Surely anyone can give a logical and correct definition of an accident. However, this word is a term that has more than one meaning, primarily because it refers to different spheres of human life. Readers may be surprised, but an accident is not only a collision of several cars, but also a marine accident, it is also a special provision in insurance, this word has its own page in business textbooks. Today we will tell you what definition of an accident is provided by explanatory dictionaries, and also whether this concept has a figurative meaning.
Encyclopedic Definition
So, the most correct and literate from the point of view of science explanation of this word sounds like a breakdown, breakdown or any other damage to any device, machine, mechanism that was in working condition. As you can see, this is a fairly broad definition. An accident is a concept that is used both in everyday life, and in industry, and in highly specialized areas of human activity.
An accident in itself, like a breakdown, is an event. The output of the device from normal operation during operation is the result of this event. In terms of the scale of environmental impact and destabilization of a person’s usual way of life, man -made accidents have the greatest force . Serious incidents that led to the destruction of buildings, fires, and explosions are usually ranked among them. The situation is especially aggravated if these events entail the threat of chemical, radioactive or bacterial contamination of the environment (air, water, earth).
It should also be understood that the definitions of an accident and a catastrophe, although they are close, but describe incidents of different scales. An accident is, first of all, a breakdown of mechanisms and devices, but if it caused the death of people, then they are already talking about a disaster.
Generally accepted concept
Most often, by accident we mean a traffic accident that resulted in a collision of traffic participants. This is not at all surprising, because such events take place every day around the world and we are constantly being told about this on television, printed in periodicals, and talked on the radio.
The set of rules governing traffic defines what an accident is. This incident occurs with the participation of any vehicle that is in the process of moving on the road.
In this case, injuries or deaths of people (drivers, passengers, pedestrians), damage or destruction of property (movable and immovable) and other material values ​​may occur. All this clearly defines the definition. Transport accidents happen everywhere, and besides, this happens with all its types. And while the majority of the planet’s population is afraid to fly on airplanes, the number of air crashes is negligible compared to accidents involving cars and regular buses.
Based on real events.
According to statistics, every year 1,250,000 people die in accidents, with the lion's share of the victims being children and adolescents. There are many reasons for this, but the most common factors are:
- non-observance of traffic rules;
- drunk driving;
- carelessness on the road that arises from conversations, including over the phone.
It should be noted that the speed with which the car travels on the road, although it is essential for the safety of the driver and other road users, does not always become the “culprit” of an accident. The basics of the rules of conduct, both for pedestrians and for drivers of all kinds of vehicles, are taught at school lessons in life safety. What is an accident, definitions of the concepts of a car accident, traffic rules, first aid first aid - this is the information that a person needs to present since childhood.
Business terminology
If we consider this term from the point of view of economic activity, then it has a slightly different definition. "Accidents" in business are, first of all, that which brings damage and losses. This is a failure in the working rhythm, malfunctions and violations, failure of industrial machinery and equipment.
There is also another type of case where the term is used in a special form. This is a marine insurance business. In this context, the partial losses incurred by the vessel during navigation are taken into account. This may be damage to either the ship itself or the cargo, but not both at the same time. The culprit of such an accident may be the crew, which sacrificed part of the cargo in order to preserve the entire contents of the holds, and external factors (storm, ship wreck, capture by mercenaries, etc.).
Unexpected turn
In everyday life, people also use the word "accident", describing them not catastrophic events at all, but various minor misunderstandings. In addition, in a figurative sense, this term can mean all sorts of accidents, sometimes serious, and sometimes frankly comical incidents.