Laser hair removal: description, pros and cons, reviews

Laser hair removal is a radical modern method that allows you to leave disturbing vegetation in the past. The work uses a specialized device with a laser beam source. When exposed to human skin, the beam destroys the hair follicles. Radiation is light of a standardized wavelength. Thanks to the use of high-precision technologies, it was possible to achieve an increased energy flux density and high directivity, which means that the procedure is highly efficient.

Technical aspects

Laser hair removal is performed using a laser device designed specifically for this purpose. A feature of the hair follicle and hair shaft is high concentrations of melanin, a specific pigment that absorbs light waves in the range of 700-800 nm. The pigment can absorb some other types of radiation, but with high losses, so this is not taken into account for the specific problem under consideration.

The laser creates directional radiation with a given wavelength, specially selected for melanin. The pigment absorbs energy, which leads to an increase in temperature and impaired functionality of nearby cells. The effect is simultaneously on the blood vessels, lymph vessels that nourish the hair growth area, and the matrix is ​​the very element that is responsible for the hair. Presumably, the laser also acts on the sebaceous glands, but this issue still needs to be clarified.

After a couple of weeks from the moment of the laser hair removal procedure, the rods of vegetation fall out along with the root.

laser hair removal machine

The problem is solved! Or not?

Does laser hair removal permanently get rid of disturbing vegetation? Much depends on a person’s persistence and readiness to undergo several procedures, something is determined by a genetic factor. At a given point in time on the human body there is a certain percentage of active follicles from which hairs visible to the eye and also sleeping bulbs grow. If you come to laser removal only once, it will help to get rid of only those follicles that are active at the time of exposure to the device.

How to make laser hair removal permanently solve an unpleasant problem? To do this, you will have to go through several repeated procedures, maintaining intervals between them - from three to seven weeks. The specific amount and frequency are determined by the individual characteristics of the body, the growth rate, as well as the specifics of the laser used, its power, type, mechanisms on which the device is based. At the consultation, the specialists of the medical center will definitely explain what to count on if you come to the procedure specifically for them.

Is it possible or not?

Laser hair removal is equally permitted for both men and women. A prerequisite is adult age. The laser will have a pronounced effect if the natural hair color is light brown, from dark to light shades.

Laser treatment of the skin is strictly contraindicated for persons suffering from autoimmune diseases or oncological pathologies. You can not come to laser treatment if diabetes is currently in a decompensated stage. Individual contraindications, intolerance are possible. In addition, a laser hair removal procedure will not help if the natural shade of the hair is very light. Ineffective modern devices and against greyish vegetation.

You can, but very carefully!

In some cases, the state of health of a person who wants to undergo the procedure may impose temporary restrictions on its implementation. As a rule, the client consults a doctor, in which he explains all the risks associated with hair removal on the body. For example, laser hair removal in a zone rich in moles can only be done after they are removed. In some cases, the doctor, having examined the problem area, may allow you to go through the procedure right now, but the accuracy of the contractor will be required so as not to harm the client.

Certain hazards are associated with the following conditions:

  • chronic skin diseases, acute form;
  • a tan received in the last two weeks;
  • varicose veins;
  • flu;
  • cold;
  • exacerbation of an allergic reaction;
  • the period of gestation;
  • incomplete puberty;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • damage to the skin surface to be treated (burns, scratches).

Negative consequences: what to prepare for?

Modern laser devices for hair removal are quite accurate and safe, but only with proper use. Failure to comply with contraindications and incorrect interaction with the device can cause burns. Most often, such consequences are observed if the specialist makes mistakes in the application of the mechanism, or irresponsibly approaches the procedure for cooling the skin.

In some cases, procedures using a laser hair removal device provoked:

  • scarring;
  • the transition of herpes into the acute phase;
  • increased or weakened pigmentation of skin sites.

An allergic reaction is possible, which is most often observed on painkillers. The severity varies. If in the past there were allergic responses of the body to any analgesics, doctors should be warned about this before the procedure begins.

