Fancy Sports - Roller Hockey

Often young people are interested in unusual sports. Take for example roller hockey. Photos and this article will help you figure this out. Which, however, is not so difficult. Roller hockey is a sport that resembles regular hockey, only the ball is used instead of the puck. The task of the players is to score it at the opponent’s goal.

Bit of history

The game first appeared in England in the twentieth century. Then the Germans began to play it. Roller hockey has developed in countries with high economic ability. There are currently organizations such as the International Roller Sports Union and the International Roller Skating Federation. These organizations are organizers of the World and European Championships.

Necessary equipment

roller hockey what ball
To play roller hockey, a specially equipped playground is required. More often, its length is 20 x 40 meters, less often 15 x 35 m. The site can be covered with asphalt, concrete, stone slabs or even wooden boards. The main thing is that it should be fenced with a side, which should be at least 20 cm in height.

Each player must dress properly. Mandatory leg warmers, knee pads, special gloves and a bandage. The goalkeeper has special shields to protect the legs, their thickness is about 35 cm. To protect the hands, gloves are used, thickened on the palms. The goalkeeper also puts on knee pads and a bandage. Often a mask to protect the face.

Roller hockey - which ball?

ice hockey
Very exciting and exciting is roller hockey. The ball for the game uses a special one, it is made of ebonite. Weight - 155 grams, diameter - 23 cm. A goal is scored if the ball crosses the goal line of an opponent.

Roller hockey has the concept of a high ball. This is the name of any ball that, after hitting a club, flew 1.5 meters or more. If he flew so high in the reflection of the goalkeeper, then this is not considered an error. In other cases, such a throw counts as a violation.

The club should be wooden. Height from 90 to 115 cm and weighing no more than 500 grams.

Game technique

The team consists of two forwards, one binder, one goalkeeper, one defender. In addition, one goalkeeper and two players per shift must sit on the bench. You can replace a player at any time: during the game or during a break. The main thing is that a new participant can start the game only when the substitute has left the site.

The game has two halves, each lasting 20 minutes. One break - 10 minutes. It is also possible to assign additional time, if provided by the rules of the game. The first additional time lasts 2 minutes, the second longer - 4 minutes. The game continues until the first goal.

roller hockey what ball
The game is very similar to ordinary ice hockey. Athletes must move very quickly, be collected, notice every movement of the opponent. In this game you can train your abs, arms and legs.

It is very important that athletes play collectively. If each player does as he pleases, this team will never achieve victory. Each person in a team fulfills its role, but in the end, everyone acts together.

Any player should move well on skates. To be able to turn and turn at high speed, reduce speed, slow down. In addition to the ability to move on rollers, the player must skillfully own the club and be able to receive and pass the ball, drive it and throw it into the goal.

What is a face-off?

The throw-in is held at the beginning of the game, during the game period or in extra time. If the judge cannot accurately trace the game, he has the right to suspend the game and start it again with a throw-in. To do this, two opposing players stand opposite each other in the center of the field. The ball is on the ground, the sticks of rivals are 20 cm from it. After the whistle, you can start the game. Here, each player must show speed and agility in order to take possession of the ball.

As in a regular game, the referee may award a free kick or penalty. During this strike, players stand behind the center line. The goalkeeper is at the goal, the player who will make the kick is at the penalty mark.

For violations, the judge may remove the player for 2, 5 or more minutes. In some cases, when there was a gross violation of the rules, the referee may remove the player before the end of the game. The removed player cannot be replaced. In this case, the team remains with fewer players and becomes more vulnerable.

hockey ball
Judges are watching the game. One main one, who, together with the players, moves around the playing field and makes sure that there are no violations. The other two are standing near the gate. During the goal, they raise the flag, thereby indicating that the ball hit the goal. In controversial situations, these referees can give advice or request a video broadcast of the match. The timekeepers watch the game. They consider how long the game lasts, how long the stoppage lasted and assign extra time.

It takes a lot of time to learn how to play roller hockey. To get started, you just need to roller skate, then learn the various tricks of running. After that, you can begin to ride with a club and a ball, learn the rules of the game. When the main course is completed, and the student begins to freely control the club and ball, you can proceed to more complex exercises. These are various forms of attack and defense, playing out, deceiving maneuvers.

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