When developing gas fields, the technical infrastructure is also being designed, due to which the supply of the resource to the place of consumption will be ensured. For this, main pipelines are laid along which natural gas is transported. The natural reservoir pressure helps him in this movement , but at large distances and under the influence of various hydraulic resistances in the pipeline, maintaining the optimal speed of movement becomes impossible. The compressor station allows artificially providing transportation in the specified parameters, thanks to which the main networks not only supply gas to consumers, but also prepare energy raw materials. There are different types of stations, differing in size, operating principles and service requirements.
Compressor Station Device
The main equipment for the compressor station may include different sets of parts that ensure efficient operation of the system in specific conditions. The paramount device, from the point of view of equipment installation, is the unit for its connection to the gas pipeline. In addition, the compressor station is equipped with cameras for receiving and starting the pipeline cleaning system. To ensure technological cleaning, a whole range of devices is used, including a dust collector and separator filters. Gas pumping units take over the function of gas transportation , and the cooling system allows you to maintain optimal media parameters. Also, to service the station, shutoff valves, strapping devices, auxiliary equipment and the main control panel are used.
Classification of compressor stations
Typically, pumping devices are divided into groups, depending on the type of service being served. In most cases, the operation of the compressor station is focused on the use in gas pipelines, but there are also air models. Gas stations provide compression of the carrier to a certain pressure level, after which they move it to special facilities for further processing. Air installations allow to receive compressed air which can be used for smaller-scale operations. For example, to ensure the function of pneumatic equipment, as well as reactions and processes requiring the use of oxygen. In turn, stations for gas pipelines are divided into three groups: booster, linear and head.
Booster stations
Such stations are mounted on underground gas storages. The equipment performs two functions: transporting gas from the main gas pipeline directly to the storage facility and its further selection for pumping to end consumers. As a rule, the booster compressor station provides selection from the central pipeline in the winter, after which natural gas is distributed for subsequent supply to users. Stations of this type can also be installed in a gas field. Such an application usually pays off if the reservoir pressure drops below an acceptable value. The difference between the booster unit and other varieties is a high compression force and the use of more efficient cleaning devices in the design, including separators, filters, dehumidifiers and dust collectors. As a result, the booster compressor station improves the preparation of gas, which is taken from the main network or from the underground storage.
Head stations
Head-type stations are used in areas following the gas field. The main objective of such devices is to maintain the optimum pressure of blue fuel for its subsequent transportation along the main network. The fact is that in the process of developing a natural gas field, the reservoir pressure in the pipes drops sharply. To increase it, the main compressor station of the gas pipeline is used, which, by the way, also has a considerable degree of compression. The function of such installations is ensured by the consistent operation of a whole complex of pumping units and assemblies. At the headends, special requirements are made for the preparation of gas: it is purified from by-products, condensate is dried, and mechanical impurities are also removed.
Line stations
Linear compressor equipment is installed on trunk pipelines every 150 kilometers. The list of their tasks includes the compression of the gas selected for preparation with pressure at the inlet and outlet. The linear tubing station provides the most high-quality cleaning of technological raw materials. This is due to the fact that the equipment includes high-tech cyclone dust collectors that replace less effective oil analogues.
In this configuration, the station simultaneously purifies the gas from various impurities, evaporates moisture and removes dirt deposits. The effectiveness of cleaning preparations varies from 85 to 98%. The quality of filtration provided by the compressor station depends on the flow rate in the pipeline and the cyclone model. Linear stations can be equipped with cyclone dust collectors in an amount of up to 6 units, which increases the efficiency of gas cleaning.
Station Operation
During operation of the compressor station, the maximum load on the equipment is ensured. This is due to the fact that the installation with incomplete return increases unjustified energy consumption. If several stations are used, then an individual work schedule is developed for each of them. Depending on the type of equipment, the operation of compressor stations may also include automatic control. But in any case, the operator must monitor the parameters of gas extraction and supply through the pipeline by starting or shutting down stations - one or more. Special attention is paid to pressure indicators - this is one of the key parameters of normal compressor operation.
Maintenance activities are closely associated with the operation of compressor stations and, for the most part, are subject to safety requirements. In particular, drivers should monitor the occurrence of oil-deposits and remove them in a timely manner. As a preventive measure to prevent explosive deposits, the use of quality oils is practiced. With proper maintenance, a layer is formed no earlier than after two thousand hours of operation. To prevent the compressor station and its components from failing prematurely, special measures are being taken to improve the quality of lubricant mixtures. As a result of such procedures, the thermal stability of the oils increases and the tendency to form deposits is reduced. The list of mandatory maintenance measures also includes regular cleaning of the station’s air path.