The series "The X-Files": the most interesting series, the most terrible series

"X-Files" - a series whose actors played the role of FBI agents who solve the most terrible riddles for 11 years. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in the brilliant performance of David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson made the whole world believe that "the truth is somewhere nearby." What are the most interesting episodes of the X-Files? A list of the top ten episodes in the history of the series is presented in the article.

1. "Irresistible"

Irresistible Series

Many people wonder: “How many seasons are there in The X-Files?” The so-called "main" seasons, which were continuously released from 1993 to 2002, were nine, but two more seasons appeared in 2016 and 2018. So over these 11 seasons, most viewers agree that the most interesting series were not about otherworldly villains, but about ordinary maniacs. This is exactly the 13th episode of the second season, which tells of a maniac undertaker who killed innocent women by collecting their hair and fingers. The most interesting part of this series is hallucinations to the death of a frightened Scully. The series shows that no one knows exactly what reasons can bring an ordinary peaceful person to terrible madness, because this maniac grew up in a very ordinary family.

2. "Home"

Series "House"

This is the fourth series of the second season of the series and it tells the story of a family of reclusive incest, in the best traditions of the classic slasher. Agents stumble upon this house while investigating an unpleasant case about a child with physical disabilities who was buried alive. Some Peacock brothers live in the house - scary and unpleasant personalities. And in this series the viewer will meet with the decapitated sheriff, half-dead human stump and other horrors. It is incredible, but true - the authors of the series were inspired by the story of a similar real-life family, which was described by the famous comedian Charlie Chaplin in his autobiography.

3. "Detour"

Series "Detour"

One of the most interesting episodes of The X-Files is the fourth of the fifth season. In this series, agents Scully and Mulder will meet with the real conquistadors of the Spanish War. The most interesting thing for the viewer in this case is not even the plot itself, but how these Spanish conquerors look on the screen: skin as if covered with wood and glowing red eyes. All this still dreamed for a long time in nightmares of the most impressionable viewers. But the series began with the fact that the agents went to a workshop on team building.

4. "Anxiety"

Anxiety Series

The X-Files often made viewers worry about Dana Scully. So in this series she barely managed to avoid a lobotomy. It all started with the investigation of the woman’s disappearance after a photo session on her passport - her companion was found dead in the car, she herself disappeared without a trace, and instead of the usual photos, surreal pictures of this woman were found. The main mystery of the 4th series of the 4th season was the so-called “thought graphic art” - the focus of the 30s of the XX century, in which the illusionist was able to display the necessary image on photo paper exclusively by the power of thought.

5. "Cuckoo"

Series "Cuckoo"

And this series already refers to the 8th season, in which Dana Scully had to solve puzzles with another FBI agent - John Doggett. And again, the main character is in danger: a strange slug crawls under Agent Scully’s skin, whom the sectarians of the Second Advent worship. They travel on wheels and believe that they are obliged to sacrifice people for the slug, which, in their opinion, is the new pharmacy of Jesus, who again came down to earth. Dana just wanted to help a stranger infected with this parasite, but in the end she herself was injured. The number of this series is 4.

6. "Hand punishing"

A series of "Punishing Hand"

One of the scariest episodes of The X-Files is the 14th in the second season. Scully and Mulder are again confronted with an occult sect. Agents are investigating the case of a teenager who was found brutally murdered, without a heart and eyes. But no matter how frightened the satanic sect, agents soon realize that its participants have nothing to do with cruel and heartless (literally) murder. Meanwhile, frogs are pouring out of the school drinking fountain, school teachers themselves begin to read satanic texts, and the gigantic mythical monster Basilisk is the main villain.

7. "Narrow"

Narrow Series

We return to the first season. His third episode, entitled Narrow, is certainly one of the most interesting episodes of The X-Files. It is believed that it was with her that the mass enthusiasm for the series began. A young man named Eugene Tooms is a genetic mutant who goes hunting every 30 years. Until this time, the monster is in hibernation. He brutally kills his victims and steals their liver, and manages to penetrate into houses through the narrowest gaps - this is the mutation. The ending of the story about this monster was shown in the 21st episode of the first season, the episode was called Toms. It finally revealed all the secrets of the series.

8. The "master"

Series "Boss"

The X-Files were able to scare their viewers and arouse their genuine fear of the most ordinary and everyday things. So it was after the series "Boss", a mountain of letters from viewers who complained that they were afraid to use the toilet came to the addresses of the crew members. The fact is that in the second series of the second season, FBI agents encountered a disgusting humanoid worm - a victim of the Chernobyl accident, which lives in the city’s sewage system. This creature steals and kills people, trying to reproduce similar creatures with their help, victims should act as an incubator for breeding monsters.

9. "Retribution"

Retribution Series

The 10th episode of the eighth season tells of a suspicious legless tramp who asks for alms in the streets. The rich, who dared to pass by the conceited beggar, this terrible man pursues for retribution. He knows how to decrease and thus climbs into the bodies of people who offended him, and then he regains his former dimensions and tears the victims from the inside. A terrible sight! Through mystical reduction, this man smuggled himself from India. Therefore, the original series is named in Hindi - Badlaa, which just translates as "retaliation."

10. "Our town"

Series "Our town"

Completes the list of the most interesting series of "X-Files" the 24th episode of the second season. In this episode, FBI agents Scully and Mulder arrive in Dudley, Arkansas, to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a Sanitary and Epidemiological Agent. A large number of city residents suffer from a very rare infectious disease, which can be infected from another person only by eating the body of an infected person. Thus, agents understand that cannibals live in this city. And under suspicion is the owner of the poultry farm - the main enterprise of this city. During World War II he was a pilot and for some time was forced to live in New Guinea among the cannibal tribe.

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