Rules of negotiations during shunting. Instructions for train movement and shunting

The current regulation of negotiations during shunting operations replaced the outdated regulations (from 1999) and was enforced by order of the Minister of Railways of September 26, 2003 Morozov. In accordance with the current legislation, the heads of departments of the railway of the Russian Federation, as well as the heads of the railway, are obliged to bring all official documentation to the appropriate new regulation. Deputy chiefs of railways are obliged to monitor the implementation of the regulations by employees and employees.

Train driver

Rules for negotiations during shunting: general provisions

The mentioned document determines the sequence of actions and negotiations of the train crew (the driver and his assistant) or another transport railway vehicle, as well as the procedure for radio conversations of the train crew with the transport staff. Negotiations are carried out during shunting operations at the station and when the train moves in transit through a transport hub.

The implementation of all provisions of the Regulation is strictly necessary for all employees of the railway, whose activities are associated with organizational work and ensuring the safe operation of the transport sector.

Railway junction

General provisions on shunting

Any maneuver, both within the railway station and outside it, should be carried out according to a pre-compiled plan. The supply of wagons and the formation of trains, transshipment of goods and boarding (disembarking) of passengers are planned by the corresponding logistics divisions of the railway. There is a certain shunting procedure, which cannot be violated and is mandatory for all officials and employees of the railway.

Large railway junctions are divided into areas for which duty shunting locomotives are assigned. These tractors must be in perfect and technically sound condition, with working signal and side lights, with a radio station.

Almost the entire railway network of the Russian Federation has undergone modernization, the switches are mainly switched by the operator from a centralized control panel in automatic mode. However, at some remote stations, the movement of trains is still regulated by the duty officer, who manually switches the arrows. Before switching the direction of the road, the responsible officer must make sure that the track is not occupied by another train. Failure to observe safety precautions could be disastrous and could result in casualties among people.

Responsibility for planning shunting lies with the station duty officer. He, as well as the driver and his assistant, are responsible for carrying out the work and ensuring the uninterrupted movement of trains.

In cases where visibility is limited by bad weather conditions, all maneuvers should be carried out with extreme caution and increased attention of all employees without exception.

The work of all auxiliary transport is supervised by the head of the relevant service. Any movement of such locomotives must be approved by the dispatcher and the station duty officer.

For work on the compilation of wagons and the connection of communications (including brake hoses), appropriate teams are involved. But connecting and disconnecting communications to the locomotive is the responsibility of the crew (brigade) of the tractor.

Locomotive at the station

Shunting Guide

Only one person has the right to give an order (instruction) to conduct shunting operations - the duty officer at the railway station. In some cases (if there is an appropriate order from the senior management), the right to give such orders may be vested in the shunting manager or the sorting department duty officer.

The work itself is carried out by the compiler. At many major railway junctions, the compiler is allocated an assistant. This allows you to more quickly form trains and minimize unwanted downtime of rolling stock.

Often there are situations when during maneuvers, for one reason or another, you have to deviate from the previously planned plan. After all, circumstances in real life are very different. In this case, all employees and participants in this complex process should be immediately informed of the changes made. History knows many cases when the self-righteousness of local workers turned into fatalities and major accidents.

Any movement of a locomotive engaged in shunting operations is allowed only with the direct indication of the station duty officer. Moreover, the duty officer, before giving permission to move, is obliged to coordinate all actions with the duty officer of the station to which the train is sent.

Before embarking on duty, the compiler must familiarize himself with the arrangement of rolling stock on the section of the track entrusted to him and listen to his successor, personally verify the reliability of the fastening of the trains. In any case, even if everything is perfect, the compiler is obliged to report the situation to the person on duty at the railway station.

The employee who manages the shunting operations on the railway, before carrying out any action, is required to personally verify that the employees participating in the work are in full force at the post. Also, the manager must familiarize all the personnel who are planned to be involved with a detailed plan for the upcoming work, personally verify that there are no obstacles to the movement of trains.

Responsibilities of the head of shunting operations:

  • advance signaling and instructions to ensure safety and operational efficiency;
  • to control and verify the preparation of tracks (timeliness and correct switching of switches), signaling by other employees of the railway involved in the operation;
  • when docking cars should be on a special footboard (platform for the transition) of the extreme car;
  • in the event that there is no opportunity to be on the site, must accompany the movement of the composition on foot;
  • in bad weather conditions, additional safety measures must be taken (the supply of special sound and visual signals during shunting).
Train movement

Rules for docking and fastening cars

When placing trains on railway tracks, they should be placed within the established boundaries, which are indicated by special posts. To prevent arbitrary rolling of cars that stand in the way without a locomotive, they must be fixed with special locking devices (on the slang of the service personnel - โ€œshoesโ€).

All wagons that stand on the tracks and do not participate in loading and unloading must be locked.

If it is planned to put the cars on a long-term parking, the slope angle of the tracks allotted for such a parking cannot exceed 25 ten thousandths of one degree. Moreover, such a path should be isolated from the main routes. To fix the cars, shoes are used, on which the wheels are rolled.

Railway spetophores

Speed โ€‹โ€‹modes of maneuvers

The speed during shunting is strictly regulated. The driver is allowed to develop high speed (25, 40 or 60 kilometers per hour) only if the station manager gave permission and confirmed that the tracks are clear. If the crew of the shunting train does not have information about the freedom of tracks, then any, even the most insignificant, action should be carried out with extreme caution. The speed should be minimal in order to be able to stop at any moment with a minimum braking distance.

A speed of 60 kilometers per hour is allowed to develop single locomotives when driving on free roads and with a good braking system. Moreover, the locomotive must move in front of the cars (pull them along). If the locomotive pushes the wagons, then the speed is limited to 25 kilometers per hour (and this provided that the train moves on its free tracks).

