What is kundalini yoga? This is a specific system of exercises of a spiritual and physical nature. Such exercises act as a means to raise energy, which is called "kundalini." They must be performed in strict sequence.
The importance of consistency
What is kriya in kundalini yoga? This is such an effort, action and execution - complexes of asanas that are combined with self-hypnosis, the performance of mantras and breathing techniques. Kriya means getting the planned result.
If we talk about health goals, then it can be:
- improves the functioning of various body systems;
- increasing vitality;
- cleansing problems with the digestive tract;
- strengthening the immune system.
Kriyas prepare for meditation and help to concentrate. Any practice is aimed at creating an energy flow. It is very important to adhere to the complex scheme. If necessary, you can reduce the duration of the execution of pos. After the end of the process, deep relaxation is necessary.
Finding out what Kundalini Yoga is, one cannot help but provide a translation - from Latin it is “curled up in the form of a snake”. Specialists in practice and theory call it the special energy located at the beginning of the human spine. It is raised from there by passing through the 7 main chakras, which are located in the spinal column. When understanding what kundalini yoga is, it is important to know - to raise energy you need to do exercises such as:
- meditation
- pranayama;
- asanas;
- mantras.
From Latin, the word translates as "reflection". And it implies both a mental state and exercises. As a rule, a person takes a certain pose and concentrates on images, internal sensations or external objects of the physical plane.
Studying what Kundalini Yoga is, one cannot but say about breathing exercises. They are used to control energy - prana - to cleanse the subtle body from pollution and to store energy.
In Sanskrit, “asana” translates as “sitting posture”. Yogis use a variety of poses. Thanks to prolonged practice, asanas become habitual and comfortable positions for the body. There are special meditative postures for kundalini.
Also, when studying what Kundalini Yoga is and reviews of it, such a word as mantras occurs. This is a kind of speech form that has a huge impact on the senses, mind and even objects. Often a mantra consists of a combination of letters or words that are pronounced in Sanskrit mentally or aloud.
Promotion Features
As the yogis represent, kundalini is laid at the base of the spine, curled up in the form of a snake in 3.5 turns. The central channel runs through the spine, and special importance is attached to it. It is called sushumna and extends to the sahasrara chakra. The base of the canal, where the kundalini is located, is called "Muladhara". Yogis present it in the form of the thinnest thread, similar to a flash of lightning. When she wakes up, she moves along the brahmanadi. This is a passage that is located inside the central channel.
Energy passes through 6 chakras that follow each other, and unties the nodes between them. Then it passes through the brahma, which is located in the place where the fontanel is located in the newborn. Energy flows into the upper chakra. Thus, the practitioner can achieve the state of moksha, that is, merging with the very soul of the world.
Breathing practice
What is rebirthing? In kundalini yoga, this is a special practice of exercises and meditation to get rid of various negative memories, fears and painful tendencies. In the process of execution there is an intensive process of purification of the subconscious from the experienced negative stories. Thanks to rebirthing, you can feel updated.
Spiritual practice
What is sadhana in the tradition of kundalini yoga? This is a spiritual practice that is performed every day. She is one of the most important parts of yoga. Sadhana can relate to a variety of spiritual disciplines, and you can do it at any time of the day. But in kundalini it is usually done within 2.5 hours before sunrise.
Awakening Maternal Energy
First of all, it is worth understanding what Kundalini Yoga is for women. This branch is considered the maternal (original) divine energy, which is closed in the body. Hindus say that upon awakening one attains supreme bliss. He stops following the path of rebirth, leaving Samsara. However, the awakening of such energy is considered as a state that allows you to enter the path of self-realization and self-knowledge. A person feels an integral part of the whole world. He begins to realize oneness with the universe and ceases to feel the illusion of duality. Those who practice kundalini yoga exercises claim that such a state cannot be described in words, you can only plunge into it. In addition to meditations, exercises and mantras, one should cleanse the body and avoid negative desires and thoughts.
Kundalini for beginners
Many beginners are interested in what is kundalini yoga, reviews are studying. They need to know that they can perform the same sets of exercises as advanced practices. The only difference is that they will have to do them slowly, and besides, they will not immediately succeed in doing everything correctly. Accordingly, the effect will not be fully felt. It also takes a lot of time and energy for beginners to do kundalini yoga practice.
But still, it gives a lot of positive effects to novice practitioners. Many note that its result can be seen in the early stages. Having spent a couple of weeks, already at 15 minutes you can feel the effect. However, a full lesson takes at least 30 minutes and is divided into three parts. After 10 minutes have passed, experts advise taking shavasana (corpse pose).
That is, you need to lie on the floor and stretch your arms along the body and, of course, relax. This practice will provide mental relaxation and a surge of physical strength. In some cases, such a rise is unnecessary, because you can do spontaneous actions and make the wrong decisions. For this reason, control is important.
The benefits of practice
Finding out all the advantages of practice, one cannot help but raise the question - what is kundalini yoga for women?
- Achieving emotional balance.
- Improving health (stimulating blood circulation, treatment of the endocrine and nervous system).
