Codes of sick leave and their interpretation. Disability codes on sick leave

A sick leave is an official document that confirms the fact that an employee has suffered any kind of injury or illness. It is on the basis of the information indicated in it that the accountant of the organization in which the victim works calculates cash payments. Most of it is encrypted. There are many sick leave codes. They are deciphered by an accountant.

Reason for disability

The meaning of disability codes

These figures make it possible to find out not only about the reason for which one or another pathology occurred in the employee, but also about additional circumstances that may affect the amount of cash payment. Disability codes in the sick leave replace a huge amount of verbal information, and therefore work with the document is greatly simplified.

Their values ​​are fixed at the legislative level. In other words, accountants across the country use the same sick leave codes. They are deciphering them. The knowledge of ciphers is necessary, since an error even in one digit can lead to the fact that the employee will subsequently be paid the wrong amount.

Sick leave form

Codes of sick leave and their interpretation

The numbers and their meanings are shown in the table below.

Sick leave codeDecryption
01Means that the employee is not engaged in professional activities due to the development of any pathology in his body. It is important to understand that the code 01 on the sick leave means the widest range of ailments. It is indicated both with banal SARS, and with more serious pathologies. In addition, you need to know that the code 01 on the sick leave means that the employee has full insurance payments.
02In this case, it is customary to say that an employee of the organization was injured. The codes on sick leave 02 and 04 should be strictly distinguished. In this case, disability occurs due to personal injury, that is, at a time when the employee was not at the workplace.

This code indicates that the enterprise is quarantined. In other words, the employee does not visit his place of work in order to prevent the spread of any infectious disease. A similar situation is typical when the epidemic threshold is exceeded in the region.

04It is indicated on the sick leave if the employee was injured directly during the implementation of his professional activities.
05Code 05 on the sick leave is set if the employee goes on vacation, the reason for which is the period of pregnancy and childbirth. As a rule, this occurs at 7 months of gestation.
06Prosthetics in a hospital. For example, an employee was in a hospital, where during the surgical procedure he replaced a damaged joint with a prosthesis.
07In this case, it is customary to talk about the employee having an occupational disease, due to the aggravation of which he cannot fulfill his duties. The progression in the body of the employee of the disease should be confirmed in the process of conducting a special medical examination. An example of a disease is allergic dermatitis, which occurs due to the constant contact of the employee’s skin with harmful compounds.
08Means that the worker is being treated in a spa. In this case, the appropriate direction from the doctor must be attached to the sick leave.
09It means that the employee cannot fulfill his professional duties due to the need to care for a family member. In this case, you must specify additional codes on the sick leave. They are also deciphered by an employee of the financial department of the enterprise.
10It stands for “other condition”. Code 10 on the sick leave also implies several causes of disability. This may be the absence of an employee at the workplace due to poisoning or the need for any medical or diagnostic procedures.
elevenIt means that the employee is ill with any socially significant disease, for example, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis.
12In this case, the reason for the paperwork was the illness of a child whose age is less than 7 years. Moreover, the disease should be included in a special list (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of February 20, 2008).
thirteenIn this case, the reason for applying for a sick leave is caring for a child who is assigned one of the three categories of disability.
14This code is indicated when the employee cannot fulfill his professional duties due to the need to care for a child who has developed vaccine complications or who suffers from cancer.
fifteenIn this case, the reason for filling out the document is caring for an HIV-infected child.

As can be seen from the table, the causes of disability are many. Often they change. In this case, an additional column must be filled in the sick leave. When checking the codes of sick leave and deciphering them, the accountant must pay attention to whether the cause of the disability has changed.

Code 01

Additional ciphers

The following cells are important in the sick leave:

  • "Additional code." For example, the main cipher is trauma. This cell may indicate the reason for its receipt, for example, alcohol intoxication.
  • "Relationship Code." If the employee was caring for a sick family member, it is indicated for which (mother, spouse, etc.).
  • "Code of violation of the regime." For example, if the number 24 is indicated in this cell, this means that the employee did not appear at the doctor’s appointment at the appointed time.
  • "Other". This is a cell in which additional information is indicated.

In addition, a subordination code is indicated on the sick leave. It is assigned to the FSS.

Other codes

The size of the cash payment to the employee depends on each of them. All sick leave codes and their transcripts are indicated on the back of the document. Her image is presented below.

Disability codes

How does the code affect the size of payments

If the number 01 is indicated on the sick leave, the amount of the cash benefit is paid in full. When calculating it, only experience is taken into account.

How do other codes affect the size of the payment:

  • 02. In this case, the allowance is also paid in full.
  • 04. The size of the payment also remains the same.
  • 09. The allowance is paid to the FSS in full.
  • 11. Such a code also does not affect the payment procedure.

The amount may be reduced if, for example, an employee is injured in a state of intoxication. In other words, the amount of payments directly depends on additional information.

Payout calculation

Who fills the sick leave

The information in the document is initially indicated by the medical professional. The accountant, having analyzed all the codes affixed, selects a cipher meaning "accrual conditions".

What cells does the doctor fill:

  • Name of medical institution, PSRN.
  • Date of issue.
  • F. I. O., date of birth of the patient.
  • Name of the organization.
  • Degree of kinship (if the employee is caring for a sick family member).
  • Date of recognition of the patient as healthy.
  • F. I. O. and the position of the doctor.
  • The date on which the patient can begin to perform their professional duties.

After that, the sick leave is issued to the employee, and he passes it to the accountant. All other cells are filled in by the employer.

Filling out a document by a doctor

Normative base

The sample and the procedure for filling out the document were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 347N dated April 26, 2011. Codes of sick leave and their interpretation are indicated in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624N of June 29, 2011.

Cash payments


A sick leave is an official document, which is issued in the event that an employee cannot fulfill his professional duties due to the presence of health problems with both his and his relatives. A large amount of verbal information has been replaced by codes. Knowing them, the accountant will easily understand the cause of the employee’s incapacity for work and calculate the benefits in accordance with all circumstances. Initially, a sick leave is filled out by a medical professional. The employee then relates it to the employer.

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