Watering drip "Beetle": manufacturer, instructions, reviews

Watering the drip “Beetle” is the most affordable method to grow a rich harvest even in hot, dry summers. This kit will save water and time spent on regular watering from a watering can and hose and will be more effective for plants.

Simple, cheap and unique, accessible to all

watering drip "Beetle"

Watering drip "Beetle" is very easy to assemble and use. It is very cheap, accessible to everyone, even to a pensioner with a small pension. Now many different systems for drip irrigation are produced and sold, but the Beetle is the best. Compared to other systems, it has 2 types of equipment - “Greenhouse” and “Greenhouse” - and an additional “Expansion” kit, and you can also buy an additional main hose. In this way, drip irrigation can be equipped for any area of ​​the greenhouse or open ground. All kits are fully developed and thought out, nothing needs to be invented and supplemented, you just need to buy and assemble.

Drop watering "Beetle", Greenhouse set

drip irrigation for the greenhouse "Beetle"

The Greenhouse drip irrigation kit is designed to water 30 plants. It can be a bed of 6 meters long in 2 rows of plants, or a greenhouse 6 meters long. Kits for drip irrigation can be from a tank, for example, a highly installed barrel, watering occurs by gravity, and there are kits operating from the water supply. The Greenhouse kit, designed for connection to a tank, costs about 1200 rubles, and to the water supply system - 1500 rubles. In addition, you can separately purchase a control system that will monitor the time and abundance of watering.

System of drop watering "Teplichny" TM "Beetle"

The set for drop watering "Teplichny" is designed for watering 60 plants. This is an area of ​​18 sq / m or 2 beds 6 meters long, on which plants are planted in 2 rows. These kits are also available in containers and plumbing. Kits made for irrigation from the tank cost about 1700 rubles, and from the water supply system - 2000 rubles.

drip irrigation "Beetle" manufacturer

Prices and manufacturer

Approximate prices mean that the buyer can find both more expensive than the specified value, and cheaper too. The lowest prices will be if you order watering drip "Beetle" from the manufacturer. But you need to consider that you will need to pay for shipping. In general, the buyer himself has the right to choose the seller and the price at which he agrees to buy the kit.

Where is the “Beetle” drip irrigation produced? The manufacturer of the system is LLC Cycle. The company is located in the city of Kovrovo, Vladimir Region. They have their own website on the Internet, where you can choose the right kit for the order and decide on the price and delivery.

Expansion kit for the "Beetle"

drip watering "Beetle" instruction

An expansion kit is included in the drip "Beetle" watering. It is necessary for those who want to provide moisture to more plants. When using one expansion kit, you can increase watering by 20 plants. If you need to irrigate a very large area, you can purchase as many expansion kits as you need. And of course, you can buy an additional trunk hose 20 meters long. An expansion kit for a tank costs about 500 rubles, and for a water supply - 600 rubles. An additional hose can be bought for 500 rubles. Again, you should pay attention: these are only approximate prices; if you contact the manufacturer, you can order much cheaper.

Cons of regular watering

drip irrigation for the greenhouse "Beetle" reviews

Drop watering for the Zhuk greenhouse is just a godsend for gardeners. Everyone knows that when watering plants in a greenhouse from a watering can, we moisten only the top layer of soil, it is hot in the greenhouse and the water evaporates quickly, and the leaves of plants often get sunburn from drops that shine on them. Watering from a hose or a rotating irrigation spinner creates even more problems. The plants are watered well, but there is a real swamp around, very high humidity. Often mold and dangerous fungal diseases grow, from which shoots suffer. Crop is reduced, and sometimes plants even die. In addition, not all summer residents can be at the cottage all summer and regularly water the site. During the week, the plants dry out in the heat, and then at the weekend they try to cast them. As a result, they are in a constant state of stress.

Therefore, even a good greenhouse does not yet guarantee a rich harvest. And all the efforts and expenses for it often bring disappointment to the summer resident. With irregular and surface irrigation, a hard crust forms on the soil, and it is difficult for plants to breathe. Crops suffer, but weeds grow well. In addition, if you plant between the tomatoes and peppers the background plants - lettuce, parsley or dill, then with normal watering they will be dirty. When drip irrigation, the seals are clean.