In reviews of laser hair removal, many noted that after the procedure, cannon hair began to grow more actively. This is due to the peculiarity of modern devices: the flash power is too low, so it is impossible to process thin hair. Instead, the apparatus only affects the growth zone, activating the lymph, blood flow, which leads to rapid development.

laser bikini hair removal

Also, reviews of laser hair removal mention purple, bruises after the procedure, pigment burnout - the vegetation loses its color, but hair does not die. Doctors usually warn that hair removal can trigger folliculitis. People with active work of sweat and sebaceous glands are more prone to this. A folliculitis can be initiated by visiting a sauna, a bath in the first time after the procedure (two weeks).

Special hazards involve laser facial hair removal. Reviews of good clinics do not contain any mention of such facts, but if an inaccurate specialist or layperson falls into the hands of a serious person, serious injury can occur if the laser beam hits the eye shell (for example, because the client was not offered safety glasses). This can also be provoked by low-quality eye protection devices that are not tight enough to the face. Possible consequences:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • fear of light;
  • loss of ability to see.

Some features

Both professional and home laser hair removal devices will not show effectiveness if it is necessary to treat areas with gray hair, as well as red and very light hair.

Not any diabetes mellitus is a contraindication to the event. Hair removal is prohibited only with a form of the disease that is dependent on insulin.

It is unacceptable to expose the body to additional stress during the period of acute infection, therefore, hair removal is not carried out until the client has fully recovered.

For safety reasons, do not remove vegetation in areas in which herpes is currently expressed in acute form.

Although usually hair removal with a laser epilator in a clinic is not performed for recently tanned individuals and those whose skin has a dark complexion, there is an exception: diode devices are suitable for working with such clients.

Is it worth doing?

Key positive aspects:

  • the integrity of the skin of the treated area integral, without damage;
  • good, reliable result;
  • absence of irritation, scarring in compliance with the rules of procedure;
  • comfort, safety, painlessness of the event in comparison with other approaches.
home laser hair removal machine

Laser removal of vegetation has become widespread and due to its versatility - with the help of such devices it is possible to treat most of the skin with hair follicles. Most often done:

  • laser hair removal over the lip;
  • other areas of the face;
  • bikini area;
  • armpits;
  • hands, forearms;
  • hips
  • lower abdomen.

Processing of these areas is widespread among women. According to statistics, laser hair removal is in great demand among men:

  • on the face forever;
  • on the back;
  • on the surface of the abdomen (mainly the lower half);
  • on the hands, forearms;
  • in the lumbar region;
  • in the armpits.

Possible and affordable: is that so?

Laser processing is widespread relatively recently. At first, the new technology was too expensive, especially with a large area of ​​areas (for example, laser hair removal in the bikini area): if quite a few could afford one procedure, then repeating it several times already became too much a blow for the family budget. Recently, quite a lot of companies competing with each other have been providing services in this area, and this has led to a slight decrease in the average price of a service. And yet, among other types of hair removal, it is the use of a laser that remains the most expensive.

As you can see from the reviews, many people think that laser hair removal in the bikini zone, on the face and on other parts of the body is really worth the money. In fact, this technology almost completely solves the problem of vegetation, which until recently seemed insurmountable.

At the same time, do not save too much: if a clinic offers a price lower than the market average, there is a risk of colliding with outdated equipment or inadequate professionalism personnel. Fans of saving, as practice shows, prefer to choose not the cheapest clinics in the near abroad - for example, they go to Minsk. Laser hair removal here will cost much cheaper, especially in comparison with, say, Moscow, while not having to sacrifice quality. By the way, many people combine such a trip with other medical and hygienic procedures (for example, dental treatment).

Pricing specifics

How much you have to pay for the procedure is determined by a number of factors:

  • equipment modernity;
  • use in the clinic of high-quality consumables;
  • staff level (higher qualifications - higher salaries);
  • treatment area (laser hair removal of a bikini costs significantly less than a complete treatment of all parts of the body with vegetation);
  • city ​​of residence (in the metropolitan area, service is much more expensive).

