Composition on the theme of "Ecology". What to write about?

We have to talk about the environment in our century every day. Unfortunately, despite the fight against disaster, there are more and more problems. An essay on the topic "Ecology" will help anyone imagine what can be done. This article provides options for compositions. After all, they can ask such a topic in any subject that is related to the environment.

Ecology in the past

As early as the 18th century, when industry had just begun to make serious progress, mankind had little thought of the consequences. People rode horses, bicycles later appeared. The horse railway began to exist. But there were horses as a โ€œlocomotiveโ€. Naturally, everything was environmentally friendly. The only thing that could haunt was the noise.

School essays about ecology and manโ€™s attitude to nature are very important. Depends on the future generation in what state the surrounding world will be in 20, 50, 100 years from now. Before solving the current problem, it is better to plunge into the past. Classical literature will help, where the authors describe the environment of their time, the Fourth Mineas and the Bible.

essay on ecology

In any of these books you can read that people enjoyed the beauty of nature, birdsong, clean water and air. Which of them would have thought that in a few centuries everything would be different?

Today's world

For a couple of centuries, the Earth has changed beyond recognition. The air has become literally poisoned by emissions. Even ecologically clean areas and regions are no longer the same as they were several centuries ago. Impurities will be present almost everywhere. Perhaps the exception is only in those places where cars cannot walk and factories work: mountains, tundra, thickets. But with the help of wind, particles of harmful substances can also be in such zones.

essay on ecology of nature

Water is also a disaster. Pure water reserves are almost exhausted. Many wells, springs, and springs can be contaminated with pesticides that process fields and gardens. Spilled oils from automobiles and bulky equipment are easily absorbed into the soil.

An essay on the topic "Ecology" is recommended to be presented with interest, so that it is useful. Which one and how to do it?

Dream about the future or its embodiment

High school students are already familiar with the environment, imagine a problem. But why not include children's imagination? You need to be able to relate to life simply, carefully. It will be boring to write simply an essay on the theme "Ecology of Nature". What is the point of endlessly talking about the scale of the disaster, if you can already now make plans for the future and implement them.

school essays

You need to start small. The biggest problem is cars: gas exhaust, noise, dirt. Why not take a bike? It costs relatively inexpensive compared to a car, takes up little space, and you do not have to pay constantly for gasoline and taxes. But it will help to strengthen health.

Another simple thing: do not litter anywhere, do not arrange a landfill. How to dispose of, for example, a broken refrigerator? If people wanted, they would long ago come up with a way to recycle any equipment, rather than throwing it in the trash.

Love of nature

It all starts with a love of the environment. A thrifty person would never dare to build a plant or factory in nature. You need to have complete mindlessness to agree to this. The consequences will be sad. Why are there practically no clean ponds? Because they are polluted not only by motor boats, catamarans, but also by the enterprises standing on the shore, which collect clean water, then dump the waste.

As stated, the restoration of ecology begins with the small - the destruction of garbage, not nature. An essay on the topic "Ecology" is worth writing with a plan. What will it be about? If only about the love of nature, then it is necessary to draw conclusions, for example, such as: what will I do in this case.

Ecology has two environments: natural and urban. It is clear that in big cities it is impossible to control security. There is no need to talk about the fight against harmful substances. It is necessary to preserve nature to the maximum.

From small to large

Scientists all over the world say that a big city will be restored in no less than 50 years if the cars and the factories stop functioning. After the explosion of a nuclear power plant, approximately the same amount of time is required. Recall Chernobyl. 25 years have passed, but radiation contamination is still present, albeit not in such quantities as in 1986.

An essay on the theme of " Environmental problems " may affect precisely technological disasters, global pollution of water and air, as well as what has become the consequences: ozone holes, the greenhouse effect, weather anomalies, and drainage of water bodies.

essay on environmental issues

Unfortunately, over the years, things just got worse. Despite the creation of nature reserves, nature continues to reduce its resources. You can see how little rain began to fall in Europe. As you know, evaporation from the surface of the earth forms clouds, then rain spills. At present, there is little water left, and there is almost nothing to evaporate, therefore there is not enough water or precipitation. Can a person solve such a problem? An essay on the topic "Ecology" is a reason for reflection for the younger generation.

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