Is driving training permitted on the motorway? This question is asked by many citizens who want to get the right to drive a car or have already received a driver’s license and are going to drive their car. So, at present, according to the rules of the movement, training riding on such high-speed roads is strictly prohibited. You will learn more about all this in the process of getting acquainted with this article.
So what is a motorway? According to traffic regulations, this is the road, which is indicated by the sign 5.1. It has carriageways for each direction of movement, which are separated from each other by a dividing strip or road fence.
In other words, there are no obstacles for drivers of vehicles in order to move at a speed of more than 100 km per hour. In addition, the motorway cannot intersect with tram or railway tracks at the same level. This is important to know.
If the road has several lanes for traffic, but there is no sign 5.1 before entering it. SDA, then it cannot be considered a motorway.
What rules apply here?
The most interesting thing is that there are quite a lot of prohibitions here. For this reason, most motorists often ask themselves if driving is allowed on the motorway. If so, why? So, according to the current traffic rules, training driving on motorways is strictly prohibited. This is primarily due to the fact that a cadet moving on a training vehicle does not yet have sufficient skills to drive a vehicle at the highest speed (over 100 km / h). Also, if the training vehicle will move too slowly, then another vehicle moving at a speed behind it may simply not notice it and an accident will be inevitable. Thus, legislatively instructional driving is currently prohibited on motorways. And this is absolutely correct.
Also, it should be noted that according to traffic regulations on highways, you can move at a maximum speed of 110 km / h. Nevertheless, on some of these roads in Russia it is allowed to exceed the speed limit even up to 130 km / h. You also need to know about this.
In addition, parking must be performed by the driver of the car only in a specially designated place. Otherwise, the citizen driving will receive a fine from the traffic police inspectors.
What is prohibited on the motorway?
First of all, it is the movement of cars in reverse. All motorists should be informed about this. Pedestrians, cyclists, people on mopeds or self-propelled cars, whose speed is less than 40 km per hour, cannot move along the highway.
In addition, trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons cannot move beyond the second lane. It is provided for in the SDA.
It is necessary once again to answer the question of whether training driving on the motorway is permitted? No, it’s forbidden by the rules.
Also, entry into the technological gap of the dividing strip and a U-turn on the motorways are not allowed.
With proper observance by the driver of traffic rules, he will be able to avoid getting a fine.
What do you need to pay attention to?
Here I would like to write about the features and rules of the educational drive. Because many people who are only going to study law or are already attending a driving school, often ask numerous questions.
For example, are driving permits permitted on the motorway? By the rules, no, this is prohibited. Otherwise, a fine. Nevertheless, many novice drivers mistakenly take a good road with several lanes for the highway and think that cadets in driving schools can only travel here during daylight hours. So, this is not so. A good road, located even outside the city, having several lanes for traffic, cannot be considered a motorway if there is no 5.1 sign. SDA. Therefore, training riding is possible on it, but only in the daytime.
Nevertheless, the route for conducting practical exercises with cadets of driving schools in the city is established by the traffic police and the local administration.
Driving on the motorway is prohibited. It is also not allowed to conduct practical classes with students in driving schools in the courtyards and residential areas. In addition, driving instruction on the road marked with the 5.3 traffic sign is not allowed. That is the law.
Many motorists with great driving experience often forget the rules of the road. For this reason, some of them often ask questions regarding driving on a motorway. And this, despite the fact that in our country at the present time there are not so many such highways.
Can I go in reverse on the motorway? In this case, the answer will be no. Moreover, you do not even need to try to do this, because a vehicle moving behind can simply not have time to brake due to high speed, and an accident will be inevitable. So the legislator in this case has correctly foreseen everything.
Is driving permitted on the track? After all, many cadets of driving schools want to try themselves as real drivers. By law, this is not prohibited, but only during daylight hours. In addition, you do not need to exceed the speed limit established by the rules.
Training ride. Where can I go and with whom?
This is a very interesting question. So, during driving training, in the car there can be no one but the instructor and the cadet himself. You can ride a training car only during daylight hours.
It is also necessary to say that a cadet of a driving school should go on the road with an instructor only after he learns to control the car at the race track. Almost always, driving on a training car takes place within the city along the route established by the traffic police. At the time of passing the practical exam, the cadet, instructor and inspector who takes this exam are in the vehicle cabin.
It is important to point out here that there are no speed limits for people who are driving. The main thing is that a cadet of a driving school observes traffic rules. It is very important.
Is driving permissible on the motorway? The traffic rules in 2018 stipulate in their standards a ban on the movement of cadets of driving schools on this road. And it is right. Because the students of driving schools still can’t follow the situation on the road well enough, and the highway has an increased speed limit (up to 110 km per hour, and sometimes even higher). In addition, rash actions of the future driver can provoke a serious accident.
Despite the fact that there are not so many motorways in Russia, motorists must know how to travel correctly on such high-speed roads. Here you need to strictly follow the rules and prevent their violations.