What does a blood test from a finger show: direction for analysis, rules of delivery, processing time, interpretation and values ​​of indicators

Since childhood, the procedure for taking blood from a finger is familiar to us. The reason is that this is one of the most common diagnostic measures. Indeed, almost every pathogenic change in our body will affect the composition of the blood. Material is taken from a finger for a general (general clinical) study. The procedure is mandatory for various preventive medical examinations, pre-vaccination checks, and for the diagnosis of a number of diseases. What a blood test from a finger shows, it is interesting to know the subject before the doctor’s conclusion. We will provide information that will help to open the veil of secrecy.

What kind of research is this?

What does a blood test from a finger show? First of all, enough data for the doctor to assess the functional state of the patient's life systems. This is a blood sampling from the capillary - the smallest vessel that is responsible for gas exchange between local tissues. Note that the sample may for some indicators differ from the material taken from a vein.

A finger blood test is today considered one of the most economical, simple and affordable. A sample of material for research can be taken in almost any clinic.

What does a blood test from a finger show? This is a quick diagnosis of various pathologies. It is carried out by a specialist in a number of indicators:

  • The concentration of sugar in the blood.
  • Hemoglobin content.
  • Platelet count.
  • White blood cell count.
  • Determination of blood coagulation.
  • ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

What does a blood test from a finger show first of all? In domestic medicine, it is valued for information on blood glucose, blood cell ratio, hemoglobin concentration.

showing a clinical blood test from a finger

What diseases does the study help identify?

What does a general blood test from a finger show? The study helps to identify the presence of a fairly wide range of diseases and pathologies:

  • Anemia. Determined by the doctor for a lack of iron, red blood cells, hemoglobin in the blood mass. Or by the ratio of hemoglobin and blood cells.
  • Blood clotting problems. The number of platelets, the time spent by the body on this process is estimated.
  • Leukemia. The development of a dangerous disease is indicated by the appearance of abnormal blood cells in the sample material.
  • Diabetes. Finger blood test results alone are not enough to make such a serious diagnosis. However, research helps monitor blood glucose levels. Often carried out by a patient using a special device on their own.
  • Inflammation, allergies, infectious diseases. Diagnosed on the basis of the ratio of ESR and white blood cells.
  • Genomic, chromosomal, gene pathologies.

Preparing for the test

Taking a blood sample from a finger does not require any special preparation for the procedure. By all accounts, the procedure is best done early in the morning and on an empty stomach. Only clean drinking water without impurities and gas is allowed. But physicians testify that the general clinical analysis surrenders during the day.

Why is it important to abstain from food for 8-12 hours? Diet can affect the results, especially if it is fatty, spicy, canned food, sausages, sauces, spices and so on.

It is not recommended to smoke less than an hour before the procedure. More than a day should pass after drinking alcohol. If you took sun baths, went to physical therapy, x-ray examination, do not forget to warn a specialist about it.

which shows a general blood test from a finger

How is blood sampling performed?

We will analyze a general blood test from a finger as an event for the patient:

  1. The specialist selects a finger for sampling. This is usually nameless. Why? He is less than others involved in the physical activity of the patient.
  2. The puncture site, adjacent skin areas are treated with a special antiseptic (disinfecting) solution.
  3. Applicator, blade pierces the skin.
  4. The first drop of blood is usually removed with a cotton swab. Subsequent in the right amount is collected with a special tube.
  5. Blood samples are placed by a specialist on a glass slide in a test tube.
  6. The puncture site is treated with an antiseptic, an alcohol solution, a swab is applied to it.

As a rule, the procedure does not take more than 2 minutes. Modern applicators help to conduct it as painlessly as possible for the patient.

