Bear Fat - Unlimited

Bear meat, bile and bear fat - the use of these products allows the human body to receive the substances necessary not only for treatment, but also for living in difficult climatic conditions. These products are an indispensable tool in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. In addition, the bear skin is of great value; it goes for the manufacture of hats, fur coats, fur boots and mittens. Bear fur not only warms well in severe frosts, it also has healing properties.

Unfortunately, our official medicine has not come close enough to the study of these features. At the same time, traditional medicine has been using this natural gift quite successfully for centuries. Although it’s hard to believe that almost all diseases treat bear fat, the facts are stubborn; there is ample evidence of this. It is known that a bear is able to eat a variety of foods (berry, honey, fish, meat, ants, etc.). Eating, it tends to accumulate energy substances in the form of fat for the winter. The biological reserves accumulated over the summer allow the bear to survive almost six months of hibernation and maintain its ability to live.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear how useful bear fat is. Its use is due to a large supply of natural vitamins, proteins, minerals and other necessary components that are easily absorbed by the human body. Its value is that this product allows you to fight even with serious diseases, often incurable. Due to the ability of fat to be absorbed at the cellular level, a person's immunity increases, in this case the body is able to cleanse and resist pathogens and viruses. It is often used to prevent rickets and dystrophy in children.

With age, many organs begin to gradually “wear out” in the human body, in this case bear fat is very important, the use of which helps to increase immunity. Its use prevents the occurrence of various diseases, and this, in turn, increases the level of vitality of the body. In the prevention and treatment of diseases, bear fat has been widely recognized. Good results are observed in the fight against pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis, with various liver diseases. Bear fat, because of its nutritional properties, is indispensable for the depletion of the body, even in ancient times it was used to restore the strength of sick and weakened people.

Even in our time, hunters heading for a long hunting trip take with them balls made from bread crumb and a healing product such as bear fat. There are practically no contraindications for its use; it is just not recommended to use it during a biliary tract disease. Treatment is effective not only when using fat inside, but also when using it as an external agent. If you grease a wound with such fat, biologically the substances contained in it will inhibit the development of inflammatory processes and accelerate healing.

Centuries of experience has shown that bear fat, the use of which for burns is considered one of the most effective means, also treats other skin lesions well: frostbite, pressure sores, diaper rash. With its help, it is possible to cure children's diathesis, dermatitis, rash, trophic ulcer, etc. in the initial stage. The use of bear fat for gunshot wounds, injuries, boils, and even insect and animal bites protects against the development of complications.

In the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and arthritis, bear fat is rubbed into a sore spot or a compress is applied. The effect of treatment is enhanced after taking a bath or visiting a bath. The wonderful properties of bear fat did not go unnoticed by cosmetologists. On its basis, various creams and masks are made, which have received approval and demand from the population.

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