The advantages of drip irrigation

drip irrigation system "Beetle" reviews

Drop watering for the Zhuk greenhouse receives positive feedback from summer residents. The gardeners who bought and started using this system highly appreciate its effectiveness. First of all, it is, of course, saving water, especially true in arid areas with a hot climate, and where water is always tense. When watering with a watering can, the layer of moistened soil is not more than 3 cm, and according to gardeners, with drip irrigation, the depth of moisture penetration under the bush is 10 cm. Plants do not suffer from hunger, because at such humidity they calmly absorb nutrients from the soil. The earth around them is loose, there is no crust. Weeds hardly grow.

Many summer residents prefer to use the drip system, connecting it to the tank. Pour water into a large barrel, open the faucet so that water flows literally drop by drop, and leave for home. The system does not fail. Arriving after a week, they see that the plants at the root are wet. In addition, the water entering the plants is warm. Conveniently? Of course, convenient! Some gardeners dissolve soluble fertilizers in water for irrigation, which go directly to the roots of plants. It is no secret that at certain times plants are sprayed from pests and diseases. With ordinary watering, all this is quickly washed off from the leaves. And with drip preparations work as much as is written in the instructions. Plants are less sick. It is a known thing that diseases spread faster if there is high humidity. When drip watering in a greenhouse, the optimum humidity. It also prevents the spread of many fungal diseases.

drip irrigation "Beetle" set greenhouse

There are no drops on the leaves with drip irrigation, so there are no burns. Very pleased gardeners using it on strawberries. The berries are clean and large. And how much time it takes to water from a heavy watering can! Many retirees cannot carry it. And watering from a hose is also a lot of time. And besides, it is usually watered in the evening, and at this time it is full of midges and mosquitoes. So either insects bite the watering person, or you need to smear or spray with repellents. And with drip irrigation, you just need to open the faucet and go do your own thing. The system will do everything for you.

As can be seen from the reviews of gardeners, the drip irrigation system solves many problems. After all, as the famous song says: “Without water and not tuda, and not syuda!”

Instructions for use "Beetle"

What is drip irrigation “Beetle”? Instructions for use will help to understand. As you know, on sale there are 2 sets of "Beetle" - this is "Greenhouse" and "Greenhouse". The difference is in how many watering bushes they are designed for. In one set, there are simply 2 times more droppers, tees, thin hoses that supply directly water under the root, staples of pressing the main hose to the ground, and that’s all.

To use the system, you need to install a tank in which there will be water for irrigation. Most often, gardeners use a 200-liter plastic barrel, which is set to a height of 1 meter. Water from a barrel through a drip system is supplied by gravity. The kit has a special fitting with a gasket, which is screwed into the barrel, into its lower part. A trunk hose is attached to the fitting from the outside. All hoses that carry water are black so that the water in them does not bloom. The main water conduit is cut next to the barrel, and its two ends are connected by a tee, and a transparent tube-level 100-centimeter is attached to the third end of the tee. On the other side, it is attached to the top of the barrel with a special hook, which is in the set. This tube shows how much water is in the barrel.

Next, with the help of tees and corners, the main hose is bred in the beds. After the measuring tube, the water conduit is cut again and a fine filter is inserted so that the droppers do not clog with dirt and work properly. On the main trunk hose, holes are made with the attached awl with a stop, so as not to pierce it through. Small triplets are inserted into the holes, and thin tubes with droppers are attached to them. Therefore, holes must be made directly where the plant is located, in need of watering. At the end, the main hose is plugged, and the hose itself is attached to the ground with clamping brackets.

Everything ingenious is simple

Where necessary, taps, which are also in the kit, cut into the hose. With their help, you can adjust the flow of water. That's it - the drip irrigation system is ready to go. We open the faucet, and the water goes through the nozzle and filter through the main conduit. Then she dispersed through the thin hoses, entered the droppers and began to flow to the roots of the plants.

The “Zhuk” drip irrigation system receives only positive reviews from gardeners. They are just thrilled. Gardeners like the way it is just going, how well thought out. They are very pleased with how the system works - flawlessly and simply. And of course, they are satisfied with the price and the fact that the irrigation system can be expanded indefinitely.

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