Important indicators

What tests does blood from a finger show? These are the following indicators:

  • The level of plasma cells. They are responsible for the production of antibodies in response to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  • Leukocyte formula. The amount of each of the five types of white blood cells in the blood of the subject. Important here are neutrophils, monocytes responsible for the attack and absorption of a harmful microorganism. Eosinophils are responsible for the development of immunity, and lymphocytes identify and store antigens - foreign elements.
  • The number of white blood cells responsible for protecting the human body from viruses and infections.
  • Thrombocrit. The ratio of the volume of blood mass to the number of platelets contained in it.
  • ESR Assessment of the ratio of protein fractions of blood plasma.
  • Platelets. The situation with the cells responsible for blood coagulation.
  • Reticulocytes. The content in the blood sample of "embryos" of red blood cells, which under the action of a certain hormone "grow up".
  • Red blood cells. The volume in the blood of red bodies is its main mass.
  • Color indicator. This section demonstrates the saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin.
  • Hemoglobin. An important element responsible for transporting oxygen to all cells in the body. In addition, he takes carbon dioxide from them and delivers it back to the lungs.
what tests does blood from a finger show

Norm for adults and children

Decryption of a blood test from a finger in adults and children is possible if you know the normal level of the content of certain elements in the blood. Key indicators are presented in the table.
Blood test transcript

How to decrypt the results?

A blood test from a finger showed a positive result. What does it mean? A full answer will be given to you only by the specialist who directed the study.

Be sure to wait for his consultation - as a rule, the results of the analysis can be obtained after a working day from the delivery of the sample. In some laboratories, it is ready before - in a few hours.

What does deviation from the norm mean?

Let's look at some deviations from the norm:

  • Elevated levels of hemoglobin, red blood cells. Diseases of the heart, lungs, dehydration, pathology of the blood forming organs, and renal system are suspected.
  • Reduced red blood cell count, hemoglobin. Leukemia, anemia, large-scale blood loss. Deficiency of certain vitamins or iron.
  • Deviations from the norm in the color indicator. Diagnosis of a particular type of anemia. Increase - a deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12. Lowering - lead poisoning, iron deficiency, anemia during pregnancy.
  • Reticulocytes. Their norm is monitored during treatment with iron, B12 vitamins, folic acid - to stabilize the course. Spontaneous elevated rates indicate hemolytic anemia, malaria, autoimmune diseases, metastases of a cancerous tumor in the bone marrow. Spontaneous low rates are a consequence of kidney disease.
  • A high platelet count indicates recent surgery, removal of the spleen, severe physical exertion. Low levels include lupus erythematosus, anemia, and congenital blood diseases. Sometimes this is a consequence of prematurity, a recent transfusion of donated blood.
  • The high rate of ESR is a consequence of the inflammatory process, infection. In women, it speaks of the beginning of menstruation, also characteristic from the 5th week of pregnancy.
  • The increased content of white blood cells is noted after injuries, burns, operations or vaccinations. If it is observed constantly, it can talk about oncology, the inflammatory process. A low amount indicates leukemia infection.
  • Now the leukocyte formula. Increased rates for neutrophils and lymphocytes indicate infection, for monocytes - for a tumor, autoimmune diseases, for basophils - for chicken pox, tuberculosis, influenza, for eosinophils - for helminth infections, allergies. Low neutrophils indicate anemia, lymphocytes - autoimmune pathologies, lymphocytes - immunodeficiency, eosinophils - purulent infections, basophils - Cushing's syndrome, monocytes - hematologic pathology.
  • The presence of plasma cells in the blood indicates the presence of viral infections. An exception for children - in their blood, single indicators do not indicate a disease.
finger blood transcript in adults

Negative consequences

Such a harmless procedure for some categories of patients is fraught with the following:

  • Strong pain with careless puncture, individual high sensitivity of the subject.
  • For several hours, discomfort remains at the puncture site.
  • In a tenth of cases, hematomas, subcutaneous bleeding are possible. However, they do not require intervention, are eliminated independently.
  • Individual reaction - dizziness, nausea, weakness.
  • A shock procedure for many small patients.
  • A small risk of local infection with a puncture.
finger blood test showed a positive result

Comparison with venous blood sampling

You now know what a clinical blood test from a finger shows . Let's compare it with a study of a venous blood sample. The latter method will have these advantages:

  • More accurate results.
  • A wider range of diagnostics.

But at the same time, there are drawbacks in comparison with the study of blood from a finger:

  • To take a sample, you need the help of a qualified professional. Therefore, the method is not available for regular home control of blood sugar by the patients themselves.
  • More painful procedure.
  • The event is more time-consuming for medical personnel.
  • It is impossible to take blood from the site of the internal elbow bend several times a day.
finger blood count

Thus, a blood test from a finger is an effective study designed to tell a lot about a person’s health status. Its implementation is simple for both the subject and the laboratory assistant.

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