Do you know what a characteristic is? This is a document reflecting the personality of the person on whom it is written. Moreover, the purpose of the characteristics can be very different. The personal qualities of a person begin to describe already from school. Further, they are required for admission to a university, admission to military registration, employment, and in many other cases. That is why the one who writes such a document should draw it up competently and objectively. At times, further study and a person’s career will depend on this.
Teacher Responsibilities
The work of a teacher cannot be overestimated. He has many responsibilities. Among them - not only the fulfillment of the main task of the teacher, the transfer of knowledge to the masses, but also the enormous volumes of related paper work on drawing up plans, checking notebooks, keeping a journal and teaching methodological work.
In addition to all this, teachers make up characteristics for students. Writing such a document is a responsible and important part of the work. In addition, drawing up a similar document is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that all the information set out in the description must be true and impartial. It is important that anyone reading this document draws up an adequate picture of the student’s personality. In connection with the publicity of what was written, all the information in the description should be conveyed in a competent language.
Why do you need such a document and how to write it? These questions concern many educators, especially beginners. For them, our article is intended.
The need for a document
Most often, a characteristic for the student from the class teacher is provided. Such documents are required when children are moving to another class or school. Sometimes the teacher makes them at the request of the leadership of the educational institution.
For example, a student characterization from a class teacher is compiled at the end of a fourth grade student. In this case, a document reflecting the characteristics of the child’s personality is necessary to provide the teacher teaching older children. Also, the need for characterization arises after students graduate from nine grades. Without such a document, it is impossible to enter a technical school or vocational school. A characteristic for a student of the eleventh grade is made up for the institution of his choice.
The importance of creativity
Due to the fact that the teacher often has to write characteristics, their text often turns out to be template, containing general information, not providing a complete picture of the personality. Sometimes this negatively affects the student, as well as his relationship with the new teacher. That is why the characterization of the student should most accurately reflect his character traits, as well as personal and psychological characteristics. In this regard, when preparing an important document, it is necessary to objectively evaluate the student, while avoiding bias.
Correctly and competently compiled characteristics will be of great help to the teacher, who will later engage in the education of the student. It will help the teacher to quickly determine the type of personality, its features, as well as character traits to identify the abilities and needs of the child.
What are the performance requirements?
A document reflecting the main personality traits of a student should not only be easy to read, but also be compiled in a certain pattern. In addition, the information in the characterization is presented in such a way that the person who read it can compose an extensive picture of the individual and psychological characteristics of the child.
It should be remembered that the surname, name, patronymic, as well as the address and contact information of the student are written without abbreviations. Also, the document must indicate the qualification of the skills and knowledge of the student.
They compose a psychological and pedagogical description using the data contained in the student’s map. This allows you to give an unbiased assessment of the student’s abilities on a scale developed by specialists, which helps to reveal the characteristics of the child’s character and gives an idea of ​​his behavior and level of knowledge.
Feature Structure
The first paragraph of the document describing the personal qualities of the student contains his full name, home address and age. The following describes the student’s health status and level of physical development. It also indicates whether the child has chronic diseases, what is his height and weight, and whether they correspond to the age norm.
The third paragraph of the characteristic concerns those conditions that a student has in the family. It describes the number of households and the level of material well-being. It is necessary to describe the psychological atmosphere that exists in the child's family. The characteristics should contain the age, place of work and profession of the parents, as well as their contact information.
If the teacher draws up a characteristic for a primary school student, then the next paragraph reflects information about the class. The number of boys and girls who study with the child is indicated here. In addition, the class is given a general description of organization, activity and performance.
Next, the teacher should describe the personal qualities of his ward. To do this, indicate the place that the child occupies in the classroom, his academic performance, discipline and other characteristics. The document must also indicate the presence of close peer friends, the level of morality and morality of the schoolchild, his idea of ​​universal values ​​(conscience, betrayal, honesty, etc.), as well as his attitude to work. Be sure to describe the sphere of hobbies of the child and his visit to the section or circle.
The characteristics of the students should reflect their attitude to learning. Does the child have a craving for knowledge, what subjects are of most interest to him. It also requires a description of the type of thinking of the student, his psychological characteristics, the level of development of memory and the presence of curiosity. In the same paragraph, the teacher should indicate those qualities that the child has developed well, and those that have yet to be worked on.
Further in the description is a description of the type of temperament inherent in the student. Here, the teacher indicates the mood that prevails in the child at school, the level of his exposure to emotions and the type of their manifestation. The same paragraph evaluates the student’s volitional qualities (courage, determination and determination).
All the information presented is summarized in the very last paragraph. Here, the teacher draws conclusions about the compliance of the student’s development with age standards, and also gives advice on those items that require special attention from parents and future teachers.
Characteristic for a student of grade 1
Teachers teaching younger students compose a document describing the personal qualities of children, much more often than their middle and senior colleagues. This order exists when students move from elementary school to the next grade and in other cases.
Characterization of a student with poor behavior is required when registering him with intraschool accounting. In this case, the child will be under strict pedagogical control. A characteristic for a student with poor behavior and low academic performance is also compiled for the PMPK commission.
