Establishment of the State Council

The establishment of the State Council, the first Supreme Legislature in the Russian Empire, took place in the year 1810. He considered bills introduced by ministers before being approved by the emperor. The creation of the State Duma, as well as the highest legislative body, took place using the electoral system. At the same time, one part of the members was appointed by the emperor, and the other was elected.

At first, the creation of the State Council took place at the direction of the emperor. The first thirty-five members were ministers (in accordance with the regulation) and appointed by trusted dignitaries. The emperor himself was considered the chairman, and in his absence, one of the members of the Council appointed by him. From 1812 to 1865, the Prime Minister was chairman of the Supreme Body.

The establishment of the State Council also involved the formation of a Law Drafting Commission and an Office, headed by a secretary of government. The office was engaged not only in the management of paperwork, but also in editing the texts of bills that were tabled for discussion, as well as in the drafting of laws.

The establishment of the State Council allowed considering bills after discussing them in departments. After being approved by their emperor, laws entered into force. Along with this, the emperor could agree with both the majority and the minority of the State Council, and he could completely reject any opinion.

The committee consisted of department chairmen. He was entrusted with the consideration of the project to transform the ministries.

The Council of State also discussed the states and estimates of institutions, complaints about the definitions of departments from the Senate and other bodies. There was a petition commission under the Supreme Authority. The State Council carried out an important task in the development and publication of the Code of Laws and the first Complete Legislative Collection of the Russian Empire. So, in 1833, thirty-three volumes of the Complete Collection and fifteen volumes of the Code of Laws were developed and prepared. During the reign of Alexander the Second, the State Council participated in the development of the legislative framework for the transformations of the 1860-1870s.

After the proclamation of the Manifesto of 1905, certain reforms took place in the administrative apparatus. So, the State Council was transformed into the upper house in the country's Parliament. From that moment, half of the participants were appointed by the ruler, and the second half was elected. Elections were held in accordance with professional and class curiae. Representatives of noble societies, zemstvo assemblies, and clergy became members. The supreme body considered bills passed by the State Duma before being approved by the emperor. The ruler at the same time considered only those regulations that were approved in both houses. It should be noted that the Council and the Duma had various legislative rights.

In 1917, after the revolution, the Supreme Body ceased to exist.

The re-establishment of the State Council took place in 1991 by decree of the President of the USSR Gorbachev. He also became the chairman of the Supreme body. The Council of State existed before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Again it was formed by President Putin. The establishment of the State Council as an advisory body was in 2000, on the first of September. Ensuring its activities is entrusted to the Office of the President for Internal Political Activities.

The State Council includes senior leaders from the subjects of the federations. In accordance with the decision of the President, other figures may be present in the body of the body.

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