Having chosen an attractive clinic, a potential client receives a price calculation during a consultation taking into account the area of ​​the treated area and the features of its location and availability. It takes into account how many sessions will be needed to achieve stable success. You should not expect that laser hair removal in Moscow will be inexpensive - in cities on the periphery the procedure is usually so cheaper that the difference even covers a round trip. True, this option involves a loss of time, so it is not suitable for everyone.

Technics and techology

The most modern lasers give the most stable and reliable result, but obsolete devices are offered only in unreliable clinics. In total, four types of lasers are now common:

  • on diodes;
  • ruby;
  • on neodymium;
  • alexandrite.

The most expensive laser hair removal in St. Petersburg, Moscow (and any other city) is a procedure using diode devices. It is explained by the price of the unit: these lasers are the most expensive. However, their effectiveness is higher than that of others, and the list of contraindications is less.

laser hair removal Krasnodar

When to sign up?

You can decide for yourself that it is time to do laser hair removal (bikini - the season is coming!), If any of the following factors bother:

  • active, undesirable laziness;
  • excess hair growth;
  • allergy to frequent contact shaving;
  • the tendency of hair to grow in;
  • hypertrichosis
  • hirsutism.

Of course, you can try laser hair removal at home, but really effective devices cost a lot of money, so not everyone can buy them for personal use, and during the procedure you will need the assistance of a person with a medical education. Affordable devices do not give such a reliable result, and after some time, the hair, as noted in numerous reviews, comes back again.

Efficient, modern units: Quanta System Duetto

Analyzing the equipment of good modern clinics, you can see that many people choose Quanta System Duetto. This is a versatile and reliable machine that meets all modern requirements. It immediately implements two types of laser - neodymium and alexandrite. Perhaps the simultaneous inclusion of two wave sources or alternating with the choice of the best option, which means that the hair removal process is doubly effective. Thanks to innovative technology, Quanta System Duetto does not harm the skin. The manufacturer provides a large number of settings that allow you to choose the operating mode taking into account the requirements of a particular client.

A distinctive feature of machines whose work is implemented with two lasers at once is at the same time not only the effect on the hair follicles, but also the blood vessels. The laser seals the ducts, preventing the supply of hair to the hair, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the procedure. When using such a machine, the procedure itself requires less time than most modern units, and the result remains for a long time. On average, the use of Quanta System Duetto allows you to do with fewer procedures than choosing other laser systems. The intervals between repeated sessions are increasing.

laser hair removal forever

Another important feature of the installation in question, as well as some other advanced models, is the presence of a cooling nozzle. This prevents pain during skin treatment. The manufacturer recommends using Quanta System Duetto for a wide variety of patients, there are practically no restrictions on the color of hair and skin. In addition, it is believed that pulsed action activates fibroblasts, which means regeneration of the skin, allows you to extend youth.

The specific nuances of the procedure

When planning to register for laser hair removal (in Krasnodar, Moscow or Tula - in short, in any city in the country, the nuances will be approximately the same), you should choose a day in advance, since the event takes some time. Of course, when processing very small and easily accessible areas, hair removal can take only five minutes, but often the duration of the procedure is half an hour or even an hour. The doctor will give specific estimates of the appointment time. This should be foreseen when drawing up a daily plan. At the moment, there are no epilators that can process impressive areas of skin almost instantly. Duration is determined not only by the area of ​​the site to be treated, but also by the intensity of vegetation, the features of the zone.

Before the initial procedure, it is advisable to consult with a qualified doctor in advance. Excessively active vegetation may indicate problems in the functioning of the endocrine system. If the client of the beauty salon has suffered any diseases or is currently ill, it is necessary to notify the staff about them. Do not be shy and try to hide your condition. Certain difficulties can arise against the background of drug therapy, so you should inform the doctor about all the medicines that the client takes.

If you plan to visit the beach a month before the procedure (and closer to the scheduled date), you must use sun-protection cosmetics when tanning, otherwise you will have to postpone the event. Immediately on the day of removal of the vegetation, the use of cosmetic preparations should be abandoned. It is recommended to choose a day so that it does not fall on menstruation.