The statement of all points of such a document is made in compliance with the structure described above. Characterization of a student with poor behavior and low academic performance often indicates his poor self-organization and the presence of an incorrect approach to the educational process. In addition, the document should reflect the child’s unwillingness to systematically perform homework. And the prepared lessons are most likely done hastily without analysis of the material being studied.
The characteristic for a student with a low level of achievement should reflect the child's unwillingness to work on the systematization of the knowledge gained. Such a student, as a rule, does not establish a connection between new and old material. Most likely, it is for this reason that knowledge is fragmented and unsystematic. In addition, teachers are well aware that children with low academic performance are not only inattentive in the classroom, but also have poor behavior. All this is confirmed by numerous studies of psychologists who observed difficult schoolchildren in the classroom, talked with their parents, etc.
Characteristics of students with low academic performance should reflect existing facts of non-fulfillment of school requirements. This may be a missed lesson, deception of parents to whom the children say that they “didn’t ask anything”, as well as a lie to the teachers “forgot books (diary) at home”. Such behavior must necessarily reflect the characteristics of a bad student. In this case, the new class teacher or school administration will be aware of the presence of negative characteristics of the first grader, which are worth paying special attention to in educational work.
Characteristics for students in grades 2-3
After the end of the first year of study, a characterization of a student with poor behavior may also include a factor such as conflict with teachers. These are the features of this age. A similar character of the child’s behavior develops due to his poor performance.
The teacher makes notes to the student, trying to get him to engage, which contributes to the antagonism in the relationship. Children begin to cheer and be rude to teachers, leave classes and disrupt the learning process. All these points, if any, should reflect the characteristics of a poorly performing student with poor behavior. Such a description of the personality of the student will allow the new teacher to prevent the development of malice, conflict and excitability of the child.
Home problems
Conflicts of this kind can occur in children with poor parents. However, some fathers and mothers make claims to the school. They believe that teachers are "poorly taught." Often they put their children not yet rested after school at the desk and forced to do their homework. This process is often accompanied by physical punishments and insults. This situation leads to a loss of confidence. Children just run away from conflicts into the street and appear at home only late in the evening. Usually this begins to happen by the end of the third grade. All these features reflect the characteristic of the student dysfunctional. After all, after conflicts with parents and teachers, children become uncontrollable, angry and pugnacious. Such students often steal, scold and skip classes.
Characteristics for students in grade 4
At the end of the third grade, students with poor behavior have many negative characteristics. That is why the characterization of a weak student of this age should reflect his irresponsibility and indiscipline in the presence of these traits. It may indicate a weak will of the child and the absence of industriousness. All these character traits cause a lag in studies.
A characterization of a bad student is given indicating his carelessness in the classroom and unwillingness to answer questions asked by the teacher. If such facts do occur, then they are most likely caused by irresponsibility and indiscipline. The characteristics should also describe other features that cause the lag:
- weak will;
- avoiding difficulties;
- passivity;
- laziness.
Negligent performance of the assigned work can cause a reassessment of their capabilities, as well as inability to understand the degree of its complexity. All this should be noted by the teacher in the document being prepared.
Characteristic for middle school students
Observations of psychologists confirm the fact that by the age of 12-14, schoolchildren with poor behavior cease to be interested in performance. Some of them may not attend school even for several months. All these facts should be indicated by a characteristic of an inadequate student.
This is very important when moving such a child to another class or school, because by the time of adolescence, some difficult children are forming asocial forms of behavior. Pupils begin to steal, hooligan, drink alcohol and roam. Sometimes their behavior attracts the attention of law enforcement agencies. They are registered in the children's room of the police.
The characteristic of the middle peasants
A good student performance can be episodic. In this case, the characteristic of the average student should mark his indifference to school. Such children perceive lessons as conscription. They fulfill the requirements of teachers, to some extent participate in the work of the class, sometimes even show activity. However, sometimes this is done only in order not to attract the attention of adults and avoid troubles. Such a character trait should be noticed by the teacher and indicated in the description of the person.
As a rule, middle peasants are fully confident that school and lessons are a boring and uninteresting lesson that only adults need. Sometimes such children learn only for the sake of obtaining a satisfactory assessment of their knowledge, asking the teacher to put “at least a three”. Such students lack educational motivation, which is harmful to their moral education. All this should be reflected in the characteristic given by the teacher. Knowing this, the new teacher will seek to increase the extracurricular motivation of the teenager to develop his cognitive interests and awaken the desire to expand and deepen knowledge.
Where to get the data for compiling the characteristics?
In order for a teacher to easily compile a personal description of his student, a pedagogical diagnosis is required . This process is expressed in the systematic monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes. Carrying out such a diagnosis and allows you to timely identify existing gaps. In addition, the teacher must talk with students and their parents, observe the most difficult students, while recording the data in the teacher’s diary. When writing a characteristic on a student, an analysis and synthesis of the available data are performed.
New student - what should the teacher do?
After reading the characterization of the student, the teacher must take all measures to eliminate the backlog of the student.
As a rule, they find expression in additional classes. Due to the fact that failures in the educational process are often caused by the poor behavior of the child, the educator will also be required to have an educational impact. It should include not only individual work with the student, but also conducting conversations with his family