Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid: proportions

Germination of tomatoes requires a lot of attention and, of course, careful care. First of all, tomatoes need fertilizers, which must be correctly selected in certain and exact proportions. It is also important to timely and competently feed the plant. Today, the most effective method is the treatment of tomatoes with boric acid.

Why boric acid

Boron is considered the most important trace element that tomatoes need for fruiting and full development. As you know, it is perfectly absorbed by plants during foliar treatment. Boric acid is a popular remedy that helps protect plants from pests and various diseases.

tomatoes boric acid treatment

Such microfertilizer is a universal means by which the plant receives important elements. The treatment of tomatoes with boric acid in a greenhouse is especially effective. A similar procedure is considered the most suitable for germinating tomatoes. It should be noted that acid is very useful in the fight against late blight.

Features of use

To date, you can find many options for feeding for the germination of tomatoes. However, the use of boric acid is considered an effective and popular method, as it has useful properties that help tomatoes to germinate. Such tomatoes will be enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Processing tomatoes with boric acid in a greenhouse

Useful properties of boric acid :

  • treatment of tomatoes with boric acid allows the plant to take from the soil the necessary and useful substances for normal growth and maintenance of proper germination;
  • promotes the correct and timely growth of flowers in tomatoes;
  • the number of germinating flowers increases before the fruiting process;
  • interferes with the process of decay of the fetus;
  • helps to improve the taste of tomatoes, accelerate the formation of ovaries and increase sugar in the composition of tomatoes.

Processing tomatoes with boric acid and iodine improves their growth, positively affects the fast ovary.

Substance use

Feeding should be used if the plant does not have enough quantity of an element such as boron. The most common phenomena indicating a lack of boron:

  • deformed view of the top sheets;
  • pallor of the color scheme of the upper sheets;
  • dying off apical shoots;
  • weak and inactive flowering process;
  • weak formation of bonds or its absence.

If these factors are identified, it is worth considering to use a special solution of boric acid for processing tomatoes, which is an indispensable tool for improving the condition of the plant. Boric acid is recommended to be used several times during the same season. It does not harm the plant, does not affect the taste, does not harm the health of the consumer.

Tomato processing: proportions and recommendations

The application of top dressing for the first time occurs during the preparation of seeds for the planting process.

  1. Before the procedure, the seeds should be soaked in boric acid. The duration of soaking should be about 1 day. For this, the correct proportions of boric acid should be taken. 0.2 g of boron 1 liter of warm water.
  2. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed, and then put the seeds in it. It is important that they do not float, but are completely placed in the solution. To do this, it is recommended to use gauze, which should be lowered into the solution. In this case, the seeds will acquire the weight of heavy wet tissue and will not emerge.

This recipe for processing boric acid tomatoes is quite simple and helps to plant seeds faster. During the processing of tomatoes with boric acid, the proportions of the solution are of great importance.

Processing tomatoes from late blight with boric acid

Another use of boric acid: when cultivating the land before sowing. This happens a day before the seeds are planted, special pits are prepared, into which boric acid is later poured. After the procedure, tomato seeds can be planted in a day. Treatment with boric acid allows the plant to germinate correctly.

There is no less effective way: you need to take onion infusion, ash solution, soda, manganese and boric acid. In an onion infusion (500 milliliters) add 500 milliliters of ash solution, then add about 5 grams of soda, 1 gram of manganese and 0.2 grams of boric acid. A similar method is the basis for processing tomatoes from late blight with boric acid.

Spraying vegetables

To spray tomatoes with a special solution of boric acid, you do not need to have certain skills and even experience. A sprayer and a solution of boric acid should be purchased for this procedure.

Processing tomatoes with boric acid during flowering

Processing the plant with boric acid using a sprayer should only be carried out under certain climatic conditions. So, the most suitable for such a procedure would be sunny and dry weather. It is important to note that spraying should take place only if the plant and fruits are in a dry state. It is also recommended to perform the procedure in the daytime. In the morning, dew appears on the plant, so the use of a solution of boric acid is prohibited.

How to prepare a spray solution

To prepare the solution at the initial stage, it is necessary to determine its main purpose. So, there are two recipes for the manufacture of boric solution.

  1. In order to prevent shedding of ovaries, you should prepare a liter jar of hot water, as well as 1 gram of boric acid. It is important to note that the water should be hot, but not boiling water. After the solution has cooled, it can be used as a treatment during the process of planting tomatoes. It should be noted that the amount of solution is calculated in relation to the number of beds.
  2. To effectively combat late blight, you need to prepare a slightly different solution. In the process of preparation, you need a teaspoon of boron solution and a bucket of warm water. After the solution has cooled, they can process tomatoes. It is important to note that the plants are treated with boric acid and iodine. Treatment with iodine should take place directly after a week field treatment with boric acid. It is also recommended that you use manganese spray before the boric acid treatment process.

Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid and iodine

These solutions must be used, having correctly calculated the proportions, and for a specific purpose. If there is no time for independent preparation of the solution, you can purchase it in a store where a wide range of various top dressings is provided. Typically, such a solution does not require much effort, it is only necessary to dilute the finished dressing with water at the right temperature.

The best period for spraying tomatoes

Spraying tomatoes is recommended during the vegetative period. It is this time that is considered most suitable for the accelerated formation of plant flowers. Spraying should take place several times.

Processing Tomatoes with Boric Acid Proportions

There are 3 main steps to spraying tomatoes:

  1. Spraying should be done before the flowering process begins. It is important to clarify that the procedure should take place when the flowers have not yet bloomed, but buds have already appeared.
  2. Then the tomatoes are treated with boric acid during flowering.
  3. The last treatment with boric acid is carried out during the ripening period of the tomatoes, when the fruits have already begun to actively blush.

It is worth noting that the correct procedure for using fertilizers is very important for tomatoes. Spraying always occurs exactly on time. So, the interval between the first and second spraying should not be less than 10 days. It is also worth paying attention to the state of the tomato bush after the first treatment with a solution of boric acid. If the condition of the plant has worsened, then it is advisable to abandon the use of this top dressing.

Signs of a lack of boron

One of the signs indicating a lack of boron in the plant is yellowed leaves. Some growers characterize this phenomenon as a lack of nitrogen, which is considered erroneous.

Processing tomatoes with a solution of boric acid

In addition, if you look closely at the plants, you can notice curled leaves. This suggests that it is urgent to spray the stems of plants with boric acid. If the leaves fall off, it is recommended to strengthen the tomatoes by feeding.

To obtain a double effect, it is desirable to do the treatment with fertilizers and boron, which will prevent the occurrence of late blight, supply the plant with the necessary substances.

Signs of a lack of boron:

  • deformed and pale upper leaves of small sizes;
  • shoots begin to die over time;
  • the plant color is rather slow, and the ovaries form poorly.

If such symptoms appear, it is important to urgently take measures to help the plant bloom and give fruit.

Pluses of boron

So, boric acid prevents shedding of the ovary and activates the flowering of the plant. Along with this, rotting of fruits during a period of excessive humidity is prevented. Using the product allows you to increase productivity up to 20%.

Processing tomatoes with boric acid is a unique method for the proper formation of a tomato bush. It is important to know that when creating a solution of boric acid, you need to approach this matter with great responsibility. Do not forget that the wrong proportions applied to the plant can lead to the death or deformation of the bush.

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