Flag and coat of arms of Peru: history and meaning of state symbols

Peru is a distant, exotic and almost unknown country for our readers. In this article we will try to at least tell you a little about this South American state. In particular, let's talk about the official symbols of Peru - the coat of arms and flag.

State of Peru: general information, interesting facts

This country is located on the opposite side of our planet, between its capital Lima and Moscow - eight time zones and over 12 thousand kilometers by air. The Republic of Peru is located in the western part of South America and has wide access to the Pacific Ocean. Almost half of the stateโ€™s territory is occupied by the ridges of the Andean mountain system.

According to the total area (1,285,000 sq. Km.), Peru is one of the twenty largest countries in the world. About 30 million people live here. This is an agricultural state with a well-developed mining industry. Peru supplies the world market with non-ferrous metals (copper, gold, zinc, tin, molybdenum), coffee, asparagus, fishmeal, textiles and clothing.

We have collected for you seven of the most interesting facts about this distant country:

  • Peru is the birthplace of potatoes, tomatoes and avocados.
  • In Lima, a case of the earliest birth in the history of medicine was recorded. Peruvian Lina Medina gave birth to a healthy boy at the age of five years and seven months.
  • It was the Peruvians who tamed and domesticated the llamas.
  • Vicuna, llama and puma are unofficial symbols of this country. The Peruvians are literally obsessed with these animals. One of them is even on the coat of arms of Peru.
  • Here is the oldest university in America - San Marcos (founded in the middle of the XVI century).
  • Peruvian national cuisine is recognized as the richest and most diverse in the world.
  • In Peru is the deepest canyon of the planet (3500 meters).
interesting facts about Peru

Coat of arms of Peru: photo and description

The richest Peruvian culture was reflected in the symbols of the state. The coat of arms of Peru was approved back in 1825 and has remained virtually unchanged to this day.

The coat of arms is based on a heraldic shield framed by gold and divided into three parts. In the upper left field (blue) there is a vicuna looking to the right, in the upper right (silver) is a hindu tree, and in the lower red one there is a cornucopia with gold coins pouring out of it.

coat of arms of Peru

The national emblem in Peru is used in two versions. The so-called main, is framed by palm and laurel branches, which are tied with a red-white ribbon at the base of the shield. The national version of the symbol is additionally crowned with a civil crown. In addition, there is a flag and a standard on each side of the shield. The coat of arms in this form is usually depicted on the emblems of state institutions and adorns the facades of all government buildings in the country.

What does the coat of arms of Peru mean

Now let's look at the meaning of the main state symbol. What symbolism is laid in it?

First of all, on the coat of arms of Peru, the images of the vicuna and the cinchona attract attention. These two figures do not carry any global heraldic connotation. Vicuna (a relative of the camel) symbolizes the Peruvian fauna, and the hindu tree, respectively, the flora. By the way, this tree is called by the locals "cichoni", in honor of the wife of the Peruvian king. According to legend, it was this plant that cured the queen of fever.

symbols of peru

The cornucopia, depicted in the lower field of the shield, symbolizes, of course, wealth and wealth. Gold coins represent the numerous deposits of non-ferrous metals scattered throughout this country.

Flag of Peru and its meaning

In addition to the coat of arms, the country, of course, also has its own flag. It was also approved back in 1825.

The flag of Peru is a rectangular panel with a traditional aspect ratio (2: 3). It is divided into three vertical stripes of the same size. The central one is white, and the two side ones are red. In the center is the image of the state coat of arms. The white color of the flag symbolizes peace and progress, while the red color symbolizes courage and military prowess.

flag of peru

The author of the Peruvian flag is considered to be Jose de San Martin - one of the leaders of the war for the independence of the Spanish colonies in America and the head of the first Peruvian government. According to legend, the general, who arrived in Peru in 1820, first saw a large flock of flamingos. Taking this event as a good sign from above, San Martin decided that these two colors (red and white) should form the basis of the symbolism of the Peruvian Legion.

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