Enslavement is an action against individual freedom

The pursuit of freedom is an important part of the human person. The state of independence allows you to realize any of your ambitions, to choose development paths yourself, to reach new heights. The concept is valid both for a specific person and for large social entities: from family to the whole state. Because of this, enslavement is one of the most terrible crimes that can be committed.

Forced labor

At its core, the word is as transparent as possible from the point of view of morphemic analysis. It comes from the action of converting someone into a slave, when people have no choice but to work for their master. The very first meaning of the term implies:

  • make a slave;
  • to deprive of freedom (physical);
  • pick up independence.

Lawyers will certainly say that the norms for counteracting such acts are fixed at the international level. It doesnโ€™t matter if the establishment of unlimited power passes in fact when someone is put on a chain, shackled, or with the help of laws. In this case, the meaning of the word โ€œenslavementโ€ indicates a crime against humanity, which is punishable in the most severe way.

enslavement is

Unlimited power

However, the concept also has a figurative meaning, no less disgusting and harmful. Its main decryption:

  • subordinate to power and influence;
  • make addicted.

In such a situation, there are no tangible containment tools like cells or prison cells. There are no documents confirming the slavish position of the individual. But at the same time, a person is not able to object to or prevent anything from a conditional owner. So, many hired workers without an employment contract are not able to argue with their superiors, are sitting on minimum wages, receive irregular salaries and are subject to terrible fines.

Often, old people and children, because of limited legal capacity, find themselves in a hopeless situation under the absolute authority of relatives. The most vivid example of the interpretation of the figurative meaning will be the story of poor Cinderella, who in her own house turned out to be a servant. The girl performed the most dirty and hard work for free, receiving only reproaches and insults in response.

enslavement meaning of the word

Household use

How appropriate is the utterance of the word โ€œenslavementโ€? It depends on the context. In history classes, teachers often turn to events when entire nations and countries fell into slavery to more powerful and powerful neighbors. Similar scenes are played in science fiction films, in computer games, so the term can be found in fiction.

At the household level, you are unlikely to meet the actual interpretation personally. But allegorically, the definition can be used in the address of a picky landlord, an evil boss, dean and many other people who have some power over you. Often used in a humorous, ironic manner, but even then the speaker hints that he needs a little more freedom.

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