Oxygen mesotherapy for the face: description, results, reviews

Aging is a natural process in the life of every person. It is normal that the skin loses its elasticity, facial wrinkles appear, sometimes pigmentation. This process is irreversible. But it can be paused. Most often, the aging process of the skin begins to bother women after the age of 30-35 years. It was then that the first signs of withering of the skin appear, while they are insignificant, but it is still better to start fighting them at the initial stage.

Injection Mesotherapy

Fortunately, modern cosmetology does not stand still. For more than fifty years, a procedure called “injection mesotherapy” has been performed. It helps women and men alleviate signs of aging. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of injections, various preparations are introduced under the skin that promote rejuvenation. For example, hyaluronic acid, magnesium and silicon salts, phospholipids are introduced (to stimulate collagen production and improve the elasticity of cell membranes). Also, in different cases, antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes, hormonal substances are administered. The recipe for a rejuvenating “cocktail” is prescribed by a cosmetologist, depending on the results of the diagnosis.

oxygen mesotherapy

But this method has many drawbacks and it is already somewhat outdated. Firstly, the injections cause not very pleasant sensations, and during one procedure they make about a hundred punctures, or even more. Secondly, swelling, redness after this is possible. Thirdly, many people are simply afraid of the needle. This procedure is not suitable for everyone. In addition, it takes some time to heal the papules that remain from the punctures.

A good replacement for injection mesotherapy is oxygen

Currently, it is possible to achieve a significant effect without injection. This is an innovative method of rejuvenation and the fight against imperfections in the skin of the face - oxygen mesotherapy. The method consists in the fact that beneficial substances penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin using a directed stream of oxygen. A special apparatus is used to feed it. Oxygen mesotherapy has a great advantage in that it is carried out without violating the integrity of the skin integument. In addition, during the procedure, oxygen itself plays a huge role, which provides tissue regeneration and cellular metabolism.

face oxygen mesotherapy

Just think: after all, in the cleanest protected area in the mountains the oxygen content in the air is no more than 25%, and with the help of oxygen mesotherapy it is easy to increase the oxygen content to 95-98%! At the same time, he will work directly to eliminate a specific problem.

How is the procedure going?

Oxygen mesotherapy of the face is carried out as follows:

  1. The procedure area is thoroughly cleaned. It is possible to conduct gas-liquid peeling.
  2. A “cocktail” of medicines is applied directly to the skin. Drugs are selected individually by a cosmetologist
  3. Using an apparatus that delivers oxygen pointwise under pressure in 2 atmospheres, the active components of the drug penetrate the skin.


Non-injection oxygen mesotherapy not only eliminates facial and deep wrinkles, but also removes dark circles in the eye area, acne marks, evens out skin tone. Also, an indication for this procedure is dryness or, conversely, oily skin, pigmentation on the face, scars and scars, a second chin, ptosis.

facial oxygen mesotherapy reviews

Oxygen mesotherapy is suitable for people of all ages. After all, this is not only an anti-aging procedure, with its help you can eliminate most cosmetic problems, cope with many diseases of the skin of the face.


There are practically no contraindications. However, there are times when you should not use this method:

  • An individual allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug, which will be applied to the skin during the procedure, may occur.
  • The period of exacerbation of certain skin diseases, for example, psoriasis, herpes, eczema.
  • During pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

In all other cases, if there are indications for use, oxygen mesotherapy is allowed.


This cosmetic procedure is very effective, and the result is visible almost immediately. After a couple of hours, the skin will look radiant and fresh. In total, the course consists of 6-10 sessions, which are held 1-2 times a week.

oxygen mesotherapy apparatus

Using these procedures, you can eliminate any problems and bumps in the skin, blackheads, vascular network, redness and, of course, remove facial wrinkles, crow's feet in the corners of the eyes and deep nasolabial grooves without plastic surgery!

Varieties of courses

Also, oxygen mesotherapy successfully corrects the figure and eliminates cellulite, stretch marks, improves overall skin tone. Therefore, there is a course not only for the face, but also for the body.

You can take a whitening course at the cosmetologist, during which the skin will be enriched with vitamins A, C, E and become lighter thanks to substances that inhibit the production of melanin. After passing the sessions, age spots, freckles, dark scars from acne will disappear.

A light moisturizing course with hyaluronic acid will give the skin freshness and radiance of youth.

It is based on vitamins, ceramides and antioxidants. The course is aimed at restoring metabolic processes and cell renewal.

oxygen-free mesotherapy without injection

Oxygen-free mesotherapy without injections perfectly removes stretch marks and removes cellulite with caffeine, carnitine and amino acids. Together with oxygen and excipients, they penetrate the upper layers of the skin, normalize intercellular metabolism, improve blood circulation, and tone the skin. After the first session, significant improvements are noticeable. Moreover, a significant plus is that there is no violation of the skin, there is no redness and bruising. If you need to quickly bring your body skin in order, for example, before summer vacation, then this option is the best of all possible.

Tips for choosing a specialist, salon

But it is important to remember that if you decide to rejuvenate, remove acne, age spots or just take a revitalizing course, oxygen mesotherapy is primarily a medical procedure and should be carried out by a specialist. It can’t be just a cosmetologist who attended the courses, be sure to ask for a diploma in medical education.

non-injection oxygen mesotherapy

Also, do not trust a person whose practice in the field of medical physiotherapy is less than two years old. It is very important. Do not trust your beauty to a layman, the consequences can be very sad! In addition, not every beauty salon in which cosmetologists make hardware techniques even has a license to perform them. Therefore, it is better to go through this procedure at cosmetology institutes or well-known salons, after checking the availability of a license and medical education for employees.

Pay attention to the fact that if you are promised an instant result that will last until the end of your life, then you are an unqualified specialist, and an amateur. This procedure is regular, and if you decide on it, be prepared to periodically take a course throughout your life.

Great alternative to plastics and ineffective remedies

This is a great alternative to plastic surgery and laser correction, which has no side effects and does not entail unpleasant consequences. Its cost, of course, is high, but if you calculate how much money is annually spent on expensive creams from wrinkles and ineffective cosmetics, it turns out that it is more advisable to seek help from a cosmetologist.

Opinion of people

The method by which you can really cope with most age-related and metabolic skin problems is oxygen mesotherapy of the face. Reviews about her are only positive.

revitalizing course oxygen mesotherapy

Many women who have tried the procedure are delighted with it. The result, they claim, is simply magnificent. Although the procedure appeared in the CIS countries relatively recently, it has already gained great popularity among women and men over the age of 25 years. The effect is really visible right away, and a couple of hours after the procedure you can already go at least to a party.

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