Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna, actress: biography, family, creativity

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna is a talented actress who has played many wonderful roles in cinema and theater. “Burnt by the Sun”, “Oh, this Nastya”, “Quarantine”, “Little comedies of a big house”, “Lyuba, children and a plant ...”, “Letters on glass. Fate ”- films and series, thanks to which it was remembered by the audience. Unfortunately, the stars of domestic cinema did not die back in April 2016. What can you tell about her life and creative success?

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna: the beginning of the path

The actress was born in Omsk, it happened in May 1921. Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna was born in a family that was not related to the world of dramatic art. However, fate generously endowed the girl with a variety of talents. Singing, dancing, playing musical instruments - Nina did everything she took on.

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna

Arkhipov showed interest in the theater back in school years. She attended the performances with pleasure, tried not to miss a single premiere. However, the girl was not sure that she was talented enough to become a famous actress. Doubts in her abilities made her think about the profession of a lawyer.

Student years

By the time she left school, Nina Nikolaevna Arkhipova had not yet decided on the choice of profession. The scene beckoned the future star, at the same time she wanted to acquire a “serious” profession. The girl decided to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University and theatrical universities simultaneously.

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna actress

Nina managed to pass the entrance exams to all the educational institutions she chose. The girl faced a difficult choice, as a result, the craving for the scene won. Arkhipova stopped at the Shchukin school. She mastered the art of reincarnation under the strict supervision of Cecilia Lvovna Mansurova, Nina carried gratitude to this amazing woman throughout her life.

Vakhtangov Theater

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna gained experience playing on the stage in her student years. The student made her debut at the Vakhtangov Theater, she embodied the image of Beata's mother in the production of Cyrano de Bergerac. Then the girl played the role of Katie in the Blue Handkerchief.

burnt by the sun 2 citadel

Real success came to the aspiring actress thanks to the musical Mademoiselle Nitus. At first, it was assumed that she would play a secondary role, but fate decreed otherwise. Arkhipova embodied the image of the key heroine Denise, which helped her win the love of the audience.

It is difficult to list all the productions of the Vakhtangov Theater, whose star was Nina Nikolaevna. She played the handmaid in Straw Hat, reincarnated as Zoya in the play Eve, and played a central role in New Year's Eve. Also liked the audience of her heroine in the plays "Last Day" and "Damned Cafe."

Satire Theater

In 1951, she decided to part with her first theater, Nina Nikolaevna Arkhipova. The biography of the star indicates that she moved to the Satire Theater. It was on his stage that the actress managed to demonstrate the versatility of her own talent. In her heroines, overwhelming drama was revealed, soft irony appeared.

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna funeral

Nina Nikolaevna embodied the image of Princess Aprelia in the production of “The Magic Rings of Almanzor,” and played Hesion in the play “The House Where Heart Breaks”. She got vivid roles in the plays “Wake up and Sing” and “Mother Courage and Her Children”. Special mention deserves her Valentina Dmitrievna from the production of "Capercaillie's Nest." Arkhipova brilliantly managed to play a shy and much-seen woman who managed to maintain faith in truth and justice. She also brilliantly played the quiet and soft Signora Frohl, who, by the will of fate, fell into a comedic situation, in the play "This Is It."

The beginning of a film career

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna is an actress who liked playing in the theater rather than acting in films. The star first appeared on the set in 1956. The girl made her debut in the drama "Our Heart", which talks about the events that took place at the beginning of World War II. In this picture, the actress got the main female role, she created the image of a strong spirit and ready to sacrifice Catherine.

Nina Nikolaevna Arkhipova biography

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna - actress, whose existence the audience learned through the film "Generous Summer". She starred in this musical drama in 1950, performing her second movie role. The star embodied the image of Vera Groshko, a simple girl-collective farmer. Nina Nikolaevna never hid that this role is one of her favorites.

Telefilms and more

In the 60-70s, the star of Russian cinema actively starred in television films. The most famous film with her participation is “Martin Eden”, in it she brilliantly embodied the image of Gertrude. The list of other television films in which the actress played is given below.

