Heel spur: pain in the heel when walking. How to treat?

Calcaneal spur is an orthopedic acquired disease that can occur against the background of an existing problem, such as trauma, inflammation, infection.

heel pain when walking how to treat
If heel pain occurs while walking, how to treat it? At home, the treatment of heel spurs is quite effective if you start this process at an early stage. In order to recognize this disease yourself, you need to pay attention to pain in the heel. It can increase with pressure while walking, as well as when exposed to the skin in this area. Quite often in this place there is swelling and redness. As for the external symptoms, they are associated with a change in gait, since the spur can cause discomfort.

How to treat heels? Disease prevention

The procedure for treating heel spurs, both at home and in medical facilities, is a procedure that takes more than one day. Therefore, it is best to spend a little time that will be spent on prevention, especially since all this does not require any special efforts. But if there is already a slight pain in the heel when walking, how to treat this ailment? The following will help.

  1. sharp heel pain
    Weight loss. This is necessary for people who are overweight, since pressure on the foot is one of the first causes of the development of the heel spur. Proper nutrition, self-discipline, physical activity are necessary - all this together will prevent the appearance of spurs.

  2. Comfortable shoes. Lovers of skinny socks, as well as high heels and other fashion delights need to periodically change their beautiful, but not comfortable shoes for less cute, stable loafers or sneakers.

  3. Healthy lifestyle. Diseases of the spine, joints, flat feet, inflammatory, as well as infectious processes - all this must be prevented and not triggered. Only taking care of yourself will help to avoid a situation when there is pain in the heel when walking. How to treat a serious disease if it could not be avoided? If all the symptoms indicate a disease, it is necessary to immediately begin the treatment process.

Methods of treating spurs in medical institutions

Prices for the treatment of heel spurs vary depending on the main stage of the disease and the proposed method of getting rid of it. There are several treatments available.

how to treat heels

  1. Ultrasound, or shock wave therapy. This method of treatment is considered young, it is used no more than ten years. To date, he has become the forefront in the fight against heel spurs. Its main advantages are the lack of age restrictions, as well as inpatient treatment. Its principle is that ultrasound, acting on a certain area, β€œkills” diseased cells, while not hitting healthy ones.

  2. Procedures. Various massages, warming up, therapeutic exercises.

  3. Surgical intervention. It is an extreme method of treatment when it is impossible to cope with other methods due to inflammation or severe bone growth.

Does traditional medicine treat heel pain when walking

How to treat spur at home and will there be a result from this? Fortunately, folk recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation and are no less effective than official medicine help well in solving this problem. The only negative is a longer treatment period compared to official medicine. When there is acute pain in the heel, it is effective and useful to make baths, various compresses, and also use ointments. But at the same time, it is important to observe some rules: to keep the foot warm, not to load it, to complete the procedures comprehensively.

Folk recipes used in the treatment of heel spurs

  1. Iodine. It has been observed that iodine helps very well in treating heel pain. It is used in the form of baths: 5-10 drops should be added to warm water and the feet should be steamed for 15 minutes, then wiped them dry and put on warm socks. Also used is iodine for compress along with aspirin. To do this, 50 ml of iodine is mixed with six tablets of aspirin. The composition is applied twice a day to the foot for a month.
  2. Potatoes. The effectiveness of the potato compress has long been proven: it relieves pain, swelling and does not allow spurs to grow stronger. You need to boil half a kilogram of potato tubers, drain the water, knead the potatoes, cool slightly and add a little kerosene. Gruel is applied to the foot for a month.
  3. Cabbage, burdock and plantain. These plants have long been famous for their healing properties: the ability to relieve swelling and pain.
  4. Gruel from fresh carrots and beets also helps to reduce swelling, redness, pain and other symptoms observed with calcaneal spur.

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