In cases where people are in the cars, or oversized cargo is transported, the permissible speed limit is 15 kilometers per hour.

And finally, if the maneuver is carried out by shocks, then the locomotive speed should not exceed five kilometers per hour. At the same time, when the locomotive approaches the wagons for the purpose of docking, it is not allowed to develop a speed of more than three kilometers per hour.

Negotiations and actions of the crew before the start of the movement

Before the train leaves the station (with a traffic light allowing the train), the driver and his assistant are obliged, in accordance with the Rules, to conduct a dialogue with the station service staff regarding the readiness and absence of obstacles to moving the train. Moreover, the dialogue should take place in any case. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether shunting work is being carried out at the stations, or whether the train should proceed in transit without stopping at high speed.

In the event that cars were attached or disconnected to the train at the station, before the train starts moving, the driver and his assistant should conduct a dialogue among themselves, during which they inform each other about the availability of all necessary documentation and a form for warnings. In addition, the driver must make sure that the mentioned documentation is available, and the assistant must provide it to his boss. During this dialogue, in accordance with the instructions for the movement of trains and shunting, the driver and his deputy (assistant driver) are also obliged to inform each other about the serviceability of devices that ensure the safe operation of the equipment, as well as the proper operation of the radio station, the position of the parking brake , on the availability of documentation confirming the test results of the brake system of the train and testifying to its full serviceability, on the conformity of the numbering of cars declared in the travel documentation, on permitted speed bumps throughout the upcoming stretch of track.

As soon as the train started, the driver and the assistant driver are required to visually inspect the train itself and the traffic situation for signs that prohibit further movement, as well as the condition of the train itself. In accordance with the current rules, when performing shunting operations, inspection through the rear-view mirrors is allowed, I do not open the windows and do not look out at them.

In addition, the assistant must monitor the correctness of the preparation of the path by the station services. When the assistant personally makes sure that the train route is laid correctly, he is obliged to report this to the driver. The latter, in turn, is required to double-check the information received from the assistant, and confirm receipt of information.

Shunting work at the station

Crew Talks During Train Movement

After the train passes the station, the assistant without fail informs the driver about the speed (actual and installed) on a specific stage. If any speed limits (both temporary and permanent) are established on the track section under consideration, then the assistant to the locomotive driver is obliged to inform the driver about these circumstances.

At first glance, the rules for the movement of trains seem extremely simple. In fact, the movement of the train is regulated by many road signs and railway traffic lights. The assistant must immediately inform the driver about all circumstances and changes in traffic, as well as atypical signs. This is required by the job description and the rules of negotiations during shunting. The driver confirms acceptance and verification of information by repeating the words of his assistant.

If the train approaches the section of the track on which the brake system of the train is to be checked, then the assistant is obliged to inform his supervisor about the upcoming test. At the same time, he indicates the necessary test parameters: speed before braking, kilometer and so on.

Among other things, the train driver must be informed by his assistant about the approach of the train to intersections with highways (crossings), to places with speed limits. Moreover, when the train is overcoming sections of the track that are subject to speed-limiting signs, the assistant to the driver, in accordance with generally accepted international rules for the movement of trains, must be directly at his workplace.

External examination of the train through viewing windows or rear-view mirrors should be carried out not only during the beginning of the train movement. Such an inspection, the driver and his assistant are required to conduct and when overcoming curved sections of the train route.

When a train moves along an oncoming railway line, the assistant engineer must also inspect the oncoming train for malfunctions and all kinds of violations. If these are found, then the oncoming train driver is warned by the radio about the presence of malfunctions and irregularities in the work of the staff entrusted to him.

If in the direction of traffic a traffic light meets a burning yellow signal light, then the assistant to the driver reports about this and indicate the permissible speed of the train.

The assistant to the driver cannot leave the locomotive control cabin during the movement of the train around the station, at times of speed decrease (when the train approaches the corresponding traffic light), when passing through building structures (primarily tunnels and railway bridges).

Railway junction

Actions and negotiations of the train crew during shunting

In accordance with the Schedule of negotiations during shunting, the driver is obliged to inform and coordinate with his assistant all the actions and the plan of maneuvers. It is permitted to carry out any actions only with the appropriate order of the railway station on duty.

Before starting the maneuver, the assistant must remind the driver of the need to check the operation and reliability of the auxiliary braking system. It is the auxiliary brake of the train that is used in shunting operations on the railway. The test precedes the start of the maneuver. The speed of shunting operations should not exceed five kilometers.

Rules for negotiating via a train radio node

If necessary, contact a railway employee by radio, his position is pronounced. If the answer does not follow, then you need to repeat the call several times. If it is necessary to inform all participants at the same time, then calls are made directly to the designated group of persons. That is, the command should follow: "Attention all !!!"

The person who was contacted must introduce himself and confirm that he is in touch. In any case, the participants in the conversation should introduce themselves and voice their position.

In response, the person who initiated the appeal also introduces himself (gives his position and last name) and reproduces the text of the appeal or order (depending on the specific case).

The operation of the radio communication system is checked without fail before each departure of the train from the railway station. Shunting operations are not allowed to be carried out in case of a violation in the operation of the radio center. This can lead to an accident and death.

Signaling an accident or malfunction in the control system

A signal about the occurrence of an accident or a significant malfunction of the controls of the locomotive is the word โ€œAttention! Everyone! โ€ This signal is authorized to send both the driver and his deputy. All railway personnel (including station attendants and other train drivers) should immediately stop talking on the radio with this signal and carefully listen to the call and take measures (if possible) to eliminate the accident and minimize its consequences.

In this form, an appeal is made in case of detection of foreign objects and damage to the railway track, in case of breakdown or malfunction of the brake system of the train, as well as in the case of a train stopping as a result of derailment.

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