"Nioxin": peeling for the scalp, instructions for use, composition, purpose and results

Full hair care is impossible to imagine without peeling the scalp. This process is associated with the removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The appearance and condition of the dermis is significantly improved. One of the best tools is considered a professional peeling of the head "Nioxin".

nioxin peeling for scalp

Composition and purpose

The peeling agent "Nioxin" contains natural components that nourish the dermis with vitamins and minerals. And the presence of acids helps to carry out the main function, which is the complex cleansing of the epidermis.

Biological composition "Nioxin" is presented:

  • Betaine Salicylate. This keratolytic helps soften the keratin layer, release dead cells and exfoliate the skin. It also has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Aloe, hyaluronic and lactic acids. All of them regulate the release of sebum and intensely moisturize the dermis.
  • Triethanolamine. It refers to solvents. Facilitates the flow of acid to the cells.
  • Cane, beet and maple sugar.
  • Glycerin that moisturizes the skin.
  • Betaine. It protects against irritation.
  • Lecithin that nourishes.

Various fruit extracts are also contained in the product: lemon fruits, Rhodiola rosea root, black willow bark and others. They activate blood flow to the hair follicles and metabolic processes, as well as saturate the cells with nutrients and oxygen.

"Nioxin" boasts the presence of various oils in it, which improve the condition and appearance of the hair. These oils are:

  • shi;
  • rapeseed;
  • field and peppermint.

Peeling of the head with "Nioxin" exfoliates dead cells. The procedure will help get rid of:

  • dandruff;
  • dry and oily seborrhea;
  • itching
  • sebaceous plugs.

This tool can be used by men. It is suitable for all types of hair, including dry and brittle. Since the color does not change, the composition can be used by people in whom they are painted.

scalp peeling

Restorative peeling with the use of "Nioxin" will help improve the quality of curls. This becomes possible due to increased blood circulation in the head, which leads to improved nutrition of hair follicles.

Difficulties associated with the supply of nutrients to them lead to a slowdown in their growth, this occurs as a result of clogging of pores. Therefore, peeling "Nioxin" must be included in the permanent hair care. In addition, this universal remedy is very useful when the first signs of baldness appear.

Before you buy it, it is worth examining the composition in order to make sure that there are no allergies to the components present in it.

Regenerating peeling for the scalp "Nioxin" returns to its previous level of hydration. Unlike scrubs, the surface of the dermis is not injured during the procedure, irritations do not appear.

nioxin reviews

Operating principle

Nioxin peeling acts on the skin integrally. This is expressed in the supply of hair follicles with useful substances, cleansing the roots of cosmetic residues and impurities, as well as increasing blood flow. Thanks to this procedure, exfoliation is accelerated by 34%. The skin restores its health, becomes cleaner, moisturized. A feeling of tightness passes, an unpleasant tingling disappears.

It becomes easier for pores to breathe because they open. As a result, they are more sensitive to other types of care.

Application features

Before the procedure, the hair should be washed, dried and combed well. The product is applied to the skin. It is necessary to make partings along and across in 2-3 cm, it turns out something in the form of a grid. Then you have to actively massage your head for 1 minute. After this, it is necessary to leave the drug no longer than 10 minutes. Following the head wash shampoo. To achieve a stronger effect, it is recommended to use the Nioxin system, which includes:

  • shampoo;
  • air conditioning;
  • mask.

Do not be alarmed if, during shampooing, hair loss is greater than before. This means that they were already on the verge of dying. Peeling with "Nioxin" is often not recommended. Enough 1 time per month. Those with dry skin can be performed once every 40-50 days.

head peeling nioxin

Application effect

The positive effects include the fact that oily hair will not need to be washed as often as before peeling. They will look longer clean and voluminous.

Curls of all types will become healthier, visually appear thicker. The fact is that they will rise a little, get rid of dirt and excess fat. Hair will fall out much less.

Cost of funds

"Nioxin" refers to professional cosmetics. It is used in salons. If you want to carry out the peeling procedure with Nioxin at home, you will have to go to an online store or pharmacy. Its cost ranges from 750 to 900 rubles. In ordinary stores, the product is not for sale.

Contraindications and Precautions

It is forbidden to carry out a peeling procedure using any means if the dermis has various injuries. Since intense exfoliation will aggravate the problem. Otherwise, everything depends on the person’s reaction to the components available in the preparation. Therefore, you need to conduct an allergy test. To do this, for 10 minutes, a little composition is applied to the bend of the elbow, then it is washed off, if after 3-4 hours the skin does not change, then this tool can be used.

Hair peeling β€œNioxin”, although it is considered a salon procedure, many people want to do on their own at home. The appearance of side effects is most often associated with improper use of the cosmetic composition, for example, with overexposure or poor rinsing.

In this case, all recommendations must be strictly observed, in particular the time of contact of the product with the skin. If it is exceeded, the skin will peel off strongly, dryness will appear. And in order not to hurt your hands, you need to work with gloves.

nioxin peeling

Reviews of head peeling "Nioxin" are mostly positive, although the procedure is not cheap. However, regardless of this, it is advisable to consult with a trichologist or cosmetologist before conducting it. Then you can expect a good result and the absence of negative consequences.

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