Interesting Lip Facts

Lips are truly universal. They are involved in eating, talking, smiling and, of course, a kiss. But many of us still did not know something interesting about this beautiful and expressive organ. Like what:

  1. The thickness of the skin of the lips is four times less than the rest of the skin on the body - all 3-5 layers of the epidermis. With age, the top layer of the skin becomes even a little thinner.
  2. Lips are very sensitive, many times more than fingertips. That is why lips those that touch the forehead will report the temperature more reliably than, for example, the applied palm.
  3. On the lips there are a huge number of reflex points. That is why a passionate kiss can increase the heart rate to 100 beats per minute.
  4. Residents of African tribes deliberately stretch their lips, inserting metal plates into them. This symbolizes humility and humility before the husband.
  5. Women who use decorative cosmetics for lip makeup, use 2 to 5 kg of gloss or lipstick in their entire lives.
  6. About 10 percent of women who decide on cosmetic plastics want to change their lip shape so that they look like the lips of the famous Lara Croft.
  7. A kiss on the lips not only gives pleasure and uplifting, but also improves blood circulation, activates lung function, and also burns calories. Three minutes of kissing is equal to a 10-minute run or a two-hour walk.
  8. A kiss on the lips stimulates the production of endorphin and oxytocin in the blood - hormones of joy and pleasure.
  9. During a smile we use 15 labial muscles.
  10. The glands, which are located on the border of the lips and the internal oral cavity, during the kiss begin to actively release substances into the body that cause sexual desire.
  11. With age, the lips of a person become a little wider, and the upper lip is extended in height.
  12. The chubby lips of Hollywood movie star Marilyn Monroe are just a visual illusion. In fact, the actress spent a lot of time every day, "drawing" their attractive form on her face.
  13. Lips - the first part of the female body, to which most men pay attention. After this, legs, chest and other delights follow.
  14. In domestic plastic surgery clinics, 10-15 Botox injections into the lips are daily made.
  15. Thin lips can mainly be inherited on the paternal side, and puffy lips on the maternal side.
  16. Herpes - an unpleasant sore that appears on the lips - contrary to popular belief - not a cold, but a real viral infection, the same as the flu and SARS.
  17. In addition to people, a kiss on the lips among animals also exists in horses, chimpanzees and porcupines.

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