"American Dad": characters of the popular animated series

The characters of "American Dad" are well known to many viewers, due to the incredible success of the comedy animated series. One of the main creators of the project was the popular comedian Seth MacFarlane. The serial film tells about the daily life of the Smith family - two adults, their children, an alien and an unusual goldfish. Let's get to know them!

Stan Smith

The key character of the series for many years is an employee of the CIA, or rather, an expert on weapons. From the second season, he had additional responsibilities: he conducts interrogations of potential terrorists. Stan Smith is always ready to attack enemies, which is manifested in many aspects of his life. Despite a very solid age and an impressive belly, the father of the family has a wonderful physical preparation.

Heroes of the animated series

However, some of the actions of this character of "American Dad" can be bewildering: in spite of his position, sometimes he goes on kidnapping, drug distribution and other illegal actions. Being a big fan of Ronald Reagan, Smith often quotes his statements.

Stan's wife

Francine Smith is a pretty and charming housewife. She has her own opinion on everything, however, she expresses it to herself. Francine has almost no friends, and Stan scares off neighbors with his eccentric behavior. The heroine is very close to her daughter, she considers her son as “smart guy” as her father. Francine's entire interest is concentrated on household duties, although this is not enough for her. In her youth, Mrs. Smith experienced several tumultuous novels. For a long period, she nurtured a plan for revenge on George Clooney, who once dropped a spotlight when she was listening - it ruined her potential acting career.

Daughter of Stan and Francine

The daughter of the Smith couple, the beautiful Haley, has pronounced liberal views, so Stan can not completely trust her. The girl is 18 years old, she is a student at a municipal college.

Haley smith

Occasionally, a brunette is fond of marijuana for a couple with her lover, who periodically appears in the status of the former. However, more often vegetarians Haley and Jeff prefer tourism. Girl against violence in all its manifestations. Sometimes the methods of American protest are parodied in the series. For example, when Stan's daughter defends freedom of choice, she is often annoyed with those who do not share her views.

Son of Stan and Francine

Among the main characters of "American Dad" - Steve Smith. The boy is passionate about getting new knowledge, and his alien creature Roger has long been his best friend. Son of the Smiths in every possible way tries to increase his social status and at least go on a date with someone, but most often his attempts lead to failure. Steve's main hobby is the computer game Dungeons & Dragons and the study of Elkish's Tolkien language.

Steve smith

In addition to everyday turmoil, he is faced with all the typical problems of adolescence. Stan often expresses the hope that his son will follow in his footsteps, becoming interested in his father's business.


Perhaps one of the most unusual characters of "American Dad" is an alien Roger. The alien is distinguished by a sullen and sarcastic character. Once he came to the rescue of Stan in a mysterious place "Hangar 51". The family settled a new friend in the attic, where he spends most of his time eating junk food, drinking and watching TV. The alien loves the holidays and television shows.

Roger and Klaus

Often, Roger comes up with interesting images - in different series he portrayed a limo driver, detective, teacher, psychologist, etc. He has homosexual inclinations, but he can seriously get carried away by a woman.


One of the most memorable characters of American Dad is Klaus. This is an unusual result of the CIA experiment on transplanting an athlete’s brain waves in ski jumping in a fish’s body. Klaus has sadistic inclinations, he knows how to talk. Periodically, he sticks to Stan's wife. In one of the episodes, he even managed to move into the body of a black guy and escape with Francine, but the accident returned him to a goldfish. Klaus tolerates environmental quality - he can swim in a thermos with coffee or a washing machine. In addition, he is a permanent alien drinking companion.

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