. The secondary package includes the results of medical reports from a variety of doctors, as well as photographs of the child.

cadet corps krasnoyarsk reviews
Boys who are under guardianship, orphans or without parental care, need to collect additional documents, the entire list of which can be found on the website of the cadet corps or by calling there. Admission to the cadet corps of Krasnoyarsk (however, of any other city) also provides for a statement from the parents or legal representatives of the child.

Primary documents are submitted in May. Until mid-June, the future cadet is tested, and in the second half of the month he brings a secondary package.

And then what?

Where can the future cadet continue his studies? It is clear that some of the guys still will not connect life with military affairs and will go to civilian universities. Where to go to those who firmly decided that the army is his calling? Firstly, you can really join the army. Secondly, you can become an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies or internal affairs agencies. In order to make it easier for boys to decide, representatives of various universities come to them to meet - the Institute of the Ministry of Emergencies, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Military Academy and so on.

Graduates are told in detail about the features of a particular service, they are shown booklets and videos. There are more than enough universities in one way or another connected with military affairs - so yesterday’s cadet has plenty to choose from. Each family decides for itself (of course, with the direct participation of the child!) Whether to send their son to the cadet corps. As in any other place, there are pros and cons, and you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons - because this choice will largely determine the fate of your baby.

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