- Stabilization of the inner world.
- Increased stress tolerance.
- Gaining confidence in their abilities and strengths.
Physical benefits include:
- Sustainable metabolic balance.
- Prevention of possible injuries.
- Creating a strong and flexible body.
- Improved breathing.
- Strengthening the nervous and immune systems.
- Improvement of the circulatory system.
- Stress relief.
If we talk about the benefits for the psyche, then this:
- Cleansing the mind.
- Concentration improvement.
- Calming nerves in everyday life.
- Strengthening positive thoughts.
- Confidence in own success in different matters.
- The ability to use a calm mind.
In addition, considering what Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini energy are, one should not forget about purification. It involves massaging internal organs and synchronizing movement, respiration and muscle tension. There is also an increase in blood circulation and renewal of the endocrine glands. Thanks to this, toxins are removed and accumulated stress is relieved. As a result, the body receives the maximum oxygen supply. It increases vital energy, strengthens and increases interest in life.
Regarding spiritual advantages, it is worth noting that a person begins to better understand emotions and the body, perceive the needs of people and the outside world as a whole. The soul, consciousness and body are united. As a result, the quality of life improves, a person becomes calm and creative. The following also happens:
- feeling better;
- balance and sleep are normalized;
- increased intuition;
- deepens contact with the true "I".
A person who practices kundalini yoga consumes a moderate amount of food; he treats people better. Such yoga differs from other directions in that it contains all the elements that are the emanation of 8.4 million kriyas. This is the fastest method to achieve harmony between soul, mind and body.
This yoga is needed by people, as it provides answers to modern problems. Regular practices bring profound and quick changes at different levels, especially the level of consciousness and subtle bodies. Positive transformations take place at the level of abilities, consciousness and physical body.
Essential elements
Kundalini yoga necessarily involves knowing the main elements called bandhas, which translate as "castles." They regulate fluid flow in the body and improve blood circulation. In addition, they help the correct energy distribution, used for the purpose of self-restoration of the body.
The most important exercises in kundalini yoga:
- Jalandhara is the main bandha associated with the cervical spine. To execute it, you need to touch the chin of the throat or neck, and slightly press. The spine becomes flat, so that energy flows into the brain. This castle is used to all meditative postures as an addition.
- Uddiyana is a membrane bandha. For its implementation, the diaphragm is directed upward, and the muscles of the peritoneum are pulled to the spine. A specific cavity is created, so a light, useful massage is performed for the heart muscle. Practitioners claim that the castle helps rejuvenate the entire body. The most important thing for beginners is not to forget that when executing the castle, the spine should be straight. It is used for exhalation.
- Mula bandha is one of the most difficult options. It helps to properly concentrate the energy of the genitals, navel and rectum. To perform the lower part of the abdominal cavity is retracted, a person must feel as if the rectum and genitals are pulled to the navel. Such a lock can be performed when inhaling and exhaling.
The ability to properly lock the locks makes it possible for the practitioner not to waste important beneficial energy, but to accumulate it inside.
There are also several basic poses, among which are:
- Sukhasana. The yogi sits on the floor, stretches his legs, bends his right, placing her foot under the left thigh. The same thing is repeated with the left foot. Hands are placed on the knees, and the spine should be straightened.
- Vajrasana. The man is on his knees and slowly sank down on his spread heels. From the heels to the knee, the legs should be pressed to the floor, and the body and neck should be straightened. The yogi lowers the buttocks between the heels, while the legs do not come off the surface of the floor, and the hands are placed on the knees. Exercise aims to harden the body.
- Vakrasana. The yogi sits with both legs extended forward. The left leg bends at the knee, moving it behind the right. At the same time, they take the left foot with the right hand and smoothly transfer it through the knee. The case swings to the left as far as possible. The left hand is placed back, they are supported on it, the head is turned to the left and legs are changed.
Rules for
Experts say that kundalini yoga for women is effective in that when performing the main asanas, body parts are lifted at a certain angle relative to each other. If the practitioner raises his legs, then a certain pressure will be created on all kinds of glands and internal organs. Thanks to this, a certain secret is developed. When the legs fall to their original position, the secret circulates with the bloodstream. The endocrine system is being updated, which improves emotional pleasure and pleasure.
In order for Kundalini yoga at home to go with the maximum benefit, you must take care to follow certain rules:
- Exercises are done on a surface whose temperature should be comfortable for the body.
- Any material made from natural fibers or sheep skin helps level the electromagnetic waves that come from the floor and the person himself.
- During training, socks are removed from the legs. There are many endings on the feet, so in the naked form the feet are easier to perceive external positive energy.
- Yoga clothes should be made exclusively of natural fabrics that are pleasing to the body.
The most important thing when performing asanas is that the body should be located as comfortable as possible, since a person needs comfort during training.
It is advisable for beginners not to study alone, it is best to turn to practicing yogis and attend group classes. Although many yogis today have created videos that detail how to conduct a specific lesson. But it is communication with leading practices that makes it possible to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of kundalini energy. With the help of such yoga you can improve your physical and psychological state.