  • "Nude with a violin."
  • "The heirs of Raburden."
  • "Convent".
  • "Feedback".
  • "Wake up and sing."
  • "Little comedies of a big house."
  • "A house where hearts break."
  • "She was born in a shirt."
  • Ordinary Arctic.
  • "The bridge of fire."
  • "The Zatsepin family."
  • "At the time of captivity."

Of course, Nina Nikolaevna Arkhipova, whose filmography and biography are considered in the article, was shot in full-length films during this period. In the film “Oh, this Nastya!”, Intended for family viewing, she convincingly played the mother of schoolgirl Nastya Ryabina, optimists, hooligans, and visionaries. Also, the actress can be seen in the films “Telegram”, “Once Once”, “Mistakes of Youth”, “Morning Walk”.

Roles 80-90s

During this period, Arkhipova rarely appeared on the set, which was due to her workload in the theater. She starred in a series of television films about the adventures of the famous commissar Maigret, embodying the image of the wife of the famous detective. “Two Hussars,” “Capercaillie’s Nest” are other well-known television shows with her participation.

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna children

In 1983, Nina Nikolaevna played in the drama "Quarantine", where Aunt Polina became her heroine. Then she embodied the image of the main character’s neighbor in the country in the film “Lasted, Lasted, Charm ...”, played the role of Vera Melnikova in the film “Proceed with the investigation. Film 2: Defamation, appeared in the film Melodrama with an attempted murder. Arkhipova also played Elena Mikhailovna in “Burnt by the Sun” by Nikita Mikhalkov.

Personal life

Of course, fans are interested not only in the roles that Nina Nikolaevna Arkhipova played in her long life. Children, the husband of a domestic movie star also occupy the public. For the first time, the actress married Alexander Golubentsev, this composer is known to the audience thanks to the films The Taming of the Shrew and The Man in the Case. Family happiness was short-lived, but Nina managed to give birth to her daughter Natalia from her first husband. This woman is known to everyone who at least once watched the program "Good night, kids," since it was she who voiced Stepashka.

Arkhipova Nina Nikolaevna where is buried

For the second time, Arkhipova decided to tie herself up by marriage, falling in love with the writer Boris Gorbatov. The test of time did not stand even this union, and the birth of twins (a girl and a boy) did not save it either. The reasons for the separation of the spouses were left overs. At the Satire Theater, Nina Nikolaevna met her true love. Her chosen one was George Menglet, with whom the actress became close during joint work on the play. He is known primarily as a theater actor, the audience was remembered for the television performances of “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro”, “Examiner”. With this man, the star lived happily for many years, they had no joint children.

Nina Nikolaevna took place not only as an actress, but also as a mother. She gave life to three children - two daughters and a son.

New century

In the new century, Arkhipova practically did not act in film, since the directors did not indulge the once-sought-after actress with offers of roles. She played a small role in the rating television project "Next 3", playing the mother of Dyubelya. The star coped with its task so well that all the participants in the filming process applauded it.

In 2005, the actress played an aunt Luba Orlova in the television project "Luba, children and the plant ...", in 2006 she took part in the television show "Eight Loving Women". Then she was invited to the painting Burnt by the Sun 2: The Citadel. The audience got the opportunity to meet with the commander Kotov, who had to pay for the restoration of his honor with a crippled fate. The hero returns to his native home, about which he dreamed for many long and difficult years. However, the return is not at all as rosy as it seemed to him. In the painting "Burnt by the Sun 2: The Citadel", the actress again embodied the image of Elena Mikhailovna.

“Letters on the glass. Fate ”- a series in which the talented actress played her last role. This television project was presented to the audience in 2016.


When and how did Nina Nikolaevna Arkhipova die, where is she buried? The woman, who was once the idol of thousands of spectators, died on April 24, 2016, almost reaching the age of 95. The cause of death of a star of domestic cinema was cardiac arrest. The last days of her life, Nina Nikolaevna spent in the intensive care unit of the Botkin Hospital. Doctors fought for her life, but their efforts were in vain.

The desire to find the last refuge at the Kuntsevo cemetery next to her third husband was expressed by Nina Nikolaevna Arkhipova during her lifetime. The funeral of the artist was magnificent, many friends and colleagues came to say goodbye to her. The star lived a long and happy life, even if she did not manage to play all the roles she dreamed about.

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