Brett Cullen, American movie actor

Brett Cullen is a very famous American actor who has starred in a large number of different cinema and television projects. Today in his piggy bank there are about 130 works, which even for a sixty-year-old actor is a very impressive indicator.

Brett Cullen: biography

The actor was born on 08/26/1956 in one of the largest cities in Texas, Houston. His family was quite prosperous, since the father of the family worked in a large oil company and held not the last position there.

Brett Cullen

After graduating from high school, young Brett Cullen enters Maddison College in his native Houston. Later, he continued his studies at the University of Houston, which he successfully graduated in 1979. During the years of study, he showed his best side, for which he was gifted with the highest praise of his notorious teacher named Cecil Picket.

After graduating, Brett almost immediately got a job at the Houston Shakespeare Festival, where he worked together for about four years.

Brett Cullen: movies

The beginning of Cullen’s acting career is considered 1979. In the second half of the 80s. he was lucky to take part in the filming of the television series "Felcon Cross", where he played the role of Den Fix.

Brett Cullen performed a significant portion of his roles in TV series, including: Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (1993-1999), Cool Walker (1993-2001), Desperate Housewives (2004-2012) and " Lost "(2004-2010).

And although in all these series Cullen played not the main, but secondary roles, they still had a great impact on his career as a whole.

Brett Cullen Movies

In addition to multi-series projects, his piggy bank has a considerable number of full-length films, where he played both key and secondary roles.

The list of his works includes such films as Apollo 13 (1995), Doublers (2000), Moments of Life (2007), The Phantom Racer (2007) and The Dark Knight: Revival of a Legend (2013 ) These tapes were successful both in terms of box office and recognition by the audience. Even professional film critics spoke rather flatteringly about many of these works.

Despite the fact that Brett Cullen does not play the most important roles in these films, they nevertheless had a considerable influence on the growth of his popularity and demand in the world of film industry. Today he is in fairly high demand among filmmakers as a supporting actor.

Personal life

The actor is a vivid example of an exemplary family man who is happy in marriage and has never been seen in any provocative situations indicating his infidelity.

With his wife, actress Michelle Little, they have been together for more than twenty years. All this time they live in perfect harmony, often attend various social events together. In 1995, the couple had their only daughter, after the appearance of which Michelle completed her acting career, completely immersed in family affairs.

Brett Cullen photo

Before the advent of the child, she managed to play in several pretty significant films, including in the films where she starred with her husband.


Brett Cullen, whose photo is in the article, is a fairly successful actor. By the way, he tried his hand not only in acting, but also in producing films.

Despite the fact that the actor has few significant roles, there are practically no prestigious film awards, his track record has a large number of diverse roles. His active work in cinema and outstanding acting skills did their job. Today he has a rather large number of ardent fans in all corners of the globe, including in Russia. They know and remember him, millions of people are actively interested in his work.

The interest in his personality and work is also fueled by the fact that to this day he continues to act actively, and often takes part in the filming of several cinematographic projects at once. Such productivity can be envied even by many more eminent Hollywood actors.

Brett Cullen Biography

Be that as it may, Cullen certainly earned the general recognition and love of the public. His contribution to modern cinema is significant, although not to say that he had any too much influence. However, participation in almost one hundred and thirty films speaks for itself. His creative activity will certainly not go unnoticed.

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