Effect: immediately and for a long time

Properly performed laser hair removal allows you to get rid of hair for a long time, in some cases - for life. The specific terms are determined by the individual characteristics of the body, the selected methods and techniques, with which they affected areas covered with vegetation. At the same time:

  • Ingrown hair is completely eliminated;
  • not only the body but also the face are cleansed of vegetation;
  • the skin becomes denser, more elastic.

. , , , . :

  • lifting;
  • biorevitalization;
  • laser treatment of age spots;
  • removal of the vascular network.

Laser hair removal is combined with hardware techniques to maintain beauty, and with injections. True, it is recommended that between different procedures, a small time period is maintained - usually only a couple of days.

laser hair removal

Hair removal at home: what to try?

A visit to a specialized clinic is not accessible to everyone, in addition, some are embarrassed to turn to strangers for such services. You can get rid of unwanted vegetation at home, however, the effectiveness will not be so high. There are several types of hair removal devices. To minimize pain from the procedure and increase its effectiveness, you need to do hair removal regularly - the skin will become smoother and hair will begin to grow more slowly.

The most common method is an electroepilator. It is inexpensive, but the procedure itself is associated with unpleasant sensations. When choosing, you should prefer a powerful model with several nozzles - this will allow you to choose suitable options for different parts of the body.

Especially useful are cooling nozzles and massage. Relatively painless will be the procedure with the use of an epilator, capable of pressing the skin in the process. True, to completely eliminate pain is still not possible, but with regular use of the machine they will be minimal - sensitivity to the procedure will decrease. In order for the removal to be effective and the pain to be mild, a suitable length of hairs is 4-5 mm. If the cover has grown more, it should be shortened.

How to do it right?

Experts recommend two days before hair removal to do a peeling of the legs using a special device or a regular scrub. Normal wet mittens for a bath will help.

The epilator is carried out against the direction of growth of the integument. To relieve pain, the skin is pulled. The very first experience is usually delayed for a long time - an hour or even a half, but having become skilled, you can process all the necessary zones in 30-40 minutes. Shortly after the event, red dots may appear on the skin, passing through a short time on their own. To make them disappear faster, apply cream for irritated skin.

The most sensitive devices are used, processing the armpits, the bikini zone. If after the procedure bruising, bumps, abscesses form on the surface, you should abandon such a procedure.

Laser Home Removal

Of course, the procedure cannot be compared with salon quality, but it will also be cheaper. It is more suitable for women with sensitive, delicate skin. Do not trust too much the assurances of manufacturers promising a complete absence of pain: discomfort will accompany the entire procedure. Users describe them as "hot shots." True, there is a plus: frequent use of the device leads to a decrease in the severity of the hairline, after some time the hairs practically stop growing, which means that the event will need to be carried out quite rarely.

Laser hair removal at home is a procedure carried out by powerful devices with monochrome radiation. The specific wavelength and pulse power allow energy to penetrate deep into the skin. Experts recommend using this method of getting rid of vegetation for women with dark hair and fair skin. For other color types, the efficiency will be low.

Features of the procedure

At home, it is better to treat the limbs, bikini area, armpits and stomach with a laser epilator. You can use the device to process areas of the face, but very carefully so as not to harm yourself. It is categorically not recommended to use such an aggregate to remove eyebrows, since it can cause irreparable harm to the eyes.

The most effective procedure will be the removal of hair whose length is not more than 3 mm. As in the case of visiting the salon, you can not sunbathe for two weeks (or better - a month) before the event. Avoid tanning products. Immediately after removal, you can treat all skin areas with gels, lotions to relieve irritation. First you need to check: the composition should not be perfumes, alcohol, potential allergens.

laser hair removal in the bikini area

To avoid negative consequences, after the procedure, at least three days do not process the epilated area with deodorant, and protect it from sunlight for about a week. Before you go outside, you should apply a UV protective agent on all epilated areas. You can not treat the skin with peeling, scrubs, water with a high content of chlorine.

As in the salon, at home, laser hair removal is strictly contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, skin pathologies, oncological diseases, and herpes. It will not be superfluous to read the instructions for the selected device in case there are any specific application rules. It is important to follow all manufacturer's tips.

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