The electoral process is a practical organizational component of the electoral system. In turn, two elements are included in it. They are the election campaign and the election procedure.
The election campaign refers to the actions that are performed by direct participants in the elections. These participants, in particular, include public organizations, parties, voters, candidates. Actions within the framework of this campaign are carried out in a period of time specially established by law.
The second concept, “election procedure”, characterizes the complex of measures provided for by law. These events are related to the organization of the preparation and conduct of elections held on the territory of the state.
The stages of the electoral process in the Russian Federation represent a coordinated and consistent activity of participants in electoral regulatory relations. This activity is regulated by relevant legislation and is presented in the form of stages that logically follow each other.
Stages of the election process in Russia.
- The appointment of elections. This stage is carried out in the legislatively established terms: no later than sixty-five days before the expiration of the term of office of the previous members of the elected body or official. The appointment is carried out by authorized organizations (official) through the publication of a subordinate regulatory act of an individual nature and subject to official publication without fail. In the event that no election has been called by the authorized bodies or official, the appropriate commission shall appoint them. If the commission was also unable to appoint them, the appropriate federal court of general jurisdiction does this.
- Preparing for the election. As part of this stage of the electoral process, the formation of the appropriate infrastructure is carried out: commissions, precincts, districts. At this stage, the formation, adjustment of lists of voting citizens and other actions is carried out.
- Nomination of candidates (or lists).
- Election campaigning. As part of this stage of the electoral process, candidates interact with citizens, the media and other structures that contribute to the dissemination of candidates' programs and information about them. A certain period is provided for campaigning - from the day of nomination to the day that precedes the day of voting.
- Early voting. This stage is considered optional. Early voting is allowed only within the framework of municipal elections, if it is not provided for by absentee ballots in the law of the respective subject.
- Voting. This stage is carried out at a fixed deadline after the elections have been called. Voting can only take place on Sunday. The precinct commission provides an opportunity for individual citizens to exercise their right to vote at home.
- Re-vote. This stage is optional. It takes place, for example, in the second round when the President is elected.
- Counting votes. As part of this stage of the electoral process, the number of votes cast for a given candidate (list) is determined. Counting is made openly and openly, while observers are present. Based on the results obtained, a protocol is compiled.
- Recount of votes. This stage is considered extraordinary and optional.
- The determination of the results is made by the district commissions. At the same time, protocols are drawn up on the results of voting in the respective polling stations.
- Processing of election results.
- Official publication of voting results.