How to make an injection in the buttock?

Most antibacterial substances, vitamins, antispasmodics, antipyretic drugs and so on are injected intramuscularly. Often the procedure is carried out by ambulance paramedics in order to quickly stop the pain, lower the pressure or temperature, and calm the patient. Pharmacologists of leading companies today are striving to limit the number of injections and develop vaccines that are effective and quick for oral administration, but so far, doctors are more likely to prescribe injections. Therefore, the ability to do intramuscular injections correctly can be useful to any person.

Primary requirements

The main thing with an injection in the buttock and the introduction of any injection is sterility. Therefore, the preparation phase should be given special attention. It is necessary to take into account the patient's age in order to make the injection painless. The physiological features are such that the skin of children needs to be wrinkled a little, and adults - to stretch. This will slightly reduce soreness and is especially important for those who have to give injections to children.

injection at home in the buttock

It is important that in the same place you can inject only twice a week. Violation of the rule will result in the formation of swelling and bruising. If a course of several injections is prescribed, then you need to select three places located not too close, and alternate them. Oily solutions must be heated before administration.

Procedure Steps

How to make an injection in the buttock? First you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. You will need soap (you do not need antibacterial, an ordinary toilet one will do), a disposable towel (or clean), a plate for tools, gloves, syringes, needles, alcohol wipes or an antiseptic, a place for garbage. Then you need to choose the injection site and make an injection, and then throw away all used tools and materials, and also wash your hands thoroughly. This completes the whole procedure, but for some time it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition in order to provide timely assistance with an allergic or other undesirable reaction to the administration of the drug.

buttock injection

Necessary items and materials

The surface of the table is difficult to disinfect, so you need to prepare a plate to fold all the tools. The plate must be washed well with soap and rubbed with an antiseptic, such as cotton wool with chlorhexidine or an alcohol cloth. Gloves are often neglected at home, but they are necessary because sterility is out of the question. Such protection is needed against infections for both the patient and the person who is injecting.

As for the syringe, its volume should correspond to the amount of medicine, and if you need to dissolve the solution, then it is better to take a larger syringe. Needles will be needed if the drug needs to be dissolved. For example, a dry preparation is dissolved as follows: a solvent is collected in a syringe, then a cap is pierced with a needle and the solvent is released into an ampoule. It must be shaken without removing the needle to dissolve the drug. Then the solution is drawn back into the syringe. After such manipulations, you need to change the needle, because the one with which the cover was pierced is not sharp enough.

how to make an injection in the buttock

You will need 70% alcohol or chlohexidine. For home use, antiseptic wipes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, are better suited. You need to think about where to put the used material: covers, napkins, packaging tools. It is better to immediately dump the materials into a separate box or bag so that they do not get into clean tools.

How to wash your hands

A home injection in the buttock is easy even for a beginner. The main thing is to fully follow the instructions. You will have to wash your hands at least three times: before collecting tools, before the procedure and after the injection. Interestingly, most people do not know how to wash their hands properly in order to actually destroy all pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria.

First you need to wet your hands and take a little soap. It is more hygienic to use liquid, without aromatic and other additives. Rub the soap between the palms of both hands, first from the inside, and then from the outside. Thoroughly wash the space between the fingers and the rotational movements, wash the base of the thumb.

how to put an injection in the buttock

Then it remains to carefully wipe the palm of one hand with the fingertips of the other hand, change hands, rinse thoroughly. It is advisable to soap each finger on the hands and wrists separately. Then you need to dry your hands with a towel and use it to close the tap.

Preparing a place for the procedure

An injection in the buttock for adults can be done in any position. A person can stand or lie. But those who do the procedure should be comfortable. Hands should not shake, so that the needle does not have to be pulled during the injection. You need to choose a convenient place so that you can safely put a plate with tools and it was convenient to reach it. Another essential element is good lighting. If there is not enough natural light, you can put a table lamp.

Where to inject medicine

How to make an injection in the buttock? What place to stab? To make it easier to navigate, you can draw iodine a large cross directly on the buttock. First draw a vertical line, then a horizontal one. You need to put the injection in the upper outer corner. If it is still not clear, then you can draw a circle in this place. For marking, you can use not only iodine, but also a cosmetic pencil or lipstick. It is only necessary to make sure that the particles of the funds do not fall on the injection site itself.

where to inject

Wrong choice of injection site can lead to negative consequences (up to paralysis of the lower body). The lower part of the buttocks is dangerous due to the proximity of the sciatic nerves, damage to which can lead to complete or partial paralysis of the body.

How to make an injection in the buttock

In this difficult (but only at first glance) case it is enough to follow the instructions. How to make an injection in the buttock, step by step is described below:

  1. Wash your hands well with soap and a plate for tools.
  2. To process a plate and hands with an antiseptic. Immediately after processing, throw cotton or a napkin into a previously prepared place.
  3. Put five alcohol wipes or the same amount of small cotton balls soaked in an antiseptic on a plate.
  4. Prepare a vial of medicine and a syringe with a needle. Wash your hands again.
  5. Wear medical gloves and treat them with an antiseptic.
  6. Process the ampoule and gently open. Put on a plate for tools and materials.
  7. Open the syringe package. Open the needle and take the medicine.
  8. Turn the syringe with the needle up and gently release air.
  9. Treat the patient’s buttocks with an alcohol cloth or antiseptic. First, wipe a large area from the bottom up (in one direction) or from the periphery to the center, then (with a different napkin) - the place to be injected.
  10. Take the syringe in any convenient way. You need to enter perpendicular to the skin, in one motion. It is not necessary to drive the needle all the way, about one third should remain outside. Otherwise, there is a risk of breaking the needle.
  11. You can start to administer the medicine. This is a crucial part of such a procedure as an injection in the buttock. It is necessary to ensure that the syringe and needle do not twitch, do not rush. You can hold the syringe with one hand, while squeezing with the other is more convenient.
  12. Take an alcohol napkin or cotton swab and put it near the injection site. With one movement, remove the needle and quickly squeeze the wound.
  13. To slightly anesthetize the injection site and accelerate the ingestion of the drug into the body, you can gently rub it or massage it.
  14. You do not need to rub anything with a napkin, just press and hold it a little.
  15. Throw away all used tools and materials, and then wash your hands.

If you need to inject yourself

How to put an injection in the buttock, if you need to do this yourself and ask for help from no one? In this case, it will be more difficult to get to the right place on the buttock, so it is better to stab into the outer thigh. You need to sit on a chair and relax your leg. The best place is the middle third of the thigh from the outside. Preparations and the process are similar to when they inject someone else intramuscularly into the buttock. If it’s hard to get to the right place, you can form a crease and prick it. But the fold should be only fat, not muscle.

where to inject yourself

Some tips and notes.

If the injection in the buttock is painful, the medicine should be administered slowly, because it is more comfortable for the patient. A suitable speed is one milliliter in ten seconds. No need to be afraid to once again treat your hands, skin or ampoule with an antiseptic. If you need to change the needle, then do not remove the cap before installing it on the syringe, because you can prick. For the same reason, do not try to close the needle with a cap if it is already removed. If it is very scary to make an injection in the buttock, you can practice (at least, for example, on a chicken fillet).

When you can not do an injection without a specialist

Everyone can make a correct injection in the buttock, but in some cases it is better to consult a doctor or nurse. You can not self-medicate, especially to give injections. The treatment regimen should be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will determine the appropriate drug, dosage and solvent.

The first injection of a new drug is best done in a clinic or hospital, because the drugs that are injected into the body enter the bloodstream faster, and all reactions appear strongly and almost immediately. If something goes wrong, the doctors will immediately respond and help the patient, and unforeseen situations are possible at home. Many drugs have strong side effects, can cause unwanted reactions or allergies, so it’s not worth injecting new drugs on your own.

intramuscular injection in the buttock

It is worth abandoning the self-administration of the medicine if the person is sick with HIV / AIDS, hepatitis and other dangerous infections that are transmitted through the blood, or it is not known whether he has these infections (there is no current information). To eliminate the risk of infection, it is better to entrust the procedure to specialists. Doctors and nurses have more experience, and they dispose of tools as they should.

In addition, if it is possible to take advantage of the help of doctors, then it is better to do it. Intramuscular injection is inexpensive and short-lived, and self-activity can end very poorly. You need to contact a nurse even if it is very scary to stab yourself and your hands are shaking.

If the injection is wrong

An incorrectly made injection in the buttock can adversely affect the general condition of the patient. The most harmless consequence is a hematoma (bruise), which does not require treatment and disappears in a few days. You can make an iodine mesh, although even doctors already question the effectiveness of this method. True, there will definitely be no harm from her. The consequence of a conventional injection may be infection, but this is very rare. To prevent such an unpleasant consequence, it is necessary to disinfect all used items and materials. Although with repeated use of the syringe, disinfection will not fully help. For this reason, all injection items must be disposable.

injections in the buttock correctly

The most dangerous negative consequences of an incorrect injection are anaphylactic shock, numbness and allergies. Numbness can be prevented by the correct injection technique. To prevent an allergic reaction, you need to carefully study the composition of the drug. There is always a human factor, so even a doctor can make a mistake by prescribing a medicine that contains components that cause the patient to